Is Donald J Trump the most cucked president of all time?

Is Donald J Trump the most cucked president of all time?

Do shills expectthis new divide and conquer b8 to work?

>trump panders to women
>trump panders to blacks

>Boo boo I hate him now

Give me a fuckig break shill, be better


Congrats faggot, you widely publicized a picture of the President meeting with leaders in the black community. We couldn't give trump this kind of publicity if we tried

0/10 effort

Does it bother anyone else that this cunt has her feet on the couch?

Uh...why does Ms. W. Trash have her shoes on the couch?

i didnt widely publicize this picture, it was popping up on an advertisement for pornography, besides youre talking about a man with no redeeming qualities beyond the fact that he is famously famous.

besides the point, it just seems like trump is in the back of the line for kelly anns kasting kouch volume 2: blacked edition

it is rustling jimmies nationwide, take a step outside your echo chamber for fresh air once in while

She was taking a picture of the group and wanted to take it from a different angle than the one you would get while standing. Because leaning down isn't that comfortable, she knelt on the couch to take the picture. In the picture OP posted she's looking at the picture she just took.

Yes, he is

ITT: butthurt reddit-tier bootlickers

She belongs in a kindergarten showing children how to fingerpaint by demonstration, not the White House Oval Office.

>the woman who led a campaign that upset 2 entrenched political dynasties
>beat a campaign at only 1/5th the cost
>pulled of the largest upset in American political history

Yeah she is a fucking idiot she should be working with chcildren!

Fuck off shill

So are you saying you consider her your leader? Your...superior? Say it for me...personally, just me and you. I want to read this shit for my own personal gain.

Tell me she is your mental superior. Tell me now, you fuckwit. Tell me.

Says the guy who thinks about porn non-stop.

What? Are you cracking up? I'm pointing out that she doesn't deserve to be a kidnergarten teacher she is demonstrably a capable and impressive political strategist

You are a fucking retard obviously

>Ms. W. Trash
Your ass belongs in a cotton field, and no one said anything, nigger.

Cool sticker, it says you're #1. You're still the cuck for letting this "impressive" lady disrespect the office of the President of the United States. You fucking idiot.

its a meme you dip

>When you spend a billion dollars to out think someone who should be teaching kindergarten and fail.

Who cares she's as hot as fuck. Those legs hnnngghhh

>no posting what really happened
What a cuck you are OP

What did he mean by this?