Where were you when that controlled opposition shill blew his cover and came out as a confirmed PINKO?

where were you when that controlled opposition shill blew his cover and came out as a confirmed PINKO?

Single payer healthcare is the best and most efficeint

t. MD

he's right tho, i don't get why americans are against healthcare

Too many illegals and freeloaders. Not to say that our current system doesn't already screw us over in that regard.


single payer healthcare would work given an all white ethnostate

Japan is not a single-payer system and they're the best in the world.

Black Pidgeon Speaks is Canadian living in Japan, he says Japan's healthcare is a hundred times better.


Get this leftist faggot out of Sup Forums.
Fucking controlled opposition.
The American Right way is with competition, not a monopoly.

He's a national socialist. What did you expect?

Wrong, government will pay 70% or more of your hospital bill in japan.

>claim to be the best nation in the world
>doesnt have universal healthcare

i mean even places like kongo help their sick

>national socialist wants socialized healthcare
really makes you think

He's right.

The US government already spends more per citizen on healthcare than almost every single-payer system out there.

We don't need more money, we just need to get the same value for the money we're already spending.

>pro gay marriage
>extremely sex positive
>pro welfare state

Spencer's ideology is literally "I hate niggers." He would be the biggest hippy communist tankie if we had 1950s demographics.

He's not pro single payer healthcare system because it works.
He's pro single payer because it would break the system faster.
He has given up on "saving" america for white people.
The only way for a white ethnostate to happen in America is in a "post-america" situation.

People still "debating" healthcare on Sup Forums are sub 100 iq libertarians or shitskins.
It doesn't matter.
America is over.

>never hear of guy
>hear of guy massively when he gets himself punched
>threads litter the board about this fag
>anons will not stop making threads
user find the tallest building you can then jump


What do you think the socialist in national socialism means? Nazis are just commies who hate blacks and Jews instead of whites.

fuck all MDs

Fuck. C ya later Spenny.

National socialists are still socialists and must be physically removed.

you're all a bunch of commie fucks


He's been a confirmed shill since he gave his little dc speech where everyone heil'd 4 trump. And the media had a whole storyline waiting like don knew him or something.

he's right, stay mad nationalSOCIALIST

Liberfaggothomo detected.

A Nazi guy wants nationalised healthcare? You don't say? Only commies did that, right?

Read a book.

How to fuck can you even be a nationalist in a country that don't take care of its people?


>Your dear leader Spencer

No, we are user

The biggest issue is that most people advocating for nationalized healthcare here have zero intention of actually contributing to it.

The bottom 25-30% or so of the population here effectively pay zero taxes. A lot of them essentially live off of exploiting the system through having seven kids with seven baby daddies and milking every last return and credit they can get.

If you wanted to fund a system with another flat 10-15% tax on income, like our social security tax, then we can have have a conversation.

But these people don't want that. They just want free gibs at the expense of people who actually work for a living.

Yes, because socialism is always nore effcient than capitalism and free market competition.

>People still "debating" healthcare on Sup Forums are sub 100 iq libertarians or shitskins.
>It doesn't matter.
>America is over.

Let's play a game of spot sub 100 iq low test beta shitskin """male"""

>having free healthcare in a country where spics and niggers already eat up most of our social services

Why has Spencer turned into such a blaring retard these past few weeks?


Nobody wants to pay the taxes required to keep Mexicans and negros alive

Everyone knows he's a faghot move on


Spencer is a national socialist, and even the far-right in Canada and Europe has always wanted universal healthcare. Americas Jewish ruling class would never allow for that though.

That's not single payer though.

Yep, nobody wants to pay into a social net for nigs and beaners, even if they won't admit it.

Richard is an accelerationist, so I understand. He knows this would crash the system sooner and give more space to talk immigration, so he says fuck it. I don't mind us creaking along a few more years so I can get my Rahowa kit ready, but I get his mindset.

If someone actually wanted to fix America and not create a new ethnostate with white americans, I'd understand why they'd be against his tweet.

Well, Hitler pushed state healthcare so....

>past few weeks?
What's it like having an IQ of 80

>where were you when that controlled opposition shill blew his cover and came out as a confirmed PINKO?

Sad how the Hebrews get working white Americans to shill for crumbling roads and ripoff healthcare

Congrats, you win 3 Free Market Bonus Points and a Gold Medal

You wouldn't say shit about spunking money on aircraft carriers, but government setting a sensible healthcare regime is socialism to you

Fun fact: the "socialism" in "national socialism" stands for "socialism."

