What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>blue background
Well at least he's not on Sup Forums
It's a psyop.
when countries simply have to include the word 'democracy' in their title, you know it' bullshit. Same goes.
Is he even real? Some of those twitter rabbis are so jewish I can't tell when they're a parody or not.
>no gay sex with hats
why bother
>literally doesn't know how to take screen shots
Underage detected.
jews are like "yo maybe your grand grandma was a jew so you're a jew too" hell no I have not that illness
>not knowing about bait tabs
Newfag detected
Let's do this
>Not understanding how jokes work
Feminist detected.
Herschel was a troll account, one of the best. I think he is @nontolerantman now.
What if we got a bunch of hair covered lard barrel libertarians do do something like this for MGTOW?I don't care much for the movement but I'd still support it for keks.
nice next level meta bait, you got a couple serious (yous)
>no gay porn with hats on
>no /mlp/
you need to work more on your screenshots user
probably became a shitposter 1 week in
sup kikes
Nothing ever changes.
Lie bermann,
Run jew, your people are slated for complete "consummation".
You owe 6 million lives, ((we)) will keep the shekels in remembrance!
MGTOW are the biggest cucks of all, really. Completely bowing out of sexual competition and giving up to niggers entirely.
What's monitoring it going to do? It's just going to kill him faster worrying what others think of him.
I wish this larping Sup Forumsack would create more Lieberman content, was quite entertaining while it lasted.
hope i get a 6
I guess I didn't think that all the way through
>how to take screenshots
>being this new
this is a pol account you fucking retards.
disgusting rat faced faggot