Is the stock market inherently bad, being a tool through which the jews manipulate our economy and therefore our nation, or in the proper system, could it be a good thing?
Is the stock market inherently bad, being a tool through which the jews manipulate our economy and therefore our nation...
everything is terrible and designed to keep you submissive
Speculation is generally bad for a healthy economy.
So if we wanted a healthy economy there shouldn't be a way to make money off of speculation?
Fuck any idiot that thinks wall street is good and beneficial. Kikes.
Are there specific arguments as to why it is bad other than "because jews?"
Speculation is a thing everyone does on a daily basis, you should remove yourself from existence, thats healthier for the economy.
If you can attain money without labor (whether it be farming, welding, machining, programming) you are human trash. Usury is worse than murder and speculation is worse than Usury.
>if you can obtain money by thinking and making correct decicions you are trash
oooga booga
Yes. Making money out of money is predicated on exploitation
Are you a commie ? You sound like one fagg.
No it isn't. The deregulation, specifically of derivatives, is. Also fuck big (((investment Banks))).
Correct implying moral objectivity or not? You lack knowledge that money is a foreign subversive control mechanism injected into the human race a very long time ago. It is not part of a natural evolution to a race. Money is not real, people are, and the work they do is real, including the decisions you satirically included. Speaking ethically and objectively (traditionalist European point of view) your perspective is materialist an amoral. Guess why Hitler's economy boomed when he backed his currency with labor instead of gold?
No, National Socialist.
>da jew man is keepin me down craka cant you see we wuz hitlers n shit before money was injected into us?
Now onto an actual argument, how is programming "realer" labor compared to speculation when all we do is type "letters into the computar lol"?
What are quants?
What kind of regulation would need to be in place for the stock market to become a good contributing factor to the economy?
Sorry spainbro, meant to quote the commie.
I have no idea its shit right now though. Like burn it down bad we would be better off.
High frequency trading is a nightmare. Its going to destroy the economy. And there is always the ever present hey I feel funny sell everything events.
High speed trading makes everything worse though. The little guys cant get in. And tradition trading gets shit canned for servers. Goldman has lost like 2/3s of its traders and replaced them with engineers and servers.
Half of them are programmed to react to head lines also. If you could get a few media outlets to push a headline at the same time you could tank the market.
It already is, people sell stock to fund their companies people buy and sell stock because they believe it will end in profit.
I dont see how that is not a win/win situation.
Stop talking as if you actually know what HFT does and not just read shit on the frontpage of ZeroHedge.
HFT provides liquidity and allows "the little guy" to get in and out easier.
If you're trading for 10ths of pennies then yes you wont be able to compete but normally people do either daytrading, medium and long term or just plain investing all of them which are affected positively by liquidity excess.
Stop reading the clowns at zh and do some actual research or better yet some trading yourself.
High frequency trading actually increases liquidity and stability overall though.
There are servers buying and selling stock for seconds user. There is no way the little guy can compete with a dedicated IT department. Theyll have neural networks developed within a year that will dominate the market. Independent traders cant compete with that depth of market analysis.
And I have never read ZeroHedge I come from a IT career and see what neural networks can do right now.
Im not concerned with stability I am thinking of how an individual can possible compete with a couple of massive corps that will lock everything up.
It needs to be taken back by Americans, nationalized
Well why would an individual attempt to compete with investment banks in short term trading in the first place? HFT or not you will always end up paying more on brokerage fees. There's no point.
I dont mean the small guy wants to do short term I mean any opportunity that will pop up can be seen by someone using neural networks and other similar thing long before a human can.
The prediction capabilities and speed of their system is prohibitive to anyone trying to get in. The systems will not even be that great now but every time they fail or make a poor move the engineers will just add to it and each day it will get better. I wasnt kidding about the idea that they react to headlines every bit of information they can get their hands on is going into these machines.
Honestly the stock market needs heavy capital investments though, you don't start successful large companies with small initial investments in capital. Big competent players SHOULD be the ones making moves, they have better models, more experience, more directed funding, etc. That allows other parts of the market to open up more safely for smaller players, or at least stuff like penny stocks, CDs, Bonds, etc. There's no such thing as a successful part-time investor dude. If you wanna get into it as a little guy then learn software engineering and Machine Learning so that you can start developing your own models to trade.
None of that is particularly relevant in long term investing though.
I want the big guys to have to watch their back though. To many times old businesses fall victim to consensus and the only thing keeping them from becoming a problem is the threat of a new guy coming in to keep them on their toes.
speculators basically stabilise the price of farm commodities the whole year round
>investing is bad
yes lets all return to an agrarian society like the nazis wanted.
So, you are saying you are not able to trade a trend that lasts for 3 months because the HFT meanies are using neural nets to take the trade before you, even though there's still months before the trade ends.
Despite the fact they would have exited the same trade around 2 secs after you entered?
Well that's what stock market regulation and taxes are for.
I mean if the nazis wanted it, it was probably a good idea.