Is Richard Spencer a crypto-Marxist?

Is Richard Spencer a crypto-Marxist?
I am shocked and appalled about this blatant communism.

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Or, alternatively. People can pay their own fucking bills.

another shill trying to blowup the altright, fuck off, Spencer is right

> Shocked and appaled by this communism
Or we could just do it because it works.

No, you're just a corporatist shill

He's a nazi aka socialist
If you're surprised by this you're dumb

Stop sucking Spencer's small white cock and think for yourself you fucking retard

>people get pissed when Nazis tap into the socialist part.

Really makes me think.

Good joke, laughed out very loudly

Talk shit, get hit.

I didn't need him to say it for it to be correct.

But he's clearly right.

Hitler set up welfare programs throughout Germany though. Other western European nations copied that.

So there's that.

Free healthcare for whites, everyone else gets the stick.

>let's get rid of private health care and put all the Obese fuckers with all their proneness to illness in a government run healthcare system
Yes that's gonna work just fine

Bombing 7 countries simultaneously but not willing take care of your own people. I'll never understand Burgers.

The USA is a failing nation.



I can't believe all the blatant Redditposters in the first few replies. Let me spell this out for you.
Richard Spence is a literal who. He came from out of nowhere during the Trump campaign and claimed to own the nebulous 'Alt-Right', an amalgamation of new and reactionary groups which opposed the status quo of modern right wing politics. However the presence of modern day Nazi groups allowed the media to label the whole movement as 'DA MODERN DAY NAZI'S'. Meanwhile a convenient Richard comes from out of nowhere and tries to defend a non-existent movement as of it were a serious political position. At the same time the media published stories of the 'Alt Right' and implied that they were a long standing movement.
Reddit was very quickly convinced, meanwhile throughout the first few weeks, most people on Sup Forums questioned Dick Spence's validity. However the rise of 4chans' mainstream popularity meant more and more Redditors and general newfags joined.
Cut to today, on Sup Forums where the cancer can be separated from the newfags and oldfags by the simple muttering of a guy who owned a centrist-aligned online publication 2 years ago.
Heres a hint for you.
> (((controlled)))
> (((opposition)))

>Let's just raise your taxes and give it to incompetent bureaucrats who fuck everything up and stop having this stupid debate

No. Fuck off, Dick.

He's a National Socialist you dumb fuck Nazis had universal healthcare

Are we going to finally arrive at the conclusion he's just controlled opposition? I thought it was obvious that he was since fake news CNN announced he was our leader when none of us have heard of him.

Richard Spencer is a white nationalist liberal..

Whatever I don't care, I just want a white ethnostate

Make an ss that removes corruption and voila

I completely agree with you, but the point remains.

He claims to be a national socialist, and single payer healthcare is a concept that rides well with national socialism. I don't see why people are surprised he said this.

Not that I care, because you're right. He is either a drooling retard, a faggot looking for his fifteen minutes of fame, or controlled opposition. In any case, he can go fuck himself.

I didn't know there are lolbertardians in Germany.

What the actual fuck. Are we anti-Nazi now?

Oh so this is just Spencer LARPing again, where we go down a rabbit hole of having to create an xx to justify and x, and a yy to justify the y, and so on, none of which is ever going to happen, but you'll love talking about how to spend my money trying to attempt it.

You fuck off, too.

Who is paying to keep a Richard Spencer thread on the first page all day every day? It's blatantly obvious what's happening.

He's controlled opposition.
we must meme him out of existence.
there are A LOT of idiots on Sup Forums.

Tickle me surprised...

A self described National Socialist has LARGE GOVT, COMMUNIST beliefs?

No way. Its almost like the ethno-nationalists are economically retarded... I repeat.. tickle me surprised.

Look at the guy's Twitter recently. He's been attacking Trump's speech since yesterday. He been unhinged, lashing out at libertarians, CPAC, Milo, the Constitution,
and finally Trump.

>He's controlled opposition.

>there are A LOT of idiots on Sup Forums
I agree

>Look at the guy's Twitter recently
I don't use twitter, or pay attention to fags like Spencer. That's why the rise in hourly threads about him are so infuriating, I just want it to fuck off.

But you're wrong. I've known about Richard Spencer for almost 4 years and he was already part of the alt-right for some time (which didn't include /pol back then. Sup Forums started being lumped with the alt right around 2014 when people on sites like the right stuff started referencing memes from here.) I first heard of Spencer when he did an Amren speech in 2013. The guy used to own the "Alternative Right" website (hopefully you know what that is).

What does "alt-right" mean to you if Spencer is not alt-right?

There was a time when Sup Forums, daily stormer, and Milo/Breitbart were not considered alt-right.

>What does "alt-right" mean to you
Less than nothing, a made-up term by MSM for people who aren't GOPe faggots or DNC zombies. Didn't even see it bandied about until the Trump campaign started picking up steam.

