Taken too soon

Thoughts on Rockwell?
Will we ever have an other charismatic leader like him?

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Kek I hope so

He was a fucking nut.

He was also right.

By God was he fucking right.

Unlike all the phonies in the (((Alt-right))), Rockwell actually practiced what he preached, he was a veteran of TWO wars and had plenty of children. Too bad all his kids are either dead or became racemixers, so the jews won.

We might have another one if the movement had more collective brain cells, I think there are likely many like him out there, but the vast majority it seems are happy following skinheaded thugs who lead criminal gangs rather than political parties or advocacy groups

Great guy. He's an example that should be followed.

Damn, I didnt know that part about the kids.
William Pierce addressed this. That the movement has become more interested with bolstering numbers and will allow any degenerate skinhead in who just wants to do roman salutes and yell 1488.
And hes's gone too.

You guys despite being banned all the time still have a much more respectable movement between the NPD and people like Worch with his Die Rechte, we generally have idiotic skinheads and thugs that can't organize

Everything Norman said is shit we take for granted today.

It is shocking.

But people trusted authority back then because they weren't used to being jewed.

Have you read any of his books? Im thinking of getting them.

I'm still holding out for the day that Richard Spencer drops this alt right shit. He's not really fooling anyone with this "identitarian" stuff. He'd make a good leader if he could centralize the movement into a political party. Heimbach seems like a decent guy himself but he seems too irrational to me.

I would read "This Time the World". It's honestly a better read than "White Power".

His grandson looks like an asian version of him, lel.

White Power makes the best case of what went wrong with my country. The book has tons of blackpills, it's hard to believe the degenerate shit that was going in the 1960s ((((art scene)))).

>Heimbach seems like a decent guy himself but he seems too irrational to me.

he's also a fat turd. Automatic DQ


I just dont see Richard as a leader. But he has time to evolve.
That was the plan after I finish mein kampf

That too. It's hard to follow and believe in someone who not only baneposts in one of the few mainstream interviews he can get, but also looks like he's fresh outta the basement.

If Richard and the majority of the rest of the Alt Right realized it isn't realistic to wrangle the Republican Party away from the neo cons and started his own party rather than trying to influence Republican policy through think tanks, we might have something

Yes. That's what Rockwell did. He said the conservatives were just dinosaurs bent on meeting in secret and keeping their money and not going to the streets.
So starts the ANP/NSWPP

>So, you guys are all racists too, right?

I personally think he was correct but got his ideas across wrong. There is a video of him saying he's not racist but follows that statement with calling MLK a coon. I've read some of his novels and it makes me realize the world isn't really crumbling around us, it's just always been degenerate. I don't remember the name of the novel but he describes degenerate instances that were prominent in his time. Which aren't far from what happens today. We just notice it more because we seek it out and focus on it. The degeneracy he describes isn't something you come across when learning about his time period. Cultural Marxism is always prominent and mostly ignored.

>On August 25, 1967, Rockwell was shot and killed while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia

>leaving a laundromat

If he was so based what was he doing in a laundromat? Only jigaboos and the poorest of the poor white trash use laundromats.

I guess things were different in 1967?

Apparently the ANP still exists but they're really lowkey and under the radar. I can't really think of any non-skinhead party that is openly nazi still in existence in the US than them really.

Or you know Rockwell was on the road a lot doing protests, meeting with different groups, and promoting National Socialism so he had to use laundromats?

I just learned about him a month or two ago, have watched all his university speeches on YouTube. There is a pretty good debate he does with a black power nigger. I love his voice and cadence in his speech. Dude seems like a true alpha

Yes and his name is Milo Yiannopoulos

That died in the 90's with peice
And the current anp is only one splinter of rockwells group. Some group calles the New Order that basicly went all amish kinda. They are also secretive with their meetings.

He openly admits to being poor as fuck, like wearing .10 cent shoes for two years and living off of rabbits they shot at their headquarters. Nothing wrong with that, I have lot of admiration for the guy, he had bigger balls than most.

