Wanted to have a nation which can be proud of

>wanted to have a nation which can be proud of
>Japan decline its power day by day.
>people can not even calculus at all
>our stupid over 6years english education create broken english speakers like me
>talented people move to abroad
>only morons who know nothing about outside think Japan is great nation
>Our GDP shrink and therefore national power too.
>we will be irrelavent like UK


and you guys say we don't need immigrants?
It does not make sense at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


What about anime?

Are you seriously thinking pedo autistic thing is somehow positive for nation?

i like this nip hes good in my books now

Nanking didnt happen but it should have


You wish, gook.

UK is irrelevant. The Belgium police can defeat their army.

Japan won't need immigrants with the advance of robotics and further computerization of jobs. Japan's declining population will be an advantage as there will be far fewer jobs.

Maybe North Korea will take you over one day so that you Nips can be relevant again

>Broken English speakers like me.
>Somehow teaching everyone to speak the most spoken language in the world in a way that is at least understandable is a shortcoming.
Oh fuck off. I don't know much about the economy, but the culture is fine and the fact that you don't have ghettos full of grenade tossing jihadis or gunslinging dindus is apparently a rare blessing these days. Enough with the immigration shilling, it won't go well for you.

I'm studying mathematics and physics, i would gladly move to Japan on contribute to your country. Are there any engineering jobs open down there in the future?

Most of engineering jobs doesn't want gaijin.
Most of tech companies will open company in aborad because Japanese enginners usually can not communicate with native english speakers.

it did, buddy boy.

Ah, that sucks.
I could learn the Japanese language if i wanted to, but i have no use for it now.

LMAO immigrants

>Have 6 million of immigrants
>50% of youth unemployment
>50% of women over 35 childless and the youngs one corrupted.
>LGBT rights rocketeering
>Catholics from 85% (2000) to 65-55%(2015)
>Moors from 2% (2000) to 15-20% (2015)
>Over 1 milllion of gypsies (including romanians).

And your country is fucked, holy shit.

I do not recommend you to learn Japanese. because usually Non-native Japanese speaker can not speak Japanese.
Like look at me, you may have difficulty to get what I mean because of poor vocablary and broken grammer.

Many Japanese comapanies reject to accept Japanese speaking enginners because they can not communicate with Japanese as much as Japanese do.

But if you look at service sector, speaking Japanese, english + somelanguage is very valuable.

Ah, i understand.
I've read much about the Japanese job sectors is "afraid" of foreign workers. It's pretty important especially to engineers to understand each other.
But your declining workforce in Japan will properly force Japan to invest in foreign workers.
Your grammar is ok. I understand you enough to have a conversation online.

You already had your chance but you chose to be autists and raided Pearl Harbor...

Personally would rather have had an imperial Japan rule Asia rather than the pseudo-communist Chinese but whatever, the imperial navy had to have their way.

You're not actually Japanese.
Fuck off.
Stop roleplaying on a Chinese xylophone forum.

Thanks bro.

We need your cultural enrichment.

Please move to Japan and enrich us.

I bet advanced start-up company will hire people like you.

What you guys need is immigration!

Holy shot dude read up on your history that's just embarrassing.

np bro.

Haha, if i get the opportunity, i will.

>it's one of the larping english teacher in japan episode

Yeah yeah I know the United States baited them to do it by cutting oil and scrap iron shipments to Japan if that's what you're implying

I really don't understand the point of these faggots larping on Sup Forums. Is it for fun? Is this like some sort of neo-troll? Are these people autistic?

>it did
Chang, you have to go back

kys rice traitor

You have to go back to burger land, fat boy.

>Irrelevant like UK

Hah, you wish you had even a fraction of our relevance, sliteye.

Can I into glorious nihon?

I am an skilled man who can build awesome mecha !

The only thing I want in exchange is a qt 3.14 nip gf which settle in japan and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneus traditional country.

The Average Sup Forums user is an autist, with IQ around 80-90. I'm not saying that's low, but it's the iq range where you easily believe "FLAT EARTH, REPTILE ALIENS LIVING IN CAVES" theories. But it's only a written theory of a higher IQ person who only is trolling for money, and knows these people believe whatever they say/write.

Do not forget about Pizza gate.

The Average Sup Forums user is an autist, with an IQ around 80-90. I'm not saying that's low, but it's the IQ range where you easily believe "FLAT EARTH, REPTILE ALIENS LIVING IN CAVES" theories. But it's only a written theory of a higher IQ person who only is trolling for money, and knows these people believe whatever they say/write.


I hate Japan more than sand niggers. Stop sexualizing toddlers you fucking freaks. You know exactly what im talking about.

is it true that over 20% of japanese women have played in porn or worked in the sex industry?

someone made a calculation on how much porn is produced and it was nearly the same amount as the number of women between the age 18 and 25

You aren't Japanese, I'm guessing you are Canadian or from Thailand.

For the sake of argument, I'm going to pretend you're not posting from a proxy or just larping traveler.

