"You're not a scientist"


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What, that's not what cognitive dissonance is.

but bill nye isn't

he's just a faggot desperately trying to stay relevant by playing liberal politics.

Bill Nye is not a scientist, he's only just an engineer. And even that is only by degree.


"""""scientists""""" trying to explain anything outside of their area of studies.

Yeah, no.

Nye couldn't even give us an estimate as to how much human activity has raised global temperature.

This is the worst interview Tucker has ever had.

>Tucker keeps interrupting every 6 seconds like a fucking manchild
>Bill Nye has his head so far up his ass he's talking from Uranus
>"Muh grapes"
>"Muh pesticides"

Was really fucking dumb,

Tucker wrecks himself in this interview he gets all emotional, backtracks "uhh well no my point is uhhh i want to establish that uhhhh..." while bill sits there looking confused as to what the retard on the other end is doing

Maybe tuck shouldn't be such a dick to everyone who comes on the show and he won't come across as a dumb middle schooler

Imagine a mechanical engineer by background pretending to be climatologist.

In Canada, we have to deal with a similar lout like Bill Nye. We have a geneticist pretending to be a climatologist.

They've been reaping the shekels ever since they jumped the global warming bandwagon.

what is climate change except a global conspiracy to browbeat any non-believers into submission? What are these people doing at all, except for that?

They are trying to reestablish a different means of warfare and conquest. They feel they can conquer and wrest control of nations through the use of economic federalization, mass-immigration, and hamstringing industrial power of nations through "climate change law"


The exchange at the end was weird.

lol what a fucking drama queen

This, all Nye could do was cite some anecdotal musings he probably read in some trashy science journal. Tucker wasn't that good either but fortunately all he had to do was ask a question that dumbass Nye had no clue about.

... where he was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree.

What the fuck does this mean? Is he a Ph. D. or not?

nice retort - you would know drama right?

go back to yelling that the sky is falling


See this is where you've fucked up. Kys

Nu-Sup Forumss heros are crashing and burning

eat shit you sound like a fucking 15 year old alex jones watcher and probably are

Devastating effects of Climate Change: Britain can make wine! Wine! Oh the horror! And France has larger landmass to the north. Can you believe the hubris of man? Plus - leaks from the white house. I want more ice ages!

What does that even mean?
I though Tucker was Stormfront hero?

You're only proving my point. Your entire existence rests upon making others believe. You don't actually do anything otherwise.

Riddle me this: Why do the same people who champion 'climate change' also push hard to industrialize third world and/or poor countries and whole continents. Pushing to overpopulate and industrialize the whole of Africa, India - while doing nothing against the likes of China - the world's largest industrialized polluter - if this were such a thing.

You're a stooge, you already killed your own self years ago.

We can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!

Tucker needs to start asking his guests questions they can actually answer. His shtick of just asking the same question over and over while his guest tries to change the subject is getting old.

It wasn't Tuck's best work, but he still tucked in billy nigh. He made the climate cuck lose his shit at the end.

Tucker BTFO. That guy is such an asshole

You argue like a sexually frustrated middle aged woman.

This wasn't Tucker's best, and he jumped on him with a little too much zeal and rather poor logic.

not an argument
also, to be fair, China has made leaps and bounds in terms of pollution

The science is indeed settled, which is why you all need to give up your cars, move to big cities and live in smaller dwellings, consume less food or just go vegan, limit your energy intake or use green technologies and of course pay the mandatory carbon tax for existing. Industrialists giveth and taketh away.

Tucker got excited but ultimately it was a draw.

The but but but I'm a member of both skeptic organizations was lame by Bill Nye.

Well, he's not. He has a fucking bachelor's in engineering.


No shit they're coming from the inside Bill.

Unironically, sexually frustrated middle-aged women are some of the largest proponents of 'climate change', because this demographic will commonly repeat whatever the leftist establishment will tell them.

They're also proponents of open borders, 'anti-racism' and other crackpot leftist nonsense being used to gain power.


no one can

>believing in science
He just spouts of rhetoric to idiots and avoids actually discussing science.

Can't sly the Nye!

global "warming" and (((science))) in general is just a new religion

Is Tucker, dare I say... finished?

