"You Stole America from the Indians"



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No, we won it.

Nothing to discuss here. Its obviously true. Though they where a bunch of hut dwelling bushman. No great civilisation like in south america. The anglo came over and basically greated freedom and democracy in the world.

Why not?

2017: Wars don't count unless the loser is white?

The indians stole America from the Dinosaurs.


do you think these people were not over here scalping and slaughtering each other? hell, some of them even ALLIED with us to beat their rival indian tribes. but because we won we should feel bad? would the omaha indians feel bad if they conquered all of america?

the nation was NOTHING before the white man came

>great civilisation like in south america

We should have wiped out the natives without mercy.

America didn't collectively belong to all Natives.
They had fragmented ownership and some lands were never even visited by them. They were constantly in conflict with each other and under the US they are actually more peaceful and better off.
We're moving forward not backward, kiddos. Stop bringing up the past.

Pretty much every modern nation's borders were established through warfare. Winner's guilt is fucking retarded

Yes and . . . ?

The azteks were pretty advanced medically to be honest.

And I won't let mexicans or arabs steal what I have conquered through might.

garbage subhuman people

Yeah, what of it?

The history of civilization is fighting over land.

no dey was peaceful

Garbage subhuman people can't perform open heart surgery.

this. people died to hold land for their people to live in, shaming their descendants is kike tier

Unless you can figure out which monkeypeople tribes lived where and can come up with a date that we should all return to, and trace all lineages and put them back there, this is a terrible argument.

Give North America back to whoever lived there before the Asians that traversed the land bridge genocided them. Give Japan back to the inidginous folk who were there before the East Asians took them over.

The vast majority of complaints about "the white man" aren't about what they did, it's about how much better at doing it they were than everyone else, ever.

These Jewish lies will backfire.

He is reminding the eternal Anglo of his role of the Conqueror. The eternal Anglo will awake and defend his claim and expand a new empire.

Of all the people to piss off, don't piss off white people.

Also, anyone legally born in the US is a "Native American"

The natives didn't originate here so they aren't native to this land. Native American is just a SJW bullshit fee-fee term they use to separate people so they can pit one against the other

They were Stone Aged. Literally.
It is like being upset there are no longer cavemen everywhere.



The Indians descend in part from Europeans, so we belong here.

Damn straight and we're not giving it back or giving it to the spics either you fucking faggot.

and we stole our country from Aboriginals. If they wanted it so bad all these native peoples should have been ready to defend there territory. Their bad.

>you came and took a bunch of empty land from a few superstitious drunks and built the greatest country on earth
>you should let millions of people who hate you, don't speak your language and will vote overwhelmingly against traditional American values in to leech off your welfare, commit crime and take over entire citied, making you a stranger in your own country

The native American argument has got to be the absolute worst for immigration


Good thing I don't own any land. Also the natives lost they are lucky to have reservations. Most genocide results in complete eradication.

It was bought for shiny beads.

Precisely. Nothing of value has been lost.

Americans and Aussies get along due to that frontier spirit.

I don't know why Canada is such a failure.

It was bought for blankets, copper kettles, and shiny beads.

>under the US they are actually more peaceful and better off.

You misspelled "conquered."

They abuse the bottle more than they abuse each other.


So you're saying I'm actually over 80 percent European?

fyi Jared Taylor uses blue contact lenses to hide his predominantly south european genotype

>we stole America from the Indians.

I hate these faggots

The Indians had their own territory. They each had their own culture and language and they were as diverse as possible. They constantly attacked one another. Then Europeans come in and BTFO them because they were the stronger power. We didn't take shit from them. We conquered them because they couldn't conquer one another.

the Indians came from Asia

lmao sure he does you stupid fuck

as an aboriginal I have to say, you have like, REALLY inconvenienced me with this "welfare" and "living standards" and shiz. I mean if it was up to my own ancestors I'd be no better off than the africans, whom are now allowed to travel here freely.


>if you're there first you own it forever


Looks like America forever owns The Moon & Mars.

Lets see if Trump can own Jupiter.

That's nice. It changes nothing.

Yes. And?


Get rekt.

It's like the abos here say it was stolen, then I say "no, conquered" and then they say "Well no treaty was signed, I want a treaty.". Like mate are you for fucking real? If you want to make that case, then the Australian Government is still at war with you and we would fucking crush you into the dirt without mercy this time.

