Post pictures of traditional aryan qts in the wheat fields

Post pictures of traditional aryan qts in the wheat fields.


QTs in the Wheat Fields are playing at the Mercury Lounge tonight. Who's coming?

Too bad they will all be extinct in 30 years...damn shame...





nothing screams "special snowflake" more than a flower crown

Not sure which tradition is this...

No wheat.

get the fuck out of this thread, you shitalian hobbit

Not quite "aryan".

Maybe you should've asked, post blonde people in Wheat fields, since barely any of these are "Aryan".


Finland is aryan as well

Nether aryan nor wheat... nor really traditional.


I can't tell if you're serious my man


What's the difference, honnest question



These pics are all pagan bullshit


My favourite category

It's "folkish", dumbass.





Well most of these are Slavic, that's what. Thinner body, smaller head.


a little cutie poo


Time traveller from 3084. In our times there are no such whores in European Emirates. Once we got rid of the false faiths every woman wears modest clothing, she sometimes even can see what's in front of her, instead of dressing like a whore.

the most aryan of beauties


Bhatti tribe of pakistan. Some cutey aryans on the right.

Disregard screechers.

Absolutely degenerate.

liquid wheat

What is so traditional about these women you post except their clothes? For all we know, they can all be degenerate whores in their private lives who will leave you for someone with more money -.-



oops. how did that get in there.


Actual tradition is never cute.

Search say she's a Playboy, wow nice guys, so this is just your porn addiction.



Are aryans indo-europeans? Because indo-europeans are not white.


short answer no, long answer yes.



This type of women is for BBC (7 inches and more) ONLY. Everything else would be sacrilegious.

Her and her manager

is that what's considered traditional in burger land?

but banging the shit out of your traditionally-dressed wife who can't get enough of your dick, is traditional

the fact there's playboy iterations of that proves this, because playboy is obviously meant for men

get yourself a traditional wife, bitchboy


your stupidity is the boring kind, not the laughable type


Again, you're posting people in traditional clothes, but it is the mindset that makes girl traditional or anti-modern. Do you expect them to dress like this in 21st century? There is a big choice of clothes for non-sluts you know..

Bottom center is an Anglo


These are all degenerates.

Go on?



Too old

I'm asking because from the list in the pic related only the Gurkhas are worthy of the name. The rest is poo-in-loo tier.

cotton fields?

jesus no

Those are amish, ignoramus.

>first pic literally back searches to sites in Cyrillic
You fags don't know what Aryan means


It used to but now it refers to people of Nordic-Germanic origin

REMINDER: albino poster is a mussie who's uncle touched him bad or something, please be nice to him.

Certainly not brown Austrian midgets.

traditions, traditions


It means We Wuz Kangz crap from Nordics.
He wants white wymmyn.

> when she gives you that traditional look


>ITT: Whores dressed in "traditional" clothes.



Would you settle for this girl if she was traditional?

Hey pal, that is NOT the sort of stuff we want in our nice, wholesome thread!

> ITT: whores (one of the most traditional professions for women) dressed in traditional clothes + turbovirgin faggots




She's amazimg


I find it odd that I've never seen a picture of a beautiful Australian girl in a wheat field despite the fact that Australia produces far, far more wheat than any European country bar perhaps France.



Amping up difficulty.

You must have autism in that case. Sorry Brazil, tough break.

nah, youre just gay lul.