The more you know.

For all the fags surprised by this, Spencer's whole thing is trying to put WN in terms that hipsters and the more rational leftists can understand. It's why he says shit like this, used she pronouns for a tranny and avoids labeling himself with even basic terms like nationalism. He's trying to hit as broad an audience as he can.

And single payer health care wouldn't be bad in an ethnostate.

The memes are great but I like Spencer, I highly doubt he's a shill.

I didn't hear anyone complain about the $40b liege payment to Israel, all I hear about in the American press are people shitting on $15m presidential travel costs and a few million here or there in extra security.

>but muh nazis are muh far-right
>but muh socialism was a just trick

The Jews told me so.

Better expensive care that actually works than universal care that does jack shit because the lines are longer than Soviet bread lines.

It is. The data say so. It's the fat cats making the money we'd save that are so against it.

It's a big pill but we need to swallow it.

>that hipsters and the more rational leftists can understand.

Of course, FBI assets need to be broad

Jesus Christ we aren't against healthcare! I would buy healthcare if it made sense but the government recently made it WAY THE FUCK more expensive ($400/m for just me, healthy 25y/o) and I don't get any discounts cause I'm "middle class". Not to mention the deductibles are around $5k!


But actually a local talk show guy said that removing insurance altogether could be the solution. Get rid of the middlemen and work directly with doctors/hospitals. May work, but I don't know much about that.

Yep. Gotta be a bit socialist ( don't need to go all the way to communist or be a SJW ) if you're going to be nationalist. It's the deal: You care for your country and your country cares for you. Without a two way street, neither of these is tenable.

>And single payer health care wouldn't be bad in an ethnostate.

Yes it would be.
Sorry to break it to you but there are quite of whites who are fat degenerate fucks.

My health insurance doesn't cover that pill.

Hes right though, we pay for the health care either way. It's just more efficient to have the costs go to government than have them filter through an insurance company before they bill you directly.

His shtick is racist rootless cosmopolitan hipster to get cognitive dissonance from leftists who look and act like him, and probably agree with 70% of his positions.

I don't think he's a shill, but he may have some connections to insiders through some donors and his family connections (they seem well to do.) I happen to think we have some pro-whites in the alphabet soup agencies though, so that doesn't immediately make someone a shill.

I'm not a shill or anything, it's entirely possible. It was really sketchy how trs got doxxed a day before altright.com was launched.
I don't know though, I like what he says.

Ideally if someone really fucked up then we would offer them treatment in exchange for sterilization. But basic shit like physicals or dental appointments and all of that should be backed for anyone

It would be better because the whole point of the ethnostate is that everyone isn't just doing the bare minimum or enough to compete but are instead doing their best because they care about their people and their nation. That's why it couldn't work here.

The most striking thing in America is how your Jewish ruling class has convinced American workers to hate CEOs that make a few million per year, while completely ignoring the fatcats making hundreds of millions in passive income every single year.

As Hitler said in his 25 point plan, we must abolish unearned income above a certain amount and the government must have the ability to exercise complete control over any corporation at any time. There's no reason a Russian Jew who robbed his country in the 1990's should be able to move to Canada, invest that stolen billions in even just government bonds, and make more every single year than our Prime Minister, Attorney General, Governor General, and Surgeon General make in their entire lives, combined.

>if the state doesn't provide it, then it doesn't exist

This is how it works in Canada. Each province is its own insurance company and all doctors have private practices, the government and the doctors associations negotiate prices every three years usually.

However the government gets to choose how many new training positions are opened each year which is something that bothers most people.

>Spencer's ideology is literally "I hate niggers."
He's has no valuable contributions beyond that desu i don't know why Sup Forums talks about him so much

This. Sup Forums was never a natsoc board. Don't understand the recent shift. We do not like this guy.

People like Spencer are the reason why the West is so cucked. They give the media and the left huge amounts of ammunition while they offer the same ideas that cucked the West to begin with.

I'm glad the FBI caught whoever punched their plant.

You're fucking retarded if you think that white nationalists can't have different opinions about the economy.

Americans are so fucking BRAINWASHED to worship capitalism it's unreal. You realise that capitalism leads to globalism which leads to open borders which leads to multiculturalism which leads to niggers moving in next door to you right?

Being a WN is about helping your fellow white man. Most WNs have socialist leanings.

>espouses NatSoc opinions

He wants the Spics and niggers to leave though.

Thanks Polandbro. Our rednecks sometimes can't see their way through establishment GOP propaganda.

JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined, and I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

Also Sup Forums was literally a natsoc board for the first few years, now it's a jew hate/happening/natsoc board. Proof related.

I'm actually expecting Trump to do some Berniecare thing to get the Democrats on his side and "prove he's a negotiator". The problem isn't government, it's bloated government run by nation-destroying jews.

I'm literally behind whatever he chooses to do 100%.

He is an idiot that bluepills the normies.


hey why don't people like me ;_;

literally you

Under a nationalized healthcare system you would need to show a citizenship ID just to get in through the door of a hospital.

It's the current laissezfaire system that is open to abuse.

Richard has always been a racist liberal.

He wants to create a white version of Japan where we wall ourselves off from the savage mud people and live SWPL lives and go extinct naturally from lack of reproduction.

BTW why does everyone say FBI plant? I wouldn't be surprised if it's true, but it seems to me more like he's a psyop to shift things back right if anything than "discredit" WNism.

He's trying to reinvent himself

Don't worry, Trump will say the same thing soon and OP will call everyone who opposes nationalised healthcare a Clinton shill. We already /feminist/ and /pro-Israel/ here.

Not true. If you have a file with the hospital (born there) you can just walk in. We have photo healthcards but they are only needed if you don't have a file.

what's so Free Market about 50 splintered healthcare markets

there's zero efficiency, these are mickey mouse players compared to what is possible

I'm not a fan of Richard or his politics but an American-Japan sounds pretty comfy desu.

t. swede visiting norway

This sounds awesome.

We wouldn't go extinct. At some point the natural resources and wealth and opportunity of the country would demand procreation. The world is MASSIVELY overpopulated.

You just hate the idea of paradise.

Hitler was right. Force or at least encourage monopolization and then exercise complete control over said monopoly whenever needed, for the benefit of the state.

Dude what does feminism/middle-east have to do with having a 1st world healthcare system?

>I happen to think we have some pro-whites in the alphabet soup agencies though

That's undoubtedly true. I mean here are people in the FBI whose job it is to monitor this board and listen to things like the Daily Shoah. How many of these people do you think get redpilled?

I cannot understand how people think that someone who gets his life destroyed because he says something really controversial can be a paid shill.
Like what payment is worth what Spencer is suffering.
Hated by everyone. Attacked in public, and people literally defend your attacker.

People on this website were literally calling Donald Trump controlled opposition not that long ago.

If Spencer is a socialist, who cares? I'm not surprised. Hitler was a socialist, the man he idealizes.

The main reason Obamacare sucked so much is that it was a half measure. Going halfway is always the worst of both worlds. Single payer is the most promising option but, and it's a big but, it NEEDS to be a public option and not a replacement for health insurance generally. Barring that I'd like to see a move away from employer-based insurance, it's just an excuse to pay people less and chain them to their job. Muh benefits

50 competitors is better than 1. If 50 eventually becomes 1 through competition we'll be getting mad service for reasonable prices.

because you haven't read economics 101

because mainstream media tries to paint him like "our leader" because they have no fucking clue how this website works.
He is just another Milo, or what WSJ is trying to paint Pewdiepie as, MSM narrative, not ours. But we still have to discuss it when they paint controlled opposition as "the face of Sup Forums" and he goes with it

This guy gets it

I'd get paid more if I could afford to work on contract basis. Better job security via wider pool of jobs and ability to grab opportunities - I know I would come out ahead.

while most dont like him, Sup Forums is not one person

It is certainly better than what we have now but it is not a long term solution. Japan has a lot of problems.

Ultimately we should be looking more toward say the Muslims than the Japanese imho. We want to become an aggressive, patriarchal, conquering race again.

>JIDF already got caught red handed posting the politics strawpoll and yet Fascist+NatSoc beat almost all the other categories combined, and I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
>Also Sup Forums was literally a natsoc board for the first few years, now it's a jew hate/happening/natsoc board. Proof related.

gibs I want some gibs

In a white ethnostate, socialized medicine becomes feasible. In a country that's only 64% white, it's impossible.

Sorry, I'm a paleofeminist whose only offspring is female.

Also fuck Islam.

If you were born in a hospital in America, then you're a citizen of America. So that's not a problem.

A national socialist is still a socialist. And all socialists deserve free helicopter rides.

Trump might do a pseudo socialized medicine system to get more whites on the right, as he realizes only white people will vote right wing.

he's right though

Surely Isapres aren't a scam, whatever you say.