Trump BTFO'd by US Army Officer!

What say you Sup Forums?

>President Trump has done some low-down, rotten things in his cushy life, but shifting the blame for the death of U.S. Navy SEAL Senior Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens during a covert mission in Yemen to his military commanders will go down as one of the most contemptible and cowardly acts ever committed by a U.S. commander in chief.

>But by no means are you allowed to do what a two-faced, double-crossing, weakling of a commander might resort to when faced with a failure: utter the disgusting cop-out that “This was something that . . . they wanted to do.”

Donald Trump, commander in chief.

Fucking savage. Who is your emperor now?

Officers are the ones who win the big medals when they do something right. Not the enlisted.

They can take the fucking blame too. Pieces of fucking shit.

As chief executive, the shit ends with Trump. If there is a shit sandwich to be eaten, Trump has the biggest slice. At least a 1/3rd depending on how you slice it. So where's the conservative cry off Yemen? Where's the clamor for investigations?

No one buys this nonsense.

We expect people to die in war. It's not the personal fault of any leader for any individual casualty.

>what do you say Sup Forums?

So by that measure Clinton and Obama are not to blame for Benghazi

That was negligence not having protection, totally not the same at all and you know it

> affirmative action establishment shill
Opinion status :
[X] Discarded.
[ ] Not discarded.

Kys. Never even manned a post in his useless existence and yet pretends to care about those who have. I'm sure Brock's dick tastes extra salty tonight.

Washington Post

>soldiers occasionally die during combat operations

How could Drumpf have let this happen? Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Well I say this is another worthless fucking thread.
sage goes in all fields

>Democrat pet suffers cognitive dissonance about a raid planned under Obama's watch

>didn't want to do it
>literally his fucking day job

idk this army dude sounds salty that the army life wasn't what he thought it would be...failed Navy Seal perhaps?

What qualifies him to speak for grunts again?

> King earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in government from Howard University in 1961.
> U.S. Army officer with the Adjutant General's Corps (1961–1963)
> Special officer for the United States Department of State (1964–1980)
> Worker for the Volunteers in Service to America (1971–1972)
> Minority staff director of the United States Senate Committee on the District of Columbia (1972–1976), where he helped draft the District of Columbia Home Rule Act
> Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department (1976–1979)
> U.S. executive director to the World Bank (1979–1980)
> Executive vice president of the Middle East and Africa at Riggs Bank (1980–1990)

So you're saying Benghazi was a military outpost? Careful!

I read something like this, and as someone who gives every side the benefit of the doubt, my first reaction is: you're probably full of shit. You shill-shit sandwich faggots have lied about everything, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING, when it comes to Trump, that literally every single thing I read about him that is negative, instead of thinking, "Oh, let's look into that! That sounds bad!", I think, "Ok, so this time are they misquoting him or just making some shit up?"

Even the liberals that aren't shills, fuck you. You're useful idiots. Every 'scandal', every thing you say, every piece of shit you useless monkeys fling at Trump, he somehow manages to turn into gold once you look past the 5 second soundbite intended to scroll past the CNN ticker.

Mocks McCain, everyone thinks he's an asshole, then out come the tapes that McCain is in fact a traitor.

References pro-2nd amendment people having a say about that, media says he called for Killary's assassination, turns out he's just referencing voting but said it in a way that let the media portray that way on purpose just so when normal, sane Americans look into it they realize the media just took some pleb-tier bait.

You guys lost. You lost hard. And you keep doing the same shit over and over again. At first when you lost I thought it was because, well, sooner or later, you lose one. But you keep losing and doing the same shit over and over so often that I realize you're just led by idiots. You got lucky that the country was ready for literally ANYONE who could take us away from GWB, and we were ready for a black guy to be POTUS to appear progressive, and for 8 years you won because you control the media. Now you are just getting your red asses paddled again every single day and you can't find a way out. Historians will look back at you in awe.

God damn. I can't decide whether you're more worthy of pity or the rope.


All of our officers are cocksuckers.
My first SHARP (sexual harassment and rape prevention) brief was led by a Captain telling us a story of a female who
>entered a filled male barracks in the evening
>brought alcohol
>got drunk
>started stripping for them
>let them all lay hands on her
>egged them on
>when one guy she disliked touched her, she immediately called it assault, left, and woke up the commander to report it
>instead of that one guy getting nailed on a cross, he said fuck these guys who aren't sticking up for me and threw everyone under the bus
>all the males involved were booted
>the female was given an award for revealing this terrible den of sexism, then moved to another unit for protection
He ended his story by telling us to make sure to stop raping everything we see because it's our nature as savage males to attack women. He somehow got an award for that brief as well. Fuck this Army.

The military is all the same to these liberal weaklings. They know a guy who knows a guy who did 4 years in admin who says he knew 2 guys who were liberal as fuck so obviously the military would back a coup against Trump.

t. the one guy she disliked

You were a bridge to far. Should have kept your hands on your dick.

Any rational individual who has spent time in the military in the last 10 years realizes just how bad it is and how fucked we are. The military no longer exists to pave the streets of our enemy nations with the blood of their sons but to appease women's fee fees.

Glad I never had to deal with females in the Army. Our SHARP classes were mostly about being too fuckin gay.

shutup peasant
your officers own you

you do realize officers are in the middle of a massive shit sandwitch, they get shit from below and from above, stfu

>someone dies in a war
>o noes
cry more bitches, if you dont want people to die in wars then stop being in wars.

This. This is always the case with middle management.

>they get shit from below and from above, stfu
And what do they do with it? They just duck and cover their ass hoping not to end up on somebody's shit list.

As they should be.

They're pieces of fucking shit.

ur just mad u can never reach that rank as enlisted lmao

Actual Army officer here.

Most of my people support far.

Forever E-4?

They deserve it, fucking piece of shits.

lol, keep thinking that and you will end up fragged by your own troops.

yeh no, we stopped grenade training for this reason. im not going to be anywhere near a tard with a grenade without being surrounded by 20 of his buddies.

sounds like a non-combat branch officer trying to sound tough

>we stopped grenade training

So what happens in the Australian military if someone is entrenched and all you have readily available are the infantrymen around you?

>military commanders recommend a shitty idea
>it's the presidents fault

Maybe of commanders actually put more thought into their ideas this wouldn't happen

Nah, worse.

I'm an E9's son, so I basically served.