I listened to a few of his speeches the other day and pretty much everything he said about "civil rights" being a front for communism was true.

None of them are actually the group Rockwell founded although they seem to have the right idea working more in the shadows and being subtle instead of constant public demonstrations.

Exactly, when you hear him speak and give presentations, you can here that he is actually saying what he means. Not a fake thing about that guy when he spoke


One of the reasons people think he's controlled opposition is because he has some fairly girlish vocal mannerisms and otherwise seems ... somewhat less than charismatic. I'm worried he's NOT controlled op, will lead us one day to glorious relevance, and then falter.

The world is full of charismatic people, but people who are charismatic are rarely brave.

I just don't see them working at all though, the only time they've actually made the news is when they do political endorsements which tend to hurt the candidate


He was a bit of a spaz. I mean how could you possibly say he was charismatic?

Not to say he wasn't right about some things, but the Nazi cosplay was the wrong move.


They're a secretive group so obviously we aren't going to know what they do behind the scenes. It could be nothing or it could be a lot.

I almost feel like the cosplay is the right way to go, it brings a lot of shock and awe, not to mention that the alternative here tends to be dressing up like slobs and being unorganized

>On August 25, 1967, Rockwell was murdered by a former member of his own group while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia.


That seems to be a pretty common thing for those back in that time, whether GLR or Malcolm X

Nazi look is a German thing, for Germans.

An American natsoc party should have its own image.

it seems like the KKK which the goverment inflitrated members on the organization and started making false flags (david duke said this)

Or you could create your own uniform instead. It's what the Silver Legion did and that was fairly effective although a big letter L probably isn't the most awe inspiring symbol in comparison to say the Swastika or the Japanese Imperial Chrysanthemum.

That's a fair point, you're actually right, I guess I would point to the Nordic Resistance Movement in Scandinavia as opposed to trying to look like Golden Dawn like Heimbach seems to be doing, we would need to look respectable rather than the stereotypical Nazi skinheaded thug

pepe silhouette

Us Americans on this board could probably actually get something going to a degree if you think about our numbers

>the Nazi cosplay was the wrong move.
Your digits say otherwise.

There's actually an interview where they ask about the Nazi uniform and Rockwell explains that it's primarily to get attention and stand out. desu the uniform was the right way to go at that time. It wouldn't work today though.

Not the nazi uniform, but a spiffy aesthetic uniform could pull support.
Never underestimate the power of uniformity

I wish we had a political party that wore uniforms

I think political parties wearing uniforms is illegal nowadays.

Clean cut, and well dressed in uniformity are all that's needed. Taking inspiration from foreign parties of similar disposition is the wrong way to go. Iconography needs to be American, or at the very least Anglo.

It got attention sure, the wrong kind. They were never a numerous group and had little influence. What has become of that today? A bunch of ignorant faggots shaving their heads and acting like jackasses.

If they hadn't worn the uniforms nobody at all would even know who they are today.

they took him out for a reason

i will unironically say that rockwell would've been president OR his views would've birthed a legitimate third party with political seats had he not been killed

If they hadn't dressed up like Nazis and paraded around like fags they might have been able to attract a larger following and public support, and actually accomplished something. You can't know for certain what would have become of them had they not.

William peice also talked about this
>Rockwells's biggest mistake was thinking he could get done what he wanted in the time frame he gave by just giving out the facsts and hoping the people would wake up, instead of gathering a following first.

Oh it absolutely would have. The US has been destroying fascist parties for a long time. Read about William Dudley Pelly and the Silver Legion and how much shit FDR did to kill all of their influence.

This is possible. He had a decent following in the states and was in contact and working with other global organizations. And his books were selling rather well at the time on top of being one of the hottest public speakers at college campuses

Can we like... Just clone him?