If this goes on, do us a favour and give him a free helicopter ride

He was a nobody until he decided to run purely on controversy for popularity after the election by being used against Trump. This guy only ever goes hard against people on the right instead of leftist figures.

The guy can't lead nor can he rely on himself in building a movement.He's a malicious leech taking credit for the work others have done.

Socialists made Hitler REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE too unless he thought of it first.

US healthcare bills are farcical. You're only saying this because yourself and none of your family are going bankrupt due to illness.

>there are people posting here who don't think that Dickie Sphicter is working for the CIA

To all reading this. If you see someone say 'are we' or claiming that Sup Forums is a collective, they are an entry level Redditor/ cancerposter.
As much as the consensus states that Sup Forums is generally nationalistic and right leaning space, one glosses over the rest when calling Sup Forums a collective Nazi group. The Authoritarian Right may have the strongest foothold and may also be the public/media view of Sup Forums, but only an entry level cancerposter would assume this to be true.
Though I have criticisms of them, the Libertarians also have a foothold (albeit weaker) in Sup Forums as well as the fringe minorities such as the Commieposters, the Corporatists/Hiliary supporters and the Anarchists.

>fuck off Reddit
>if you're staying, lurk moar

Nazis are anti-Communist, time for the Right to accept this

Ethno-nationalism is inherently collectivist. It's really not surprising.

I guess Bismarck was a crypto-Marxist too

Yes, you may have know of him for nearly 3 years, I knew of him for just over 4 years -but this isn't a pissing match. This is a case of how the public views these emergent right wing ideas.
His website only gained minor traction around 2 years ago and even then, he was a nobody during the period. Then from out of nowhere he is 'our' leader? (Fuck off, is what I think)
Richard Spencer is very much the Alt Right. And the Alt Right is very much nonexistant. Thus to my point that Richard Spence leads nothing.
If there is an 'Alt-Right' which welcomes both Authoritarian Right and Libertarian Right ideas, then it either has an identity crisis, has been mislabelled or just flat out represents the Right wing of politics.
Richard Spence is not the leader of the Right, neither is he trying to unify the groups the movement contains so we are limited to one option (work it out)
I would personally say he is a controlled leach, trying for his 15 minutes after his website never took off.

I oppose the policy but Id welcome Trump giving use single player if for nothing else than to see peoples heads explode. Rachel Maddow's head would fucking explode on live television in front of a million people.

Does Chile have nationalized healthcare?

There is nothing wrong with national socialism

>hurr you HAVE to be EITHER Marxist or capitalist there is NO third way goy
Fuck off Jew

>he's a national socialist

>Or, alternatively. People can pay their own fucking bills.
Ha! Do you know how many niggers and single mom trash would die within a few months? I'd rather pull all foodstamps and cash handouts and have them all gone within a few weeks.

Yes because there is a difference between socialism in NatSoc and Marxist socialism

>we dont ask the rich give to the poor but German people help eachother
>t. Hitler

Reminder that capitalism is just as Jewish as Marxism

>Socialism is Bad
>Communism is Bad
>National Socialism is... not bad?

You realize how dumb you are right? The economic and societal system you seemingly believe in is just yet another way to centralize power and reach the end goal of communism.

Albeit, your's is a whiter dream than Antifa, you both align along similar ideals.


There's also nothing wrong with this. The reason Marxist socialism fails is because it's also for open borders

National socialism =\= Marxism

Capitalism is bad
Marxist socialism/communism is bad
NatSoc policies of helping your own people when they are down is not bad

Capitalism and communism both lead to the same end= a mongrelized dumbed down cultureless future

See they made "socialism" a dirty buzz word and all the TV heads tend to use it interchangeably with communism since Glenn Beck tells them to, same with "fascism". Both of which are ECONOMIC systems not necessarily political systems. But like everything else, people who watch a lot of TV are experts at everything. Not saying various political/ecomonic systems are good or bad, but there is much to be said for ethics and trust but no one ever talks about that.
Consider this: Cuba is still communist, not that I like Cuba but it was the first example that I thought of. People are too tied up on hipster buzzwords and anti-hipster-but-hipster buzzwords.

That's why Steve Bannon spoke of "National socialism" but gave it a more acceptable definition so no one would cry and bitch

your confusion is that idnetitarians are necessarily libertarian capitalist. Economics between the two dont' necessarily overlap.

You're only seeing ten feet in front of your face user. Theres a bigger picture on a long term timeline that you have to look at... Historically it doesn't matter WHAT you do, as long as your govt is centralizing and amassing power to delegate to and for the citizenry it is 100% destined for total collapse.

Individual freedom should always be our guiding light not beliefs and hopes in peripheral power structures.

What? Is Trump the only one allowed to be a snake?

>fuck capitalism and communism but here's my argument to moderation


OK fine motherfucker. Are YOU and OP anti-Nazi for some reason, you incredible faggot

>USA has highest quality healthcare
>Every other country free rides off of our medical and pharmaceutical innovation

kys Berntard


Richard Spencer had ~7k followers before the whole thing blew up. Forget Doctor Who, that guy is Nazi Who.

