Red Pill

Considering the influx of new users I am going to drop a small but unequivocal redpill.

Jews have a racial superiority complex which in a nutshell states all non-Jews are animals to be exploited. They originally started out simply cutting coins and overcharging goods, but over several hundred years their techniques have become insanely radical.

Their end goal is a sort of a quasi-world-domination. A new world order to unite the worlds people under one government and currency. The problem with their plan is that out of all other races inhabiting this Earth, the (white) Europeans have been intelligent enough to not accept the ruse. Other races have been easily exploited.

Since over the past hundred years ago they have subverted Europe and North America, the solution to their problem already came to them. They decided to use their massive wealths from usury to the exploitative practices of federal reserve banking to name a few - in order to push for a worldwide change in mindset for whites. A mindset of degeneracy that will lead to a falling white birthrate. Then the Jews will enact legislation from gun grabs to killing free speech to prevent whites from speaking out. They will open the borders to non-white men of lower class countries.. Countries of people with racial IQ's much lower than whites, the Jews know that by mixing third world genes with white genes causes a substantial IQ drop for the children that are born. With this one of not all things will happen. These non-whites will mate with the whites. These non-whites will overwhelm the country economically, and they will be a fighting force if whites decide to fight back. All of this without Jews needing to shed a drip of their own blood.

Other urls found in this thread:'_plot

but it is righteous, you'd think you were better than the cattle if you undoubtable were too.
hurr durr they control everything, they own everything...
that's right, they do.

ALL the Jews from Hollywood to the media know what is going on and are extremely smug for "hiding" in plain site and the white goyim oblivious

The Illuminati and the general occult scene (while either another satanic Jewish boys club or a false flag to throw people off) are completely irrelevant. The globalists Jews control virtually everything.

One of three things are going to happen.

1.Whites will mix with all races and all races will mix with whites, in time if not stopped. Jews will succeed in vasectomizing the proverbial Caucasian lion. In which case a Jewish "sharia law" will envelope the Earth and most likely there will be "world peace" under tyranny of the Jews.

2.Whites successfully repel the Jews as they have done hundreds of times throughout history. However it is done, for it to be done properly. MUST be done with ultra-nationalism and in a white enclave. For Jewish shills will appear again and again until the end of time.

3. Deus ex machina.

If religion is correct, after path 1. or 2. is nearing completion. Meaning after whites have been almost fully subverted or the Jews nearly eliminated.

A god, titan or alien (different name same thing) Will emerge and "set things to their proper paths"..... But nobody knows what that is yet.

self bump

kek, just realised this thread is one leaf making himself feel smart

I am not smart, if I was smart I would be doing something about the problem instead of sitting at home on the computer. Writing on a heavily surveillanced site of whom the original occupants mostly gone. HURR DURR PEPE!!!!! AZN WOMENZ!!


mooon man :)

>Canadian humour

fuck u.

I'm like part Jewish and I'm not really that crafty

watch out lads
this tricky fella is up to something

There are different levels of Jews depending on what (of the 12 tribes) Jewish tribe you come from.

you are a fucking idiot

good thing the average feminist is more likely to design a rocket than a jew is.

Thanks for not explaining to me how I am an idiot.
Because even if I am completely wrong, it's playing out exactly as if it was right. Can you say otherwise of the Jewry?

where are these 12 tribes today?
>10 of them have been lost since before 700bc

Jews are doomed.

They need intelligent people to maintain their systems and to actually design or build things.

Even if they win they lose.

Didn't Einstein "leak" nuclear technology to the already subverted Americans as a backup solution were Germany to go too far? Didn't the subverted Americans know Japan was going to attack as an excuse to put another world player out of commission?

redpill: the jews who move to Israel and settle down, seem to become nationalistic and not interested in subversion of the west as much anymore (not as insane) seems only the 'lost tribe', who still refuse to settle down in their promised land and continue to shill in the shadows of the west, are of pure evil.....this is a point to be investigated further

wrong. every jew is automatically a citizen of israel, and all of those "lost tribe" kikes support multiculti and degeneracy for europe, but oppose it for israel.

barbara lerner spectre has given nationalistic speeches in israel.

the thing is, working class in israel are actually not the real jews, but mostly goyim converts. the real jews will then use their nationalism to convince the nationalist goyim that jews are their friends.

Perhaps the answers lie in the Vatican secret archives or something similar we don't know about. I wouldn't know but certain people would. My best guess is they are alive and well, operating like the Rockefellers.

My research has yielded weird information, because a lot of these Jews are extremely satanic and occultist. They worship lucifer, Bal and dagon. Who are false idols that existed with the previous civilization that lived in Isreal before the Jews.(Philistines)

Maybe another theory is that it's a war between the Jewish tribes that were accepted by god, and the isrealites who weren't... and turned to the gods of the Philistines

>operating like the Rockefellers
nice meme, they disbursed and interbred through pretty much every race in Europe, North Africa and the Middle-East

I said it in another comment but there is something I can't grasp.There are dietys that existed in Isreal before the Jews. Philistines deities. Dagon and Baal, and Baal is extremely popular symbolism with the occult and Jews.

Cyrus freed the Jews, he was a Zoroastrian and indirectly helped build the second temple.
Nothing is as cool as in the story books.

The Jews hate goyim nationalism and will do everything in their power to stop it.

yes, yes, Schlomlock, off to investigasion

Thank you.

You're picking apart the speculative part of my argument. There is a mountain of information and there aren't enough lifetimes for me to find out the "truth". Can you say anything constructive?

