Not even Statists know how to build a decent road

Why is there a fucking house on the highway.

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you've never heard of a road house?

I'd live on the ground floor and hope that someone ends my miserable life


>knowing how to do anything right
>caring about the well-being of their own people

what happens in cases like this anyway? do they just try to play a game of financial chicken where the owner thinks theyre entitled to way more and then the gvt just says fuck it and builds around it?



Thats how you get picrelated

They're called 釘子戶, or nail houses

They eventually cut off his water and power supply so he had to leave



maybe a poor man's house and he don't want move out and they just build the street ... it's more likely


gov building infrastructure and the owner refused to sale/move

The house is in such poor condition that I thought it had been deposited there by a mudslide or flood.

Those chinks are hardcore, building a road AROUND it.

I'm still mad you fuckers killed Kowloon's walled city. That thing was wacky as fuck.

I preferred when we had it. Force all the locust to live there, keep the rest of hong kong clean


Thanks ling



This is the closest example in the UK. This cuck wouldn't sell his farm, so they government spent tens of millions building the motorway around his land.

I guess that's the same that happened on an expressway here in Norway.

Nothing bad about respecting property rights. In very specific ways the chinks have more freedom than the west. Like as long as you don't say anything anti CPC you have total freedom of speech. If i say fuck muslims on twitter i could get arrested in bongland, tho I'm brown ao maybe not..

the film grain on that pic is comfy as hell

It's an old photo. Idk, maybe from the 70s.

Actually due to the lay of the land it made more sense to split the m62 in two at this point. I got famm upin dem parts.

Probably a kodachrome? Its too red to be fujifilm

You go around the goddamn house that's why they built the road around the goddamn house.

Have you never used a roundabout?

Because China isn't "statist" enough to let government force people out of their homes to build a road.

Norway in general is pretty comfy.


>Won't sell house despite increasing monetary offers
>Govt. literally tells the owners to fuck off and builds around it
>Libertarians are promptly triggered

>increasing monetary offers

They should never do this.

First offer must be best offer, or it will be the last road you ever build.

Who the fuck wants to live in a house surrounded by busy roads like that?

Funny that you say that. That pic is of Ammerud, a welfare ghetto area. But we don't have many of them.

Principled people.

Threre's an interstate entrance near me that was supposed to be nice and reasonable but the state didn't have enough money to buy some of the properties needed so now it's a ridiculous traffic nightmare that backs up for half a mile in every direction and the lucky 10 people who kept their shitty houses get to live in an eternal traffic jam.

I literally drive miles out of my way to avoid that thing.

I live next to an 8-lane motorway. You get used to the noise. It gets soothing after a while actually.

Lies. I used to live next to a dedicated bus way and I never got used to the sound of those diesel engines going full bore trying their damndest to propell a 30' hunk of steel and meat at highway speeds. You could hear each one coming from a mile away.

>people refusing generous offers paying way above the average square meter price
go figure

It luckily has a noise barrier, so it's not too extreme.

Stubborn faggots, or people who got shafted by the government refusing to offer a halfway decent price on their land.

I live 8min walking from a train stop and 30min from another that also happens to be the end station for the route. On summer nights when the windows are open you can hear the trains being unloaded and wagons hitched to new cars all the time, not to mention the trains themselves.

Got used to it pretty fast desu, now it's just background noise that I filter unconsciously.

Thing is event though it was in a recessed canal so basically effectively inside a noise tunnel, it was still almost right outside my bedroom window.

I don't mind the normal sounds of traffic, and hearing trains rumbling through and tooting long-short-long echoing through the valley as they approach various crossways is pretty comfy. I'd probably feel differently if I had to live right next to the tracks though.

>taking a picture of your screen


This guy is a faggot

Banned from Sup Forums on my PC/wifi. Not on my phone (4g)

Sometimes it can cause something to turn out much nicer than intended.


95% of millennials don't know how to make a screen capture.

>Not just millennials, but it seems to be that most high school teachers and college professors seem to have this problem too.

I think it's the decline of keyboards. Mine has a button on it clearly labeled "print screen" and when I press it a screen capture is saved.

But then you look at faggots with their macbooks and even though everything is widescreen now there's empty space where a proper set of arrows and a numeric keypad could be.

Why the fuck are you talking about this? I stated my reason for temporarily having to take photos of my screen rather than screenshots.

>tfw no imminent domain?

We're discussing the abstract parallels among imminent domain over roadways, imminent domain over ambient noise levels, imminent domain over knowledge, imminent domain over keyboards, and imminent domain over your ability to access Sup Forums.

Please try to keep up.


just FYI for those who used the incorrect word I this thread. In this context it is eminent domain, not imminent.

>all that smog

>respects property rights

>word I this thread
*word in this thread


>greentexting with proper capitalization and punctuation

This can hardly be considered respect for property rights.


Please don't swear like that on Ash Wednesday; it's rude.

Immanent domain folks. It works.

This is fucking nuts.

