Scraping by on six figures in SF

lmao is this real life?

>“I didn’t become a software engineer to be trying to make ends meet,” said a Twitter employee in his early 40s who earns a base salary of $160,000. It is, he added, a “pretty bad” income for raising a family in the Bay Area.

>“We make over $1m between us, but we can’t afford a house,” said a woman in her 50s who works in digital marketing for a major telecoms corporation, while her partner works as an engineer at a digital media company. “This is part of where the American dream is not working out here.”

>Another tech worker feeling excluded from the real estate market was 41-year-old Michael, who works at a networking firm in Silicon Valley and last year earned $700,000. Sick of his 22-mile commute to work, which can sometimes take up to two and half hours, he explored buying a property nearer work. Although he said his salary means he can afford to live a decent life, he finds the cost of living, combined with the terrible commute, unpalatable.

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>wealthy arab problems

Should have gone into the oil business I guess lel.

>make 30k
>only renting a house right now
>but I can make ends meet and have leftover for saving and fun stuff liek snowboarding and guns

>wealthy arab

If only. I make the equalivent of ~$40k

if you never been there its not a big area
most of the place got filled in and built up during the dotcom y2k bubble

in the last 5 years
> over $1 million is average SF home price
>most expensive hotels on planet for better than $300 night
>craigslist ads to camp in peoples yards for 5-800/month


>“For all the feminist movement of ‘you can do it all’, the concept of home ownership is really truly out of reach,” she said. “For me that’s disheartening.”

Holy hell isn't working from home a thing in these "digital" companies?
So you could live a bit outside and only commute 2 days a week?

Aside from that, I think the only sensible thing to do is quit and find a company in a place where the the living cost to salary ratio is lower. Once Twatter, Jewgle and their likes can't find good people there anymore they might open a site elsewhere.

This is bad.

Eventually the companies will move to cheaper pastures and bring their people with them. They will flood Texas, georgia, oregon, colorado, Washington, and Arizona with libshits. Upsetting the political balance.

San Francisco could be cheaper to live in if they tore down all those Full House town houses and built mixed income high rises.

Nah. No one telecommuters anymore. Instead the companies offer shuttle buses and and free amenities at work to make you stay and work longer hous. So everyone wants to live as close to work as possible. So they can get all the benefits

> isn't working from home a thing in these "digital" companies?
Not really, the overwhelming majority of workers can't, it's only a niche selection of the workplace which can, it isn't high ranking, doesn't allow for much advancement, and they wouldn't make as much money as these people.
>$160,000. It is, he added, a “pretty bad” income for raising a family in the Bay Area.
Don't raise a family there.
>“We make over $1m between us, but we can’t afford a house
Don't buy a house there.
That last guy two, do you not understand how San Francisco and large American cities work? Just do what you can to get by, you're not supposed to own a house or probably even raise a family there, just make money and do what you want.

Why don't they move? The more people move the more the market will have to deal with it.

Instead, it's oversaturated.

That feel when I made $18 grand last year.

>le college professor-student meme.

I'd have shot myself but $18 grand is enough to live very well on beans and rice in Indiana. I even had enough for guns.

San Fran was seen as cool
rich people move there to be cool
cost of everything goes up

If you want to play at being rich, do computer work for the auto companies in Detroit. Houses are auctioned for a fucking DOLLAR.

San Franciscan here

This is fake news. There are tons of condos, houses in the city under $700,000

I only pay $1100 a month for a sweet penthouse in downtown San Francisco. I get by just fine on barely $60k a year

lefty liberals living in the most rent controlled lefty liberal city in the world complaining about the high price of real estate makes my dick hard.

i fucking hate commies and their willful ignorance.

And yeah San Francisco is the most expensive city in America but it's worth it. There's just way more to do here than anywhere else, and women in SF are the hottest and sluttiest in the world, it's an all you can fuck buffet every single night.

If you never lived in SF in your 20's or 30's you really fucking missed out on life and I fucking pity you.

live somewhere else nigga, like really. Being a software dev doesn't require physical presence. Work remotely from north Dakota.

You don't know what you're talking about, any serious, high-paying dev job like those requires you to be on-site to work with other developers for developing anything serious.

>22 mile commute
>up to 2.5 hours

Jesus Christ, california was a mistake.

Why don't they buy camper vans and pay little to no living costs?