Meh. Just cut benefits somewhere else and it'll pay for itself.

I never understood why Single Payer is such a big deal.

Unless you're a full blown minarchist but that's not a very popular stance, at the end of the day.

Spencer is a faggot that wants to co-opt the alt-right. All he did was name it, so now he thinks he's in charge.

Vox Day is a much better person to follow if you care about politics.

Night watchmen state is obviously the best state.

Socialism has always been bad, you dumb stormnigger.

stop giving this faggot attention, he is irrelevant

Socialism is not just a buzzword. At the very least, read a little about politics and economics before you out yourself as an uninformed dolt on those same topics.

Naw user, You gotta remember... THAT socialism is bad but THIS socialism is good because we are smarter and whiter.

Is there a reason for this? Are the public spendings finding themselves being funnelled somewhere else?

> Highest quality healthcare
> Netherlands and Switzerland produce more medical research per capita and Germany actually exports more pharmaceuticals than the US
According to the WHO:
"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Stay cucked by insurance, pharmaceutical, and medical lobbying business interests.

>Richard Spencer
>Dick Spencer

His fake name is a forced leftie meme that reveals his true usefulness for the media in dealing with the alt-right

Don't fall for the psy-ops

Funneled to administrators, massive legal costs for malpractice, etc., huge doctor salaries, a massive federal structure. Honestly we'd have a smaller level of government involvement in healthcare overall with a single payer system than we do now lmao.

>Is Richard Spencer a crypto-Marxist?

What? A socialist who happens to be nationalist?

A national socialist. He might be the real deal after all.

And you shill thought you were calling him bad names.

>Night watchmen state is obviously the best state.
I don't hate it. What I hate is the autistic screeching against Single Payer by people who're as big government as it gets in regards to EVERY SINGLE OTHER ISSUE.

[Mind, there ARE issues with Single Payer, namely the same as those affecting pensions i.e demographic shifts but nobody ever seems to bring that up]

American sick people pay for the research of our pharma cooperations. They make most of their profits in the US where they can charge tripple the price.

You don't need to go full single-payer just put in price controls of pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. Let the market do the rest and give some government insurance for poor people with taxes.


OK Achmed.

Didn't take long for this faggot to show his true colors


The far right always has a social sense. Kings provide protection for the plebs.

Libertarianism is just another species of degenerate liberalism.

I have no idea why a single-payer plan is so hated in the USA. It only seeems logical to me, in fact thats how I assumed every government did it as i grew up.

>lets have some greedy insurance companies middle-man healthcare because anything else would be socialist or something


>Richard Spencer is a neo-nazi
>nazism is called fucking national SOCIALISM
>OP gets surprised
Come on man, what kind of a German are you?

>xD socialism isn't bad cuz bernie said so!

The alt-right is not libertarianism, bud.
Libertarians are only allowed to participate if they contain their autism.

Well theoretically you could have insurance companies run it effectively provided that you actually had certain regulations in place that forced them to disclose market information, bargain for pharmaceutical prices, etc. Economist Kenneth Arrow has actually done some interesting work on the economics of healthcare and healthcare information.

Well you're a norwegian, you come from a nation that has been dominated by labour ( marxist ) party since the second world war, of course your mindset is different.

Nazi stand for = National Socialist
and that's why the German's lost to the allies!
A panther can destroy 5 Shermans... but Allies had 6 Shermans for each Panther

The nationalist should drop the (((socialism))) already!
We know (((who))) created and supported socialism!

Yes but in exchange for paying more our healthcare givers are much more innovative thats why the pharma industry doesn't exist outside of the US. Also along with paying more single payer removes supply and demand meaning a bunch retards with the common cold now flood the hospitals cause its free and there are less doctors because its no longer as profitable to be one and because of this you are 5 times more likely to die of preventable diseases in a single payer vs private system. So not only are you paying for the poor you are dying for them as well.

>what is national socialism?

He says from irrelevent toothpaste land with an absurd cost of living

Holy fuck, as if we needed more confirmation


> The pharma industry doesn't exist outside of the US
literally just spend like 5 seconds on Google dude. Also we're only the most innovative because of our massive market size and collective wealth, again, Switzerland and the Netherlands produce more medical research per capita than the US does.

let build our own roads too right?

Why should I have to pay for the bad behavior and decisions of others? I don't smoke, get daily exercise, eat limited sugar and salt, etc. Why should I have to pay up because you chubby looking fags make shit decisions about your health?

Read this ->>

Richard takes most of his ideas from the new right. It's essentially a less authoritarian version of fascism.

You are already paying for poor and old people anyways and they are way more high risk

Wanting health care for your ppl isn't Marxist.

I remember seeing him at a conference making fun of the second amendment and guns, maybe now that he's publicly despised he might feel differently.