Why don't we just get along? I don't understand the Divide-And-Conquering between America and Europe

Why don't we just get along? I don't understand the Divide-And-Conquering between America and Europe.

Europe wants to die,
America doesn't.

So yeah

we dont like commies

>40% non whites
>They started the sjw bullshit

Who pissed all over the french flag?

I don't think you understand. If you weren't aware there's an estimated twenty million illegal aliens in this country, the ethnic group of said aliens happen to be Mexicans, who then classify as non-white, therefore when joint alongside African-Americans make up the forty percent.

However, if you were to engage in mass deportations and swiftly remove said illegals, the numbers would begin to take a rapid decline.

Regardless, White Americans are still in control in either scenario. We aren't fifty-two or sixty-two percent as Europeans love to push, in all actuality, there's about seventy-seven White's in this nation combined and the numbers continue to sky rocket as the African-American population is on a slow decline.

Donald Trump has begun a push back against Liberalism. The White House is overwhelmingly Republican and in support of Trump. It's also considered "counter culture" to have Conservative ideals which appeals to those who get a kick off of being contrarian and different. You also have to look beyond that and focus on children, they're growing up in the age of information where more then often, are rapidly red-pilled especially in homes of Trump supporters.

You don't know how many times Children will call one-another niggers, spics, dirty wetbacks and so forth. There's still quite the racial divide between Africans and Whites, it just isn't projected in the news as it goes against their narrative.

There's many truths to be told about America that you simply won't know if you don't live in this country, same goes for Europe.

What's up with all the white majority and black minority discussions? When an SWJ mentions racism it's usually unfounded but this whole white vs minority shit IS bordering racism. Get a grip people, you'll end up as a bunch of Nazi's and history will repeat itself.

Me neither, if Sup Forums has taught me anything it's that americans are not half as dumb as is the common meme in Europe. Met so many smart americans and canadians on Sup Forums. They have taught me a lot about northern american politics, and it's interesting they have also expressed curiosity about eastern europe, which I am always happy to provide basic gestalts about.

Funnily enough, I have instead learned that the other balts and estonians are even dumber than I thought. They always say the most ridiculous shit like supporting MGTOW or calling for complete baltic isolationism. Also the other estonians have the habit of lining up all the nasty swearwords they can and throw it at me without any explanation beforehand.

Met some estonians in real life during a movie night of our conservative party's youth wing, and they were bretty guud people, two of them were admittedly Sup Forumsacks too.

All that aside, I did find an estonian chick on Sup Forums, who added me on kikebook.

We don't deserve kindness


i actually like americans.

You're meeting an unrepresentative sample on Sup Forums that's likely much more interested in geography, politics, and history than the average on Sup Forums. The same applies to Europeans. I assume that most people are dumb desu user.


Nice try, but SJW are a direct result of Cultural Marxist subversion which is entirely European in origin. People knew their place in the 40's and even part of the 50's. Then the "thinkers" came.

Also, this post is not blaming Europe, but rather the Jews as they are behind Cultural Marxism. We should have listened to Norman Rockwell.

> Cultural Marxist subversion which is entirely European in origin
And who America totally let into the country to serve as university professors and public intellectuals. Face it, America is the epicenter of the radical left ideological postmodern, feminist, trans, etc. bullsit.

quite likely, but it's also true that the great mass of people here are just for the pepe memes

isnt that what Hitler basically sayed in his speeches.
He wants to fight the ones who divide us.

>america wants to live
>increasingly less white and more obese

top kek jew

We did play host to parasites and now reap what was sown, but we did not create the parasites. We did, however, fail to eradicate them properly. And that's on the white race for not watching its own back.

Because it seems "brotherhood" between Western and Eastern Europe is impossible.
Western Europeans are too arrogant towards both Americans and Eastern Europeans.
Just a few years ago when the refugees were yet to come the favourite pastime of West
was shitting on the "fucking slavs living in their second world shitholes".
it also grates me how their Nationalists go on about how it is important to protect tradition, language and the European way of live and then go "lmao dude how are Baltics even real nigga, just merge with Russia dude lmao".

spotted the Jew

>america doesn't
Speak for yourself desu.

>Cultural (((Marx)))ism is (((European)))

Noncountry, nonopinion

African-Americans and Mestizo's sky rocket our obese rates. It ties into my post above, these minorities cause a lot of problems for our society but unfortunately the public wouldn't support just uprooting them from our country.

I don't understand how Norway isn't a country. It's lived longer than ours, please refrain from saying that shit.

>Europe wants to die,
Germany wants to kill it, you mean

Its nationalism that divides Europe. And usa is just a multicultural colony.

Sure thing schlomo.

ashkenazim wanted their own country, but all they got were sand-niggers

>Country of 5 million
>Almost half of NYC population
>No major political clout
>No valuable products or resources
>No social ambition besides "the womens equal the mens", but fails at it
>Ultimate cornerstone of gender studies cuckery
>Only stays quiet in the news because they get raped less than Germans and Swedes

How about you refrain from being a beta and start being American?

That is a bit more complex

and that is a good thing. I love my nation, unlike you Achmed

Only half of Latino's are white
But they're still Christian so that's good at least

You will change your mind when Europeans fight eachother in another world war. But then its too late.

We aren't really multi-cultural that's just a Liberal talking point. In all reality, Europeans who migrated to this country decades ago dropped off all European culture including languages, they simply didn't want them learning the language or culture as they were "Americans".

It's the Latin American's who come here [illegally] and disregard America, teach their kid Spanish first and tell their family members to "hate america jajajaja"

If Nationalism divides Europe, then what do you suggest works in order to keep such a continent with history of lashing out at each other for any reason together?

It's clear this chart didn't take into account a lot of things.

I am American. I'm not being a beta by any means, I just don't like the idea of calling other countries "non-country" just because they decided to stay neutral and to themselves.

You could call Isreal a non-country though, considering they just popped up and went "this is ours". Same goes for so called "Native Americans"

I can trace my family lineage to the 1840's.


Fuck off cuckblood

>We aren't really multi-cultural that's just a Liberal talking point.
You can tell yourself what you want. Rest of us understand that you are nothing but mongrels without culture.
>I can trace my family lineage to the 1840's.
Oh wow. They were beggars that failed in life in Europe. My family has lived 10 000 years in finland.

American has been founded on the purest destillation of Western ideas about government.
At least they still have free speech

I understand your concerns about immigration and i agree that borders should be shut down. Still i support EU because of European history of constant wars between our cultures.

Yeah its called liberalism.

It's like (((you're))) proving op right

its just banter