Fucking idiots

Why not move to Oakland?
How much cheaper is it compared to SF
West Oakland murdabubbz should be doooope with all the side shows going on and dem grapes bruh-goooooooon

>wanting to live in san francisco

what is wrong withthese people

>work in the tech field
>still congregate into tight clusters

WHAT that's the field of work that should literally be internet based!

I visited there once a year ago and while I may agree that its a nice city in terms of architectural aesthetics and somewhat friendly people, I would not live there under the current Californian government.
>Way more to do
Yeah, if you have money. Everything in that damn city was so expensive.

I'm on Michigan Ave in Chicago, the girls can be the same. Wealthier people are generally better looking, as long as you're somewhere with money I think that's about everywhere. Besides, Chicago (and many other places) as nowhere near as faggy as the fag capital of the world.

It's the best place in the world to work in tech, although there are a few emerging rivals

Tech is going to crash soon. All the (((techies))) are going to lose everything.

You don't need to be in a senior position if you live in the Midwest. A junior dev can live like the king of Saudi Arabia there.

If they do it's directly because of venture capitalists, those cunts are the biggest problem in the Bay


forgive me if i don't care about some start up that wants to let me accessorize my coffee

also the best place to die from STDs

The worst part is California is fucking massive

The insane prices are from its impossible to develop land into new communities because all the liberals have made most of the land state park

look how completely desolate california is between LA and SF and the uninhabited wilderness above SF

its all amazing land that would be magical for development of new towns and homes

The people in the article obviously didn't bother taking cost of living in to account. One even got smart and took a pay cut to move but would come out on to because cost of living was lower. It probably put him in a lower tax bracket too.
My guess is the places available don't meet their standard of living. They think six figure income means 2k+ square foot house in a gated community. It probalably would back in the home town where they grew up anyway.

Lane splitting is legal in california, these faggots are too scared to ride a bike.


>his 22-mile commute to work, which can sometimes take up to two and half hours

How the fuck is that possible? Is it 22 miles of traffic jam?!

he should just buy a bike

you get around so much faster by bike in the bay area than by subway or car

>make like $20k/year
>live comfortably

Oh no, how terrible

Why the fuck would anyone want to live on Michigan Avenue. Nothing but tourists and bums.

Its the lack of good public transport. The buses take forever to get you somewhere. Everyone takes a car to work if they can afford it, but there is lots of traffic jam because of how everyone has a car(Crashes, road work).

Making more than a million dollars a year and still complaining
That's fucking amazing, at least they work real jobs and earn their money tho so nobody can give them shit

Alot of the bigger tech companies are akin to cults. They encourage you to move walking distance from the office, give kickbacks if you do their internet and crap. Its like the big company in Wall-E, they want you to be completely dependent and loyal to the company. They don't want telecommutes, those people aren't team players, they don't want people of certain lifestyles for the same reason. These people crying about it are idiots for giving into the allure of high tech slavery anyway.

I make like $1000 a month renting rooms and doing oddjobs and I live nice. I'm also thrifty and saved money in my 20's so I'm not complaining. I live a carefree (mostly) life by cutting out all the crap that would make me suffer like these mooks.

It would take a decade to put up a highrise. San Fran is like earthquake capitol of the US, and because of fucking environmentalists, it litterally takes over a decade to build a fucking apartment complex. There have to be environmental impact reports done on the area and all that shit.

I live in San Diego, and the cost of living has skyrocketed because the flood of illegals has completely saturated the market, and there haven't been any significant living accomodations to keep up with it. They just had a story on the news the other day talking about how it takes over 10 years from the time the land is purchased, until they can actually start building.

Then there are some liberal retards calling for rent control, which would essentially keep the rent stuck at a low price, causing ZERO new apartments to be built. It's fucking insane.

Except Chicago is basically a war zone while San Francisco did a fine job of keeping all of the brown folks on the other side of the bay.

Today SF is like 50% White, 50% Asian, and nothing else. It's really nice living in a large urban center without the rampant crime and violence.

32 floors up on a SW corner unit with unobstructed views in both directions. I just like the view. I'm an introvert and my work is all on the computer and phone, so I really don't care about what's below me.

SF tech worker here

These stories are a bit exaggerated. I think someone is trying to push some political shit. Not sure what tho.

I make $155K, but have plenty to spare, even after $3k/mo rent. I bought a house in Las Vegas a few years ago and keep that.

