What did you guys think of the speech?

What did you guys think of the speech?

it was ok wish he cracked some more 1 liners CNN doesn't have any ammo to use against him sigh my entertainment dwindles

made me cry

Felt a feel 2bh

Empowered by our aspirations,
not burdened by our fears--
inspired by the future,
not bound by the failures of the past--
and guided by our vision,
not blinded by our doubts.

i want to be an american

made me inspired to have a family of four white kids and pay taxes to our based military

Probably best Presidential speech ever recorded. It will go down as the best anyways....one day, unless he surpasses it.

Your military is the most corrupt entity that has ever existed on this planet, every source of misery on earth stems from your military and the satanist Jews who rule it who send your men to their deaths based on literal lies and money. Look up the Hegelian Dialect. That's what your military exists for. That and nothing else

>his work is etched into eternity

if you didn't cry then you are not alive

His vision for the US at its 250th anniversary: A-
His methods to achieve it? He gets: F.
Never said audit the fed. No spending cuts. More foreign intervention. Word "liberty" not mentioned once.

Final grade on libertarian scale: Plans/strategy: F
Overall: D-

>ass devastated Aussie faggot detected

PLEASE someone post where we are at in the trump timeline. The one that says
>he wont run or something
>he wont be chosen by the party
>etc etc

Uruguay knows what liberty is?

hahaaaaa retarded amerifat
was waiting for an Ad Hominem

>pic related

Irritated, he needs to stop ignored the DACA issue.

>trusting an open borders cuck

>word liberty

Ron can go ahead and kill over. Rand is the future Paul.

Bill is already in the works for fed audit.

This was a FUCKING AMAZING speech: Merit based immigration being the obvious highlight. More white immigrants.

Jesus what a moron. Move over already and stop getting in our way.

.> Are you gay?
doesn't your sub-atomic country have heaps of trash everywhere or something?

Fucking amazing speech

I'm still feeling estatic that he won, and Hillary got BTFO like never before. Speeches like this remind me that we're in the best timeline.

jesus christ check his twitter
ron went OFF on the don

Right now, we're at the "He won't get Mexico to pay for the wall" stage. They already know the wall's gonna happen.

D- from a libertarian is good.

yep, these Trump ez on immigration / amnesty trolls got btfo too.

Just another reminder of how our once great country is being destroyed by a couple of senile old fat fucking morons and their cowardly inadequate racist supporters

Autism: the post

The adults that are now in charge will bring you kicking and screaming towards real progress. In the meantime, you should work on your hate issues.

>coming soon to a basement near you