It's like saying the KKK members who move to white enclaves become disinterested with white supremacy. Doublethink?


all information on the subject has been either diluted or hyped up by various sides so much so that even they don't know their own history

Pic related is going starting material for any new normies here and should be stickied

Yes, but either way a force of Jews or people operating under the guise of being Jewish are doing what I stated in the first comment, and if we don't do something the white race will be eliminated.

Everyone Know's this OP, your just not allowed to say it.


I do what I want.

are you sure it is the white race in particular that is being focussed on? maybe it is because Europe, The US, Canada and Australia that hold a vast amount of the wealth.
I do believe that weeding out the nationalistic aspect of nations would be good for international businesses and an easy way to do that is to make people question or disapprove of their national image but actively going after people because of their race isn't financially sound and money is all that matters.
If all the wealth was held by the Asians, which it may be in the next few decades the focus will be on tapping into the eastern peoples psyche which will be harder because their media (in china) is much more closed than the west.
S. Korea is already basically a mini US and their market is flourishing which is good for stock holders and their traditional heritage/image is next to dead.
I don't know really, I think its all capital and the victim isn't important.

Trump son-in-law Jewish. Instrumental to election win. Don't blame Jews for your shitty life.

" maybe it is because Europe, The US, Canada and Australia that hold a vast amount of the wealth."

Yes and whites consistently produce wealth where-ever they go, but they have proved their worth as a workhorse and the Jews are slowly transitioning them to the role of gelding as automation fills the void. With the non-white trash time and time again proving they will work for scraps and will not revolt.

"I do believe that weeding out the nationalistic aspect of nations would be good for international businesses"

You know Jews already control virtually everything, they already have such a large percentage of the pie that Jews are "peacefully" turning in eachother. It's not about business anymore. It's an intentional squeeze of death.

"I think its all capital and the victim isn't important."

Then why don't Jews really become whites "greatest ally". If the Jews cut the ropes and stopped trying to subvert the whites they could have their cake and eat it to.

>It's not about business anymore. It's an intentional squeeze of death.
That is business

>If the Jews cut the ropes and stopped trying to subvert the whites
it's easier if you control the demand as well

Maybe you're right, but it doesn't change what they are doing.

also why do they push the occultism and symbolism so hard? Just a Jewish boys club of smugness?

Jews are fucking LARPing, and no one is calling them out. Nobody has decided that it is time to drag the little goyim beards out of their little play castles and tell them we're done with their shit. Everyone is fucking cucked.

I think its terrible and unless there is a huge change shit will keep getting worse for the average people. I also don't think it is because they are Jews, a lot of Jews made good financial decisions in Europe (Rothschilds for example) but anyone would've too, maybe not the backing both sides in wars bit but lending to governments was a smart move.
part of their religious upbringing makes them look at things in a very abstract way (the Talmud is full of ways to out smart God) and make the most of things, they also get taught that they are going to be persecuted and as the chosen people so they automatically see the relation between themselves and everyone else as a us and them scenario.
i'm not sure, it is weird. maybe it's what people need to get off when they can do anything.
Blood libel ritualism has been around for a long time and imo is part of the root story of vampirism.
yeah, I don't have any info on that other than opinions

with ways to fuck god over pic related is interesting
>gods law doesn't apply to what happens on private property according to some interpretations in the Talmud.

Are people posting here using Proxy or VPN? What do you use or recommend?

OP, the Zionists definitely have a great deal of power, but I believe they still take orders. Specifically, from The Committee of 300. All these jews in top level positions in banking, politics, legal system etc., all take order from The Committee of 300, as far as I can gather. John Coleman writes about a lot about this group, and it does seem that he is right on the mark, if you study history and current world events. The power structure is like so:

Committee of 300.
Club of Rome.
Bilderberg, CFD, Tavistock etc (these are the guys who get things done in a practical sense by putting in place the policy that is handed down to them).

And how they have so much power is that their men are placed strategically, so as to influence decision makers, if they aren't in the position to actively pass down policy themselves.

Basically, I don't think the Zionist jews are the top of the pyramid. They are just the top of the PUBLIC pyramid in the sense that they 'run' the federal reserve, IMF, world bank, etc. Those Zionist jews are allowed to be the money men, who still answer to The Committee of 300.

At least this is what my current research leads me to conclude. I am still learning every day. If interested in any of this, a good book is Conspirator's Heirachy - The Story of The Committee of 300 by John Coleman. He also has plenty of great content on YT.

I always thought the satanists were on top of the pyramid. Albert Pike said in 1871 (if true)

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

There are a lot of Luciferians from top families who have people on The Committee of 300. These people are the Illuminati.

I think these people work with powerful Zionists (who are in actual fact, minions of Lucifer - "the synagogue of satan") largely because they have the same goal of bringing Lucifer to Earth by fulfilling certain prophecies, so that he can be its ruler.

This is all extremely fucking complex, and goes back thousands of years.

This is some great info, thanks. I haven't looked into the CFR or RIIA before.

I'm raw dogging this bitch. If it ever comes up, Russian hackers stole my IP and posted this racist shit. What's a 4chin anyway? Sounds gay, never heard of it.

just watched this if anyone else is interested.


i know

Who knew ANTFA was this old.'_plot

Jews are the next specie after humans. The most evolved specie uses the less evolved as food. Jews use goyim as labor like horses used to pull carts.

this is a retarded thread

even if that were true, (which it isn't), what you said makes no sense because the various jewish ethnic groups have mixed DNA in them, and they don't suffer from it.

I, myself, am mixed race and I have a larger IQ than both of my parents. I made A's and B's on important tests throughout school

I rate your thread a 1/10