What's shitty about the SF area is not the salary or work. It's the general living conditions. "Multicultural" society has no cohesion. Chinks, Poos, spics and nigs, and the slovenly remains of the old white working class (mostly drug addicted now). Police don't enforce laws, public servants don't serve the public and normal people are harassed by homeless and drug addled criminals daily.

For example, SF city government routinely and very exactly collects and maintains tens of thousands of parking meters around the city. If one breaks it will be fixed the next day. But they won't move the homeless camp next to the parking meter that breaks into your car at night.

Place is fucking Sodom. I'm leaving in two years.

I came to San Francisco with absolutely nothing and literally got rich just because my room mate had a great start up idea and I just kinda got on board. Now I'm part of another start up venture that will likely end up selling for multiple millions.

No where else on earth is it as easy to get rich as in San Francisco, seriously

Because the state desperately needs to expand its public transportation. With the population density they approaching they need somthing like what Japan has in place.

It's Poos who are the real problem here.

>If you never lived in SF in your 20's or 30's you really fucking missed out on life

Yeah sure. Pic related.

But I'd imagine you don't have a liberal's standard of living. You're giving up on purchasing the newest smartphone/laptop every 6 months, leasing the newest eco-friendly car every year, spending hundreds of dollars on clothes to look like you're homeless, taking a month vacation each year in Europe, hosting a dinner party for all of your friends each week, and making large charitable contributions to whatever is the trendiest non-profit that season.
You're really missing out user.

That neighborhood you posted is full of 10/10 qt's, no crime, and probably some of the best restaurants in the world.

Another day I'm glad I live in Texas.

90% of the crime is in 10% of the city. Trump said himself there's 2 Chicagos. Where I'm at is close to Trump Tower, safety isn't an issue here. I'm fairly fit too, so considering all the softer targets around here, I don't think I'll ever have an issue.

I'm basically just here for the view though. I lived in Naperville (western suburbs) with my parents till I was 28 and came across a lucrative business. Being here is a vacation in itself to me.

>San Francisco
>hottest women


Manhattan >>> SF

Ignorance isn't intelligence

There is more than just social media start ups in the Bay

Military, medical, financial, communications, engineering etc

It really is a hub of innovation, we just need to kill venture capitalists

This is my major beef with all of the Silicon Valley tech giants
If they would nurture the remote working environment employees could be spread out across the country and it could do a lot to help revitalize America.

It disgusts me that they hoard themselves together in SanFran.

They have the money and resources to harness remote working and show other companies how to do it

>literally no greenery
Holy fuck americlaps you have so much fucking space on your continent and you're incapable of doing anything but grey gridblock.

I live in pittsburgh and I making $23,000 a year. I own my home and only have to drive 20 minutes to work everyday. my bills total about $600 a month and I pay basically nothing for food because I work in the restaurant business and get a free food. If I double I get 3 free meals. I love the people I work with so I feel like I get to go hang out with my friends all day. It also helps that I don't drink or smoke.

I'm able to save ~$1200 a month. Kind of odd that I'm able to live better on $23,000 a year and people making 5 times that are struggling.


I thought pellet guns were banned in Leafland?

Rus tech worker here. I make only 20-24k $ a year. And pay 10 yr mortgage for a small 24squere metrers flat.
You fat murricans. Why not outsorse here, i'll work for half of what you get, kek.

I never knew SFers are so fucking provincial. "some of the best restraunts in the world" my fucking ass.

Also, solly fol youl yerrow fevel

- move to some small town
- work from home or rent a local office.

I lived there and their attention to parking tickets was astonishing.

All those signs of convoluted cleaning hours/days and if you aren't super vigilant and get your car out of the spot at 5am to 5:15am you get a 60 dollar ticket and bullshit like that

SF could invade Iraq with its fleet of cushmans and metermaids

Liberals aren't communists.

Because of these fucking motherfuckers Bay Area is shit.

That looks like the sunset

it is comfy beyond belief there

man I actually miss living in SF despite the insane faggotry and 90% liberal shit

How does it compare to L.A. and New York? Similar enough to not care or are there perks that only San Fran has?

And nowhere on earth is it easier to lie about how much money you make than Sup Forums

Sigh...I am starting to hate indians as much as puke maggot trash mexicans.

Wait a minute it just hit me.
Why the fuck do TECH JOBS have to be concentrated in San Francisco, or any other location in the first place? Can't they just communicate over the web or something and work from home in goddamn Siberia or wherever? Do they all need to get together to hold hands and take latte breaks or something?