Even if Japan is declining in power, immigrants are not the answer solving this problem. Importing people who do not understand your culture and do not want to dedicate themselves to your country's way of life will only create new problems. Instead of bringing new problems in, focus on fixing the problems in your country that are already there.
Dirty globalists will try to trick you and make you think immigrants are the answer. They have no logic to back up why they want immigrants. Just like your post. How will immigrants solve your problems? Immigrants are not native Japanese speakers. They cannot fully assimilate. Most of them don't care about Japan as much as a native Japanese citizen. They are leeches.

Please don't misunderstand. I would love to move to Japan myself. I know enough Japanese to get by. However, as much as I would love to live in Japan, for at least a year or two, I would never want to be a leech.

$0.01 shekels has been deposited into your account.
Thank you for sharing blue!

How exactly are immigrants going to fix that? Your people are already failing and immigrants will be dumber than your native people.

You have nothing to teach japan, you dog fucker

"dirty globalist" has logic.
GDP= productivity per capita × population.

Let's increase population. so it will increase GDP.

Or you can adopt aggrigate demand theory,
Increase of population=increase od aggregate demand
New output level will be achieved due to increase of Consumption of immigrants.

>>only morons who know nothing about outside think Japan is great nation
Reminds me of Australia.

>yfw you realize the S in $ stands for shekels


>you're not japanese


キモィ方言使ってんじゃねーよ そういうの寒いって分かってる?








I agree to one extent. Mass immigration does not work, but isolating a country only works either.

I believe in slowly adapting educating force will always be a solution to a country missing workforce crisis.

We in the world is having a mass crisis, and its war and education crisis. The world is not getting educated enough, and it's causing riots and ignorance of each other, which breeds hatred which leads to war and the destruction of our civilisation.

Anyway, stop larping. I imagine you have no friends. What type of faggot pretends to be Japanese on Sup Forums anyway?

does not work either*


This is assuming immigrants will be as productive as a Japanese citizen. They won't. Your only hope is that they consume more and create more of a demand for goods which fuels business. This won't be the case either. If they aren't as productive, they won't have the same amount of money to spend. They won't fuel business as much as you expect.

Think about what your trading. You're giving away your country for a small temporary boost in your economy.


Yes. Yes. I love this. Fucking weebshit faggot goes to japan to teach English, finds out that magical japanland isn't like the animes, get buttmad and LARPs as a Japanese native on /polģ talking shit about Japan.

Many such cases!

I knew what I was getting into. I'm just tired of hearing this type of retardation in real life and chose to practice my argument against it here.

Go get culturally enriched you baguette eating fag. Our french accent is 1000x better and less obnoxious sounding than you cocksuckers. Go support pedophilia more.

Pic HIGHLY related. Fuck Japan.

>5 まったく面白くない。「―・いジョーク」

I'm perfectly fine with immigration as long as it's regulated, minimal, and the immigrants coming in truly want to be a part of the country they're coming into. Pulling immigrants in to try and solve an economic problem is retarded though.

>tfw fucking nip

You're definitely not Japanese. A Japanese person wouldn't quote the dictionary to explain a word.

You use "寒い" for jokes or gags. You wouldn't just call an accent "samui" all of a sudden. It even says it in the fucking example you posted. It's called nuance. Something you don't learn from the dictionary. Study more.

Also, you made it super obvious you're a weaboo faggot by typing "うわー".

You know, I'm sure you like to think you've got a master on the Japanese language, but trust me, everyone's laughing at you.

You don't sound smarter in Japanese by using big words. It's more about using the words everyone else uses and blending in.

I'm glad you think you're having fun though.

Kek >the leaf thinking that french sounds good at all

Weebshits are the biggest cancer going.

Rebuild your army, trade your economic capacities for cheap resources and a few "significant" isles and let's go fuck up chinks together.
Even our government is getting tired dealing with slant-eyed Jew, let's have some fun already!
> Inb4 won't happen, muh Russo-Japanese wars!
Stranger things have happened. You don't have enough resources to maintain long-term conflict and you can't fight in a nuclear war because 1. MAD 2. Small isle 3. You probably don't have nukes anyways.

Hey, Why don't you use JAPANESE if you want to prove you are "Japanese".

Aren't you Japanese? kek

No, I'm not. I'm not a larping faggot and I have nothing to prove. I do have a Japanese roommate and his nephew sitting next to me, though.

sure finnish cuck. You sound like you're choking on a 20 foot long sausage when you speak just like the germans.

Yes, i agree.
I really do believe in the future of mankind, that we may enter type 1 united civilisation in the future. And that is by slowly adapting to unite. But we need to first to fix the chain of war in the world. Don't you agree to an extent with my point?
Thanks for having an argument with me, but i gotta go.
Take care.

>Our french accent is 1000x better and less obnoxious sounding than you cocksuckers
What french accent? That garbage you speak in quebec doesn't even remotely sound like french, kek

But oh well, what do you expect, it's just a leaf

> Finn vs Leaf
Best. Episode. Ever!

Inferior species can't comprehend the beauty of Finnish language.