A fucking graveyard.

anything special about that number?

Do you have a dynamic IP? If you can, disconnect the power to your modem and change the Mac on your router and plug it back in to see if your IP changes

Is there anything special about either of those numbers? Why does one have jew detectors and the other one belongs to God? Why are they important enough to put on the building in the first place?

Meanwhile in China.

You'd think at that point they could just put the building somewhere else.

It's not like there isn't a lot of room in China.

Open from 9 in the morning to 10 in the evening, and in parenthesis 9 in morning to 8 in the evening on holidays (including saturday) and sundays closed.

Oh wow. That's so Scandinavian-style sensible.

Although I have to remain in firm favor of signs written in the language of the realm, let we return to a time of illiteracy where shops would just put up pictures of what they sell because we hadn't advanced to the point yet of average people knowing how to read and write.

I agree. Our government is autistic enough to ban sunday open stores.

Lame. There's no need to ban it. That's a cultural norm. My Jewish barber is closed on Sundays, but that's because that's just the local cultural norm that makes sense from a business perspective.

Other Jews take to the streets on Saturday because they don't want the rabbi to see them driving a car on their way to temple.

The socialists are actually the ones who want to keep the ban. Not even for religious reasons anymore, it's because according to them we need one day out of the week without consumerism, or whatever it is they say.

Our store hours got deregulated last year. Was really since the job I worked then involved night/sunday work so I didn't have to eat kebab every night. Finns on Sup Forums always shit on our government despite it being as right wing as you can get in Finland and the legislation they actually got through has been pretty decent

Thats actually fog. Smog is brown

I actually think it's nice for workers. Sort of like the 40 hour work week unions forced. Having a set day off is great. Working those retail jobs suck and you become a sub class because you can never plan anything or have a regular secdule.
A lot of places here are open on fucking Christmas now. The main reason is their huge multinational corps that answer to a CEo living in France are open too, so they open to not lose business. If the government forces them to be closed Sundays there is no arms race of more and more places being open every day to compete with the more and more places open 7 days

Not for long, I live in a valley with that gets heavy traffic and has a few factories and steel mills here.

When we get fog, the pollutants quickly mix in with the fog to quickly create smog. Unless we get a wind storm, like right now. Or rain, like yesterday. My home town will look like Bejing on it's better days.

It is good, but on the other hand that also means for the small quantity of people who don't give a fuck or want to cash in on extra pay for working on a holiday, then supply/demand merits it, and slobs who forget to buy their pack of cigarettes before Christmas (protip yes you're probably going to need a smoke if that's the kind of person you are) can still nip out and get some.

Ideally, anyway. Kinda miss the grocery store that used to be open 24/7 because when you're a college kid sometimes the guy with a car is available to take you to the grocery store at 2 in the morning, but it's understandable that the costs of staying open all night were not paying off because normal people don't go shopping at 2 in the morning.

Salt Lake Valley? I go skiing there from time to time, and holy shit does the smog get bad.

Do these countries not have compulsory purchase orders that the government can just say "hey you, get the fuck up, we're building here!"?

We have them at home in the UK and Ireland.

Most workers don't want to work then, they just get forced to to keep the job

No we don't. In china, despite what your western media says, the government cannot do everything they want without opposition. As long as you're not disparaging the party, or commiting treason, you're free to do things like this. There is no eminent domain.

What would be better is that guv't should start regulating borders, so that there aren't floods of cheap low skill labor flowing in. This would increase the price of labor where it would be beneficial to innovate automation, and eventually phase out most human employees. This would allow sunday open stores without employees complaining.

>inb4 job loss

Yes, automation does induce net job loss within the respectice sector of the economy that automates. But the gross job-situation will be job-growth, as employees will move into other sectors of the economy and innovate, growing GDP. Prices also decrease exponentially with no paid employees, leaving that money in the pockets of spenders, who will spend that money on other parts of the economy.

Meanwhile, here in the US, they fuck you out of your property even if you dont want to sell.

At least the NAP went unviolated

How you get past your governments firewall? 7 Proxies and a VPN?

Idk, one could say that the owner of the house was violating the NAP by aggressively resisting the construction workers wanting to build a new house. But the construction workers were violating the NAP by penetrating the homeowners ears with the soundwaves of construction…

No firewall in Hong Kong

Gotchya. Thx AnonKong for replying back.

I think Hong Kong violates the NAP by aggressively suggesting something to do with unusually large penises when it is on average quite the opposite.

This is a testament to Chinese respect for private property.

>Why is there a fucking house on the highway.
Because of property rights.
Hell yea, fuck Eminent Domain.
The Chinese have more property rights than US citizens.
Of course, I'd have taken the buyout and run like hell.

digits confirm

Its just a bad translation of cantonese, which already sounds pretty gross. In mandarin it would be xianggang, 香港, which is fragrant harbor

I looked at that and said
>Haha, what kind of parking lot is this? Asian drivers amirite?
And then I realized.