
Anyone else getting creepy Ontario propaganda videos on you tube ? it seems like every other ad on you tube if from the Ontario government is this going on in any other province ?



necessary bumper

second version is from 67 and is the original less creepy though

I installed an add-on to get rid of annoying youtube videos so no.


Ontario generally scares me. Is the rest of mainland Canada nearly as bad as Ontario?

t. clueless Newfoundlander who hasn't experienced any of the rampant liberalism of mainland canada

what's it called

I always liked this song, the original version.

adblock for youtube.

is that video appearing in Manitoba ?

I use Adblock but I dont live in Ontario

Fuck Ontario and fuck brown "people"

thanks man ill check it out

No nothing is as bad as Ontario

The Albertan government did the same thing with their climate action plan ads. It was annoying as fuck and they eventually had to disable the comments and like because people were shitting on them so much

>Tfw you will never catch better than that down in bonavista
Why live?

Probably wants to help his "refugee" brother's at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer.

its the big city's that are bad Edmonton is a hell hole reminded me of Mordor when I was driving into it from the air port

Calgary and Edmonton look like something the soviets would build in occupied Poland.

Are mainland Canadian cities really that bad? I haven't been off the island in my life but I've been to St. Johns plenty of times and I never experience any of the liberal faggotry or multiculturalism that mainland Canadians, most Burgers, and most Europeans complain about.
It sounds really bad, it's almost scary to think about what could happen if it reaches here.

Why does the Albertan government love propaganda so much? I swear to fuck they even have paid propaganda Twitter trolls and there must be a full blown propaganda department

They've done this for a really long time even making a list of why you should move to alberta how amazing of a job you can get how cheap the rent is all the things to do in Calgary which it turns out everything to do was OUTSIDE of Calgary for like an hour or two drive and there was actually nothing to do in the