Sup Forums confessions thread

Confess your sins here.

I voted for Obama in 2012.

I cheered for Obama due to one of "his" speech. Man I was such an idiot.

I like ketchup on eggs

I liked his net neutrality stance.That's about it.

... and chase it down with a nice tall glass of NaClO.

I used to believe in man-made climate change


the day after obama was elected in 2008 i was in paris and saw the cover of le monde at a news stand. it said, "The world has a new president". I got choked up a little because i actually believed the "hope and change" hype.

more than anything any right-winger ever said or did, remembering that moment in paris was the single biggest redpill i ever had to swallow.

Even though to argue it is literally shilling or denying reality?


I followed Bernie Sanders politically back when he was just a senator.

I voted for Justin Trudeau. I regret this every day. I'm voting Libertarian next time.

I don't like Nazi meme.
All I want is my private Cossack covenant with free helicopter rides for commies and centrists.

I voted for Obama in 12 and would do it again if I could because fuck Romney

I voted for Clinton...


shut (((your))) mouth

I almost let myself get cucked before I swallowed my first red pill

I used to be a libertarian and I liked ancap.


That's the only reason I voted for him.

Romney was a fucking joke and is a classic cuckservative.

>I voted for Justin Trudeau. I regret this every day.


I watched two animes and genuinly enjoyed them.

I voted for Romney

and none of you can fully appreciate Trump's victory if you weren't here for Romney's defeat

and I don't even support Trump, but I'm glad the left lost

McCain was even worse in 08.

Bill Clinton is my dad.


I voted for John Kerry in 2004. Thankfully got redpilled by the right honorable Doctor Ron Paul in 2007, and never fell for the Obama charade.

Same. I did so out of spite, and I'll be the first to admit I voted for the wrong reasons. I regret it.

I used to be an SJW activist.

I was the main organizer of an anti-racism protest that happened 2016 spring in one Estonian major city square. This protest was covered by 2 MSM outlets, held 1 college radio interview, and gave one interview to a liberal russian outlet. I also invited 2 mainstream politicians to speak, and two youth centre representatives. I had a task team who spread the posters I designed of the event

Also, I was a part of the feminist facebook group, and conducted raids on (((sexist marketing campaigns))) I was also in touch with estonian antifa movement, I attended their gig and one lecture on safe spaces for mentally ill. I was also in touch with estonian antifa leader, we had regular exchange of thoughts on facebook

But one day, I saw an article in feminist facebook group on how they start educating the refugees on behaving around western women. I posted that this is good, to prevent a new Cologne happening. What resulted was the entire feminist group ganging up on me
>"it's racist to assume all refugees are rapists "
>"no, they just come from a different place and it's not bad to teach them proper behavior"
>"you're a xenophobe and a sexist, that most rapists are white"
They ganged up on me so hard that I got angry and left the group

Over the summer of 2016, 4 islamic attacks happened. I got a hold on ISIS execution videos and shit they preach. Basically, I started redpilling myself and moved towards right wing. I joined Sup Forums in Sup Forums and started to join discussions, joined the meme war to meme trump into presidency, became part of that community I then wrote a letter to estonian nationalist news outlet on how I renounce leftism, and it's cancer. This resulted in me being talked about in leftie circles, where they had a little smear campaign to disown me, but I also gained a lot of support and encouragement

pic related, me on the right, my leftie associate on the left, a picture taken by the mainstream news outlet for their article

I used to watch BuzzFeed as a kid

Back in my university days, when I was living at my aunt's place 5 days a week, I often fapped while sniffing her nylons, panties and shoes. Busted huge loads in them too.

I tried to cheer up Sup Forums once


I mostly fuck (especially) Latina and cute black/light skin girls. There's just more where I live and all of the cute or attractive ones prefer white guys so I feel like I'm just doing what's rational to get the best sex but I still feel bad about it and like I should try to find a white gf who's wife material.


Damn dude. was she hot?


I'm a gay teenage neet dropout

I masturbate to lots of gay porn (sometimes even interracial) but larp as a nazi online.

You better fucking vote for Maxime Bernier if he runs as a conservative


I voted for Obama in both primaries and general elections.

I protested against Nixon.

I would have voted for Bernie instead of Trump if he'd have gotten the nomination.

That was about the only thing that he said that made sense...

>being left of center

You are a kid

Hitler would have been left of center.

...i couldn't vote in 2012

I used to be a full blown retard.

I mean commie.

I was a SJW and a feminist... Please God, forgive me.