The same way that nigger won your daughter and property?

I don't know what's so wonderful about post-ironic memes, but they are charming.

Pretty sure America does own Jupiter. Didn't they send a probe into it?

You mean scared of toilet indian or obobobobob indian?

>4.1% nigger

You'll never been European.

I'd be okay with a red president that shit would be fucking crazy.

What's there to discuss? Jared covers it pretty well.

Sup Forums is filled with /r/the_donald fuckheads people need to post more red pilled shit on this board to cause better discussions within Sup Forums


>own cold dead objects in space
>russia gets venus

thats how it works. armies conquer and to the victor goes the spoils.


And the Franks stole France from the Romans, the Romans from the Celts, and the Celts from the fucking deer, what's your point?

God bless them. Except Jared Taylor. Jews are not Huwhite

He stays away from the question all together. Its easier to bring people in and let them figure out the JQ themselves.

Jews, Spaniards, Portuguese, Balkan folks are not White.

Well, then who did the indians steal it from? They didnt originate from here, they came from Siberia so....

Jews yes.

You are divide and conquer faggot kys KIKE

The premise is faulty. America, as in The United States of America, did not exist until the British colonists created it. Therefore, as it was their own creation, they could not possibly have stolen it. And since they intended it be passed down to their posterity, their descendants cannot be said to be occupying "stolen property".

America is not the land mass, it is the nation and nations are made up of people, not territory.

No get the fuck out with this retarded "argument".

Look at Mexicans today.
Those crazy cartel and MS13 type?
Yeah. Same fucking people.
Kill them all.

Le white race meme killed Anglo-Saxon America

> Impling natives were all one group
> Implying most of these groups had a concept of land ownership
> Implying that they evolved here and didn't steal the land from the animals when they crossed the Bering Straight Land Bridge

We should have gone much further.
Full purge of all of the Americas.

>have no concept of land
>colonists come
>"This is our land now"
>be natives screeching autistically
wew lad

Indians did not call it America. It was not 'America' until Europeans came and named it.

Also, no one wanted their teepees and wigwams.

End of discussion.

Stop trying to argue within the frame they have created. It is faulty, and entertaining it only emboldens them.

France was created by Franks. Roman Gaul was only ruled by Rome, they conquered the people but the people remained. Gaul was created by Celts, not stolen from anyone or anything. Nations are not territory, nations occupy territory.

We didn't steal america from the Indians, they were on an entirely different continent getting dicked on by nigel.

Seriously though we bought it fair and square

>Greeks being 1.9% black
Here's my Ancestry results. No African DNA in me.

>he has potato nigger blood in him

The Indians stole it from Cro-Manon man.

What did he mean by this?

housing is a human right and diversity is strength, the racist indians that didn't want us here were just won over by our progressive values because they were on the wrong side of history

If white people hadn't, the Chinese surely would have.

It's already included there

No they didn't. Stop fucking indulging their insanity. Various tribes took over territory. There was no America to "steal" at the time.

Fuck off, we're here together now and that's all that matters. Go suck Soro's fucking cock



I've seen plenty of deeds between Indians as grantors, and settlers as grantees, in courthouses that argue otherwise.
Regardless, the Indians are over what happened in the past, and consider themselves aligned with the interests of the Europeans who colonized the U.S., and opponents of illegal alien mestizos from south of the border, and other newcomers.

New worlders don't understand the concept of war lmfao. My country wouldn't exist if my tribe hadn't fought and killed off the other nearby tribes.

>south america




It's called conquest, it's why we want the Mexicans gone and the goatfuckers out of Europe.

Good job, white man, They only had aspirations towards doing your's work at a mediocre level, Now, they're left working the cash at the 7-11, despite being egineers in their country.

Before people reply "fpbp" keep this is mind

-It wasn't just one group of settles vs one tribe, it was many different factions so saying "won" is kind of strange. Won...against whom?
-Most indians were killed by disease and not european hands.

All the settlers were white, what are you talking about?

"White" is not a monolithic group. You would never claim the Germans are the same as the British are the same as Slavs. Stop being dumb.

Keep this in mind, the OPs title was fucking

"You Stole America from the Indians"

>stole land from nomads

This is a fallacy, everything he says about the Indians is correct, but in relation to the US, he is wrong.