>9 min long

if you're not going to mention where he says that, gtfo

Are you deaf man?! He said it would be 1750 still if we didn't fuck everything up. Since then women have gotten rights and niggers are voting. Global warming is destroying us!

Tucker was fine, was this your first time watching him or some shit? His questions aren't the focus so much as watching the person self destruct. He didn't interrupt shit until the end where nye was rambling about BS though, and there is only so much time to hear that nigger ramble.

>We'll meet again soon, Tucker. My carbon footprint is so small you won't hear me sneak up behind you.
What did he mean by this?


Its make believe just like most things liberals believe in.

>board full of literally retarded confirmation bias memers
>"i haven't researched this at all, but the republican talking points tell me climate change isn't real......... Climate Change Isn't Real!"
why the fuck do i even come here anymore? it's so boring, stupid, and astroturfed nowadays...

bye faggots.

please... please kill yourselves...

HAHAH look at this clueless nigger who doesn't realize liberals are literally all niggers, women and cucks. Which one are you faggot?

I get more and more disgusted by Nye. He made a good children's show, and he's been trying to become Sagan 2.0 by constantly making a fool of himself

He should stick to "arguing" with Christians, at least their stances have no science behind them so even ten year olds on the internet can win debates against them

he only has a BsC in some engineering discipline, he isn't a scientist either


>no argument
>no point
>no opinion
>still losing his shit
Liberals ladies and gentlemen. Not even once.

Kek'd in real life. Underrated post.

What the fuck was that?

Are you mentally challenged or something? Tucker literally said "we can all agree that climate change is real, what I'm asking is if you can show factual data to what extent it is man-made" And guess what, neither the fake scientist Bill Nye nor anyone else has ever been able to do that, otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument.

German scientist here.

The only reason why it's hotter outside than 50 years ago is that we are still recovering from our last ice age and the temperatures are slowly raising to the point they used to be before.

Everything is fine, we are all gonna make it.

There woulda been another ice age.

>aint gonna happen
cuz of you and me

If we nuke China and India will the ash be enough to put us back in the white mans climate?

>I'm Asian so I'm smart
>Trust me
Yeah, these fucking idiots are everywhere.

Global warming is a meme to scare coastal democrats into believing that their cities will be submerged under water if they don't give away all their wealth to rural and suburban retards.

Jesus Christ you people are fucking stupid.

>What in the fuck are greenhouse gasses and what in the fuck have they done to the ozone layer?

Please put 2 and 2 together with that and oceanic currents.

Yes, humans pump out a fuck ton of CO2. The Earth does it on a greater and more dramatic basis without human influence. The whole point of the debate is to eventually implement a carbon tax. Spoiler alert: you emit CO2 when you breathe.

That is the entire foundation of this retarded argument in a nutshell. Again - putting 2 and 2 together is not difficult.

>Searching for posts that contain ‘"rural and suburban"’ and from ‘CA’ and posts after 2016-12-01. 2269 results found.


fuck you're fucking stupid

>spoiler: you emit CO2 when you breathe

what the fuck did you make that CO2 out of you fucking turtle shit? the food you ate, plus the oxygen you breathe. where the fuck did that food come from? the natural fucking biosphere you dumb shit of a shit.
>spoiler: you just fucking did net-zero impact on the carbon cycle

>actual fucking spoiler you fucking dickless weeb: the CO2 we're worried about is the shit that's ADDED to the cycle. THE FUCKING ROCKS (COAL) AND OIL THAT'S BURIED IN THE GROUND YOU GOD DAMN NIGGER SHIT


BTFO Tuckfag

That doesn't make him wrong.


>there are retards that actually believe Bill "won" that one

Lmfao you dumb faggots

I'm on Bill Nye's side. But what is the solution??? Even if the US cuts its carbon footprint to 0, China, India, the Middle East. South America, and Africa will still be burning garbage and fucking shit up. That's why yelling at Americans about it is stupid.


lol the nonstop police sirens, dc is a shithole, lived there for years.

the cycle is to leave for mars and stop subsidizing mud people breeding.

r8 my art