What about his kids? Didn't he have a shit ton of those?

very (((convenient))) how fascism always falls to outside government/military force because it's so (((terrible)))

meanwhile extreme marxist thought is actively encouraged by our government when all cases lead to poverty, famine, and death

This is essential to the good fight. The difference between faggot wannabe "occupy" dissidents and real factions is uniform.

Perhaps it's time to forge an alliance with /fa/.
I think we know where to start.

I don't get why people like this guy.
He was a fucking idiot. Going around dressed like he was an SA member and flying swastikas a couple decades after we bombed Germany back to the stone age?

Fucking retarded. He probably helped push Americans further away from National Socialism.

>Will we ever have an other charismatic leader like him?
Jesus, I hope so. Imagine what Rockwell could do these days

I don't know about his kids from his first wife but the kids he had with the chick he met from Iceland probably hate him since part of the reason she divorced him was due to his political activism and she got the kids.

>He'd make a good leader
I don't rag on Spencer but he's no fucking Rockwell man. Damigo is much closer and he's still not even in the same ballpark.

When he talked about black people needing great black leaders was one of the smartest things ever who is a white supremacist.

Exactly. Spencer is alright but he is not a leader. He's, not to dis the guy, a bit to feminine.
>gets punched, walks away fixes hair
Rockwell would have turned the street into a brawl and bloodied some commies.

Because the black leaders of the time like Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad preached what preached. Pride and love in your own people. Rockwell was a separationist and so were X and Muhammed

Taken too soon.

>Richard Spencer
Dream on, he's controlled opposition. Here he is with Dubya's wife.

Ayn Rand is my waifu

Reading that former liberals thread i realized a lot of you are newfags.

Watch this:


Nice meme you have there user, but still.. I can't help but wonder.....

>Liking an ovendodging whore who didn't practice what she preached
>Also was an illegal immigrant for a while

that video is seriously weapons grade redpilling

Already seen it.

>illegal immigrant

Don't libertardians believe in open borders?

>muh freedums

Probably didn't think she was doing anything wrong in the slightest.

he does look asian but mostly white his father was japanese which oddly i don't think rockwell would've hated as much, but the bitch of it is is that its mother is one of rockwells icelandic daughters and she married one of the only japanese men in iceland at the time who was teaching karate or something, really annoying because the cunt daughter did it out of spite and to prove she was not a nazi like her father.

i would like info on the other 6 kids because i can only find that one daughter with the asian son, i mean for fucks sake at least one of them had to of breeded white.

he was selling crack to niggers you dumb fuck. he invented crack, CIA stole it from him. It was his idea to destablize the negro hoods. Heros never get their due credit, sad.

love that vid heres the full speech that is taken fro with frankly is GOAT


Left libertarians, although, at this point you could just call them libertarians since most libertarians with a brain have realized the other side wants us dead and is going from purple square to blue square mighty quick. Myself included

Isn't it beautiful?


We should just bring back the No-nothing party

The flag is our symbol. We're American nationalists

Are you obese and betas americans who love this things of anime, waifu, etc.

Maybe one of them has been brooding... Praying... Waiting for the day he can rise up and take up the torch of his fathers work.

Probably not, but I want to believe

>One of the reporters, Reese Schonfeld, asked Rockwell how he would treat Jews if he came to power in the United States. Rockwell replied by stating that he would treat Jews just as he treated all other American citizens. If they were loyal Americans, everything would be fine; if they were traitors, they would be executed. When Schonfeld asked Rockwell what percentage of Jews he perceived were traitors, Rockwell replied, "Ninety percent."

A great man.

What about the hashtag?


Far right youtube has the best videos by far.
Check this out:



God damn. Extorted into betraying your race and everything your father stood for. Just to not look to bad

He's called Donald John Trump.

I think Romania beat you on that by a few decades.

I get what you mean, but think of how it will fuck up all the jew sites that use it

>know nothing
I'm tired

Say it represents separate but equal

Also pigpen cipher

I wish you hadn't told me about this.

Separate but equal you say?