CAPITALISM - good or bad?

Give me reason why this monster can be great or horrible?

Personally I think the free market is a great idea to some extent. I wouldn't say I'm a total libertarian: infrastructure in general shouldn't be under individuals control, that's why we have the government.

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Hungary's government right wants to ban motor vehicles that burn diesel or gasoline... imo that is fucking retarded.

Capitalism was great back when it encouraged cost benefit alignment though intensive competition.

But I don't care who owns what. I just want people to pay for what they use instead of always trying to leech off others.

The funny thing is the liberals of hungary want to start the ban.

Aren't libs the one who should fight for the free market?

Infrastructure is being built by tax payers money. That's why I think it's a fair cause. People aren't leeching off others buy paying taxes so the government keeps transportation and the market open and free and safe.

It's good for the smart bad for the dumb.

Liberals are dumb so it's bad for them.
People like to imply conservative and republicans are dumb cuz they don't own wall Mart, but you don't need to own wall Mart to be happy, you just need to own your property (car, land, house, maby a store, and other) and have a decent family.

KEK has spoken though my words.

Praise KEK!

You're dumb. We don't have anything close to free market capitalism. Monopolism is dangerous because it destroys competition and gives enormous power to individuals.

Capitalism was great because it created social mobility during the age of absolutism. The Merchant class was an affront to the divine right of kings.

I got you checked.

I'm a social democrat. I do believe that social welfare is an important thing to some extent. But the definitions around it is what fucking dumb. People who are fat as fuck shouldn't get social welfare just like that. They should show effort that they are trying to make their lives better.

This is disgusting. Being so happy that you are a dying body. And fucking libtards are trying to normalize this. Social welfare shouldn't be about trying to make your lazy ass comfy. It should be for those who are disabled in some way. But extending the definition of disabled is not gonna solve problems. Add some immigration to this and an unqualified worker force and your treasury is fucked.

Capitalism is still great. But corporations should be controlled by the government and should be taxed way differently than small businesses.

It's still introduces cost benefit misalignment which is inherently unsustainable long term.

Free market capitalism works well if there's limited government deficits otherwise it creates a cheap economy and culture founded on artificial tangible and intangible asset bubbles.

deficits happen when countries pump their money out abroad through corporations, no? Or artificially tries to combat inflation to create a stable economy.

Deficits happen when the government spends too much money and prints up more bonds to pick up the slack.

Things like infrastructure should be contracted out by the government. Nearly everything else should be left in the hands of the free market. The only time problems tend to arise is when people begin to form a monopoly and that's when the government should step in and break them up.

That's what I think as well.
But I'd keep justice out of people's hands too. I'm for the stand-your-ground thing, and 'don't tread on me' and all that jazz. But I don't think facilities should be in the hands of a private owner, how they are rn in muriland. That's ridiculous to me. Justice and the law should be controlled by the government.

If you're talking about keeping law enforcement in the public sector then yes.

It's pretty much the other way 'round..
This guy gets it. Oddly enough, capitalism promotes a much more efficient social mobility than a system like communism that's supposed to focus on it. As long as you're not too retarded, you can move some stuff around and make some profits, getting rich and climbing up the social ladder
And that's also the reason it's a shit system. In the end, it promotes unethical behaviour, and leads to what's happening right now. Social incest with the ultra-rich fucking the finance system up and getting away with it, people abandoning culture and education to focus on money and gadgets and the quality of food and goods plummetting, along with an increase in health problems and social cohesion

>free to trade and make deals

A monster doesn't have to be totally evil. But some benefit from it more than others. That's why I think it's a monster. A needed evil that at a point it's fair.

That's why you need governments and a justice system. To stop people gaining control by just manipulating money.

You are thinking to much of it, Capitalism isn't a doctrine it's just freedom.

You are free to do X, what you do with it is up to you.

Capitalism gives you the chance to make it big. Believe it or not but rich people are not cartoon villains, they most of the time are the ones asking for more socialism crap.

I think free market is good but comes in conflict with certain moral issues. For example, big pharma charging outrageous prices for meds that otherwise dead people depend on.

Free market is good when there is competition, but when it comes to meds there is none. That should change. Plus, these folks are despicable, so I won't be sad for them if they can't afford a third yacht.


Those pharmas wouldn't exist in the first place if they couldn't make a profit of it.

It's cruel yes I know but it's the best way to make it so greed is actually a benefit to society.

If you force it to make it cheaper, there will be less research, less investment and overall there will be more people who die because of it.

Only partly true
The problem with your reasoning is that when you follow a profit based line of thinking, you divert efforts from actual research to focusing on improving already existing and profitable formulas. It greatly stiffles innovation, since treatments that are less popular get left behind and the knowledge you could gain from studying them more in depth just won't materialize
And it also throws in a bureaucratic component as well, good scientists who are unable to promote their turf get bested by social butterflies who might be much less intelligent but can navigate the business tightrope

>If you force it to make it cheaper, there will be less research, less investment and overall there will be more people who die because of it.

That's bullshit. You know who gets the benefits from overpriced drugs ? Big pharma corporates. They finance researches, yes, but do you think they do it for the sake of science or that they somehow want to make money out of it ? Research for the sake of science is performed by universities and scientific research centers, not pharma. You'd be naive to think otherwise.

I agree that SOME cases, like Shkreli, are arguably boarderline, because if he didn't make these drugs to sell them, no one would. But m8, as far as I can see, pharma are the health jews. Only a fool would trust them.

People who bitch and moan about capitalism benefit from it every day. Especially the shit eating cunts in Hollywood. The only real downside is monopoly.

This is an issue with patents. The pharmaceutical companies should be able to recoup the money spent on research and development, but we shouldn't be limited to only their product. In the US, the FDA must approve of drugs. In a true capitalist society, I should be able to buy a similar drug from Mexico or Canada for less, but I can't without FDA approval.

Indeed. But the problem with true capitalism as you define it, is that outsourcing and bad deals end up killing your jobs and industries, i.e. your middle class... Not sure how we can get out of this one.