Be me

>be me
>curry muncher
>work at a sjw workplace full of goatfucking mudslimes and muh refugees cumskins
>conversation about trump ban begins
>everyone including cumskins against the ban
>mention that I'm anti refugee and that trump will make America great again
>mention that Sweden is the rape capital of Europe thanks to goatfuckers
>watch cumskins look all confused as they don't know how to respond

I can say what I want because I'm brown and no one can fuck with me.

Toppest of keks

Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back

Good for you now please get the fuck out


you do the lords work user


Nah I like it here. I feel at home. I feel like I'm a cumskin on the inside. Anything to make work more interesting


What indsutry and part of the country do you work in user?

Also ignore the stormfags. It's mainly just chinks and spics living in America who want to larp as Nazis, as HWNDU has showed us

Nice, now bounce the fuck out.

Hey, hey, bruh

>ancient aryans


says the Sup Forums
record you speaking anything so we can judge your true color

Dop geg

You should responsible with your new found superpower user, you wouldnt want to be labelled a racialist

Do they you have some call to take and say your from Houston with a thick 7-11 accent?

fellow brown lad here. i love playing the race card on stupid liberal shits. totally disarms them. they have no argument because they cant use muh white privilege.


Ignore the autistic memers:
Those are shitty Sup Forums memes anyway.

I bet you're a shitskin. Post nipple for Proofs of whiteness


You both have to go back, Paco.

London, specifically east London which is unfortunate because it's the part that has the most Muslims. I work for local government under finance/legal.

I'm not lying when I say my workplace is full of sjws. Only person I can confide in is a white guy in my department. Shares the same views as mine although not as extreme. He can be a bit of a cuck at times so there's no one I can talk to at work when it comes to shit talking about Muslims.

Well at least my family hates Muslims.

Good work


i bet that playing the race card to tell sjw to fuck off must feel awesome. Here in argieland we cant do that kind of shit. Everyone is spic in diferent gradients of white to light brown. So here is about social status. You are a "villero" (ghetto mongrel) or not.

Same. I love the look on their fucking faces when I say what I think. They look so powerless.

>1 post by this id

Nice try, your divide and conquer tactics don't work here.

You go back last.

I thought Argentina was hwhite?

>Civic Nationalism

Fuck off, Kike. India is for Indians. I'm sure there are some real good Indians out there, but India needs their help more than we do. They have to go back.

That's a cute story you've thought up Pansheet, sadly everyone knows that streetshitters are socially inept turbovirgins who can't string 4 words together without making everyone laugh at them

Where's the rest of your flag?

Dare I say you're /ourguy/?

Earthquake took it.

Here's a you Brown user. Keep it up!

your doing gods work son
white males sure as hell aint saying that shit in public






since the 90s we had lots of migration from our neighbors and they are most of all abo. So now we have lots of Abo-mongrels roaming the streets.

Paraguayans and peruvians are cool fellas, hard workers and small amount of criminality.

Friendly reminder: Race doesent matter, the only thing that matters is your political belief and general values. The racism is a nothing but a meme.

lmao I wish I was Indian I would fuck with white liberals as a pass time

Yep, ethnic nationalism is the most retarded shit ever. But hey, Nazis had great outfits and fashion sense so i need to be a retard so i could look good and "fashy"

Yes goy, civic nationalism the the way to go. Ethnocentrism is only for G-d's chosen in Israel. What's that, your child needs a marrow donor? Well, uh...

Based hindubro.
Honorary aryan.

>hurr durr, we are all the same

The success of the West has been wholly dependent on populations of 90%+ whites. The degeneracy and collapse of the last 30 years can be directly correlated with the increasing migration of shitskins into the West. We've seen what they did to their own countries, why the hell would we let them in ours?

Get out of my fucking country.


As a Mestizo living in Austin, I can say literally whatever I want. People are always surprised and have no response when I reveal my power level. I'm an open Trump supporter if someone asks me about it, which no WHITE MALE could do here at UT.

You have to go back.

t. Ahmad Mohammad Umbasani

Well done poopoo

Thank you but GO BACK

And take your nation-destroying hombres with you, maybe Austin will be nice again

dumb frogposter

Thanks but I was actually raised catholic


I do the same in sweden, i love being iranian.The cucks and SJW cunts cant go against me because thats racist. Fuck the left and vote SD2018

And Europe is for you dear friend. You have to go back, you just have to.


Can someone explain the meaning behind this one? I get that it's supposed to be a slur against whites, I guess, but it just baffles me somewhat. There's no punch behind it at all.

We built this country. You built Mexico. Go lay in the bed your people made.


Think it's supposed to be the answer to shitskin. But yeah, no punch to it. I find anti white slurs don't hurt my feelings at all. Probably because being white is impossible to feel bad about.

just keep redpilling cucked whiteys

I never built anything in Mexico, nor am I Mexican, and I only said that because of how easily you got triggered by the other guy. Yeah sorry, I should of said [Huge trigger warning] in the beginning. And remember not my fault you're so cucked, the people of this nation (at least the southern trash) willingly chose to buy black slaves thus in the process insuring mixture of nations so yeah, enjoy that and I know some nationalistic blacks dislike the idea of many blacks having at least a little white in them so you ruined it for them and for yourself buddy boy. Americans (not all of course, a portion though nonetheless) built American into the as some people call it "multicultural shithole."

I'm with you. Skin colour isn't an issue as the libshits and the faggots on this board make it out to be. If you're based you're based simple as that.

Black populations are leveling out. They're projected to stabilize at 12% for the next 50 years. Spics and Asian immigrants are the problem, as you can tell from the graph I posted above.


That's the plan user