Mfw istanbul(NOT cuckstantinopole) belongs to us

>mfw istanbul(NOT cuckstantinopole) belongs to us
>mfw europe will belong to us too in less 60 years
Are you ready, kuffars?

Other urls found in this thread:

some nice kepap removing music

>trips of doom
well.. I for one welcome our new muslim overlords

Well I guess I had better get ready.

Inshallah my doubt, Europa will belong to us.

Reminder that the name istanbul comes from Greek

European Nationalist here living in Constantinople, ask me anything

Originally from the UK

hey cuck, wut are you doing here.


NATO Turkey is a mistake

>tfw you faggots only managed to snag it since we were infighting so much with the gayreeks
if only we helped them like we did in the 8th century..we just delayed you guys for half a century only to be under you for half a century.

Don't worry parasite.
Your turn will come too.


Nah, you won't survive outside of a trashcan.

not a century wtf i'm retarded i meant millenia

he's just checking out how you guys live since soon enough,back at home it's gonna be the same.

I live here via airbnb, have been living here since early january, it's kind of an extended vacation because I have a year off university and don't need to work

Have fun being nuked

I never did visit Trukey. Soon it will be too late because of the incoming civil war.

Why did Constantinople get the works?

The reason Turkey still exists on the map is because everyone else needs it to block Russia.

Stupid Kaffir never question the will of Allah and pay your jizya you son of a dog.

Why is the name of your leader pronounced Erdo-juan in english? We say Erdo-gun like it's written


The accented G is silent, or rather like aspirated GH

t. roachologist

I went to the Hagia Sophia. Seeing all the Durkadurka roach shit all over it was depressing as fuck desu.

You couldn't even take le bob without a deal with ISIS. How the fuck will you take Europe you roach?

When the time comes infidels will be removed.

Braise Tengri!!!

Turkey is done for to be honest. I expect a civil war in the future.

Turkey will either transform to Iran/N.Korea esque state or will become Syria v.

Sure Brazil aint no wonderland but 10x better than soon-to-be-Syria country called Turkey.


Germans were able to get rid of 6m (official shit) rats. Do you think with today technologies it would be a problem to get rid of turkroaches.
No one wants kebab here and you will never be Europeans. And before sandniggers like you will be able to destroy even one european country there will be a civil war and some ethnic clensing.


Come and try to take it, Islamofag.

Probably wishing he was someplace less roach infested


Well i guess i should prepare for tax evasion, ambushing turks and plowing roads then

You fucking pussies cant even take Syria!

If I swear allegiance to the New Ottoman Empire, will I be rewarded with a cute turkfu?

Are Albanians cans of raid in human form?

How did they exterminate you roaches so well, their pest control abilities are unmatched.

Your time is coming....


Thanks user

>trips of truth

Alhamdoulliah akhi

based bulgarian comic

I know and I like it. Does Bulgarians hate turkroaches ?



No man has hated roaches and the Venetian Jews more then Skanderbeg. Despite being vastly outnumbered by the Ottomans and backstabbed by the Venetians, he held on far longer then anyone should have. He may have been the ultimate incarnation of kebab removing.

>you will never enrich degenerate western women with your friendly turkbros
Why even live?

ah, fuck, you already did.

kys you subhuman, gostantinabolis will rise again.