What was the last book you read? How often do you read?

What was the last book you read? How often do you read?

Pic related

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Red Rising. Friend treats it like the Bible, to me it was a slightly better Hunger Games

I use MoonReader which has a great text-to-speech engine so it works great for long prose

Shadow over innsmouth. I am reading introduction to Jaques Lacan and The possibility of an island and dune right now. I try to read when I can but its difficult to find time with classes.

>How often do you read?
rarely, but the books I love many times

my favorite is the name of the rose

>unironically reading (((Dawkins)))

Good goy

Not sure what you're getting at...

Church and State, Tolstoy.

>What was the last book you read?
pic related
>How often do you read?
Every day if I can

Is it good? I'm hoping to start with Crime and Punishment.

It's very good
C&P is pretty good as well, doesn't really matter which you start with.

Ignore him, he's a Christian or some shit.

Dawkins is actually pretty based for an atheist. Anti-feminist, strongly anti-muslim, race realist. He also invented the word Meme and the ideas behind it.

This man created one of the main pillars of Sup Forums culture without knowing of its existence.

Alright thanks

He's an eternally butt-disturbed pearl clutcher

>reading the selfish meme
what a pseud
I sincerely hope this is just /lit/ falseflagging

Not an argument

huh, so he did. for some reason I had thought "meme" was a word that's been around since the 1800s or something.


True Life: I grew up in a communist hell hell

Just finished this today. Great read. Moving on to Evola now

nice, I have this on my shelf, planning on reading it soon

Just started reading this

Reading The Emotion Machine by Marvin Minsky.

Read about a book a month. Non-fiction only.

Dawkins is part of a dying race.

The last of the rational tolerant liberals who can see the lies of feminists and muslims.


I appreciate your enlightenment OP




This book got me to take an interest in evolutionary biology which ultimately led to evolutionary psychology and race realism.




>(((race realism)))

>Posting on Sup Forums about a series I'm reading

I don't want to be spoiled, you can't fool me OP.


Konrad Lorenz - Der Abbau des Menschlichen

pretty redpilled guy, I like reading ethology books

now I'm reading Edward O. Wilson - The social conquest of earth and Hans Freyer - Die Weltgeschichte Europas





>being this butthurt
Don't you have r/atheism to cry to?

Hoppe is obligatory reading for any nu-Sup Forums 'muh NAP' fags that wandered in here during the election.



Troll line

I'm a Christian, and I don't read Dawkins, but shitposting loudly is annoying.

The protocols of the elders of zion

more fedora memes

Current book I'm reading.

>I'm a Christian, and I don't read Dawkins

good man, i'm reading revolt against the modern world currently, curious about ride the tiger next. how is men amongst the ruins?

can you give me a quick rundown on this book?



Is that a leather fedora

My generic basics of chemistry college textbook. Basically, to sum it up, it's pretty NaCl -y

Good book, about to start the second one

I haven't started it yet, but it looks short.

Quite often. Currently reading Dune Messiah.

The bible.
No i'm not religious.
( any christcucks want to point me to the cool parts? revelations like? )

I read for a couple of hours every night before bed, helps get me off to sleep and i actually learn something.

Batavia's Graveyard


The last book I finished was Fair Game by Steve Cannane. I love reading about Scientology so I enjoyed it even though I knew most everything it had to say. I'm currently reading Big Bang by Simon Singh and Scripture Matters by Scott Hahn. The latter is kind of boring and I'm forcing myself through it but I've been devouring the Big Bang. I normally don't read a lot of science books but that's going to change.

I'm normally reading 2-3, sometimes 4 books at a time not counting the 30 minutes every morning reading the bible.

>Currently reading other losess, a book that reveals the true extent of how german soilders at the end of the war were treated in camps.
>I read a couple of hours a day if possible.

I'm dyslexic.

>"Seen from a broad historical perspective, historicism undermined the perennial search in Western philosophy to find transcendent justifications for social, political and moral values, i.e., the endeavor to give these values some universal and necessary validity, some support or sanction outside or beyond their own specific social and cultural context. Such justifications could be straightforwardly religious viz., divine providence or supernatural revelation; but they could also be thoroughly secular, viz., natural law or human reason. In either case, historicism questioned their validity."

>Frederick C. Beiser, "The German Historicist Tradition"


Nice! I'm reading ride the tiger right now. Document viewer in night mode on android is godtier for bed reading.

Good for you

Read the whole thing you autistic faggot.
I doubt we need more people lerning about joys of being a pagan faggot.
No wonder britain goes who shit if even suposed christians defend fedoras.




whatever you are on Sup Forums in terms of religion, you'll be ridiculed. Too bad the opinion of a non white porch monkey means as much to me as the current state of Hue-land

Gospel of Mark is the OG daddy-o
Revelations is pretty cool, if youget that it's poetry n stuff

Paul is an asshole and everything he's in sucks

Don't know about the Old Testament

Which one is best to start with for Evola?


>The same Pollack in the last religion thread is still spamming fedora pictures.
The people in these pictures probably get laid more than you.

I'm not defending fedoras, I'm going against shitposting. You can criticise atheism without posting memes of fat kids with bad fashion senses

>mfw I see these threads

I read the selfish gene when I was a teenager, nice to see my fellow Sup Forumsacks are catching up

>hurr i think with my dick
I'm not interested in whores willing to fuck fedora faggots

Nice one, Senpai

If you don't you are letting them think they are welcomed here.

derailing a thread for everyone who wanted to talk about books because you didn't like something the OP said is quite autistic, don't you think?

Not so big on reading but last book I read was Narcissus and Goldmund by Herman Hesse. What's pol's opinion on Hesse? Seems like entry level stuff.


Oh, please. OP started with dawkins. this never was about books.

Free books

Either that or "The Path of Cynabar". Keep in mind that the person who wrote pic related doesn't actually agree with Evola.

yet people were still talking about books regardless. It makes no sense to ruin it for everyone, especially when nobody was falling for OP's bait.


who his here

>Hagakure secret wisdom of samurai

i'm not a weeb

I hate the endless examples and names. I wish he wrote in a more holistic way, like Primo Levi. Ah well.


Nice. Doing Mein Kampf right now.

Evola is in the mail.

As well as The Protocols, and "On the Jews and their Lies" by Luther.

Was not sure where to start with Kevin MacDonald. In order of release or....?

And those books are pricey...

I got Mein Kampf in the mail the same day as the Paris shooting.

Richard "Pls don't ban the Burqa and UKIP is racist" Dawkins.