Fucking techfags

Nigga that's already been happening. Business and people have been fleeing Cali for Texas in record numbers and they've been fucking everything up. Almost all TX major cities are liberal now

I've lived in NYC too and the women do not compare at all.

Everybody knows that the West Coast has the hottest women hands down and SF has the hottest women on the West Coast.

Besides NYC is way too fucking cold so you can't even tell if a girl is fat or hot because of all the layers.

Remote worker here.

I would never hire remote workers.

Anyone spouting this notion that everyone can simply work remote are not being very realistic about reality.

It looks like a fucking favela, only it probably has more fucking brown monkeys

Telecommuting isn't really a thing anymore

What area do you work in? I'm a CCNA Admin and I'd never have a remote worker either

It's pretty much common knowledge that San Francisco has the world's best food scene.

This is an established, undeniable fact. We have more highly rated, michelin star restaurants per capita than other location on earth.

Also a remote worker here. I understand your point that it takes a special kind of dedication and accountability and other traits to work from home and while it is not something that anybody/everybody can immediately start doing it is definitely something that a tech giant like Google could lay the foundation for others to harness and use as guidance.

Brother works there for 90k and wife make 70k.
They have a car, an apartment, and go on 1-5 vacations.
Live well and go our a bunch.

Aristocratization is real

>make 120k a year
>made 700k last year
>can't buy a house
What the fuck?

I'm sure you go to many of them inbetween Sup Forums shitposts

Because the Bay Area is considered by many to be the greatest place to live in the world. Companies come here because they know prospective employees would rather live here than anywhere else. It's a huge draw.

Because this asshole won't take the train.

>only it probably has more fucking brown monkeys

There are no black or brown people in SF my friend.

The tech industry has already started moving out of Silicon Valley, and have established themselves in Texas and in various states in the Midwest.

In Washington and California it is actually easier to live if you can convince the judge that you're incapable of working, you can get on disability and fast track you on housing assistance

My sister and mother both did it.

Because it is where the workers are already.

You don't get a tech job in the bay area unless you come from one of 5 schools, already work tech in the area, or h1b.

>Not brown monkeys

The one who live here long time and work for taxi or 7/11 are not the real problem.

These literal codemonkeys are the ones behind the high prices. They also nepotistic af, always hire their own. They are like mafia in IT. I know people who are trying to sue some companies where mostly Indians work for discrimination.

More fake news. Tech companies are moving here at a higher rate than ever before. For every company that leaves the Bay Area 10 new ones move here.

The bay area actually fucking sucks. It's fucking cold.

Im dreading the day they figure out that San Diego has better weather

There are no latinos in SF. They all live in the East bay (oakland, richmond, berkeley, etc) or south bay (san jose, etc)

SF is 99.9% White and Asian

>make 10k a year working from home
>live in a small solar powered house
>no shower, I go to the gym 5 mins away for that.

I only work 5 hours a week, play video games and watch anime the whole rest of the time. I only net about $200 per month but fuck my stress level is low and I can do what I want

I don't care how much money you give me, it's giving half my life afuckingway for nicer things I don't give a fuck about

There's nothing to do in San Diego while the possibilities and opportunities in SF are near endless. I'd kill myself before living in a shitty suburban cartel run border town like SD

Supply and demand.

If there's 1000 millionaires who want to own one of 100 houses that means that 100 millionaires will pay lots of money and 900 millionaires will not have a house.

Welcome to capitalism 101.

Pittsburgh is awesome, love that city

>Make 35k a year self employed
>live in an actual house in the middle of no where in a state with no income taxes, but hardly there anyway due to work
>only work 9 months out of the year
>go on vacations 2 months a year
>buy video games, expensive dinners, and alcohol without a second thought
>just bought a new jeep
>still save 10k a year

Being rich is a state of mind you workaholic cucks

>dad left me his house when he died
>can afford utilities, property tax, phone and cable with plenty of disposable income
>looking to buy new tv with sound bar and several guns this year

These faggots can fuck off

>If you never lived in SF in your 20's or 30's you really fucking missed out on life and I fucking pity you.
Yeah, lets all 7 billion of us take a turn in faggot town. KYS

those houses are all really really nice with a tiny little comfy backyard

weather is basically perfect all year

mountains everywhere, amazing land all around

most of those houses are either rich asians or rich whites

I used to just roam around those neighborhoods at 3am in dense fog and it was magical

Bay Area food is overrated.

thing I liked most was taco trucks

city where I had most consistent tasty food was actually Philadelphia