I voted for him in 2012 as well....mostly b/c I was so annoyed with the Republican strategy of "do nothing"...that didn't work for me...

When I started living at her place she was 43 years old. Not stunningly qt3.14 hot, but hot enough. Basically a younger, more cheerful version of my mother. The fun thing is that at my second year of uni I started dating my current girlfriend and having sex. Regardless I still continued with my aunt fapping endeavors for 3 more years, as the incestuous element of it was a major turn-on.

I enjoy most degenerate ligth entertainment from lesbian porn through video games to anime.

I also fail to see how having a good time in private is a detriment when I act honourably in society.

I was a bleeding heart liberal until the summer of 2015. 3 things happened at once and I took the redpill way too quickly.

>Refugee Crisis in Germany
>Donald Trump announcing he was running for President
>Discovering Sup Forums.

Thank you guys.

I used to cum on my cousin's toothbrush :^)

I was a utiopian lefty pre-2014 christmas tumblr attack. For some reason i decided to check out Sup Forums and have been here ever since.

Used to be a raging libtard. Drank the whole koolaid about "Diversity gives us strength", etc, but unfortunately I grew up in a ghetto and that redpills you hard about """>equality"""

I lived in the southern border of Mexico so there's tons of "Carribeans" (see: beach niggers) living here, and I've been exposed to their nigger ways from a small age, wouldn't want to imagine how American niggers act.

A hope you changed your fashion sense bruh, I could smell the hipster faggotry from that outfit. No one better to fight against leftists than an ex-liberal, you can easily point out their hypocrisies and flaws in logic.

I think Africans are ok, they're just retarded.

Black Americans on the other half deserve to be hanged.

t. Misioner in Africa, student here.

I'm still a virgin and may even commit to staying that way.

I believe in global warming.

Igual hermano.te deseo la mejor de las suertes.

I'm 47.

I dated two Jewish girls.

Sup Forums are prudes, just enjoy what you want

I went from nationalist to communist during puberty... Thank god for Sup Forums

I was a Never Trumper until some time after the convention.

I didn't vote for McCain, but told people I did. I just stayed home.

>fashion sense
It will always be slightly faggy but I'll work on that
>you can easily point out their hypocrisies and flaws in logic.
Agreed, one learns to attack their weakest spots by being an ex-liberal. Mostly their weakest spot is always calling them out on virtue signalling and not actually giving a shit about the minorities.

w r o n g

Which two?

I had girls before I was 20
As I meditated towards loving being alone in my free time, lost every wish for a partner, probably will die alone as a result. And I am extremely good looking, inteligent, and have 0 problems socially. I Grew a mountain beard.
Everyone around me is going "the fuck is wrong with u", i cant make me self to care.

I voted for "die Linke" (far-left) in 2013

that's like admitting to to sex with animals

But i do recommend getting some puss, even if its some prostitute. Just so you know what are you turning down.

I used to think that women should have the right to vote.

I liked a meme that made fun of God emperor of mankind, back in October 2015. I still have nightmare

I voted for fucking Trudeau.

I believed his lies. I'm so sorry.



I used to live in Florida USA and I fucked a few latinas in my time, but I feel kinda bad about it. I rationalize it by thinking to myself how I am in NO POSITION to turn pussy down.

I race-mixed with a 16 year old and left both her and our child trapped in a wartorn country.

>feel kinda bad about it

>mfw i am eating eggs with ketchup and mayonnaise right now

I used to listen to Glenn Beck unironically.

i know this feel


Its nice knowing I could pull all 3 of them because I am chad thundercock, full on refilled /fit guy

just kill yourselves


Because I am a hypocrite.

I am all like:
>ban race-mixing
>fucks fillipina from work
>hooks up with hispanic girl because she had knee-length hair

I look down on white women who so much as DATE outside their race but bone non-whites myself.

I got cucked by a shitskin girl and that's why I'm here

lul, same here m8y

if OP voted for obama in 2012 he shouldn't be shitposting on pol
>go read a fucking book you little neet shit tard

They are poison. Will cheat on you with any white guy

U can have the seat Mr. >creates a comfortable space for elderly gent.

Me too. When he would prattle on about Israel and Jesus or whatever, I would tune out though.

This was the first election I was old enough to vote

I was black once

I like this too, fuck the haters acting like ketchup is for kids.

I voted for the fucking lefties in 2013.

I... I was such a fucking tard.

I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I voted for Hillary in 2016. I'm still proud of all my votes.

I think a single payer healthcare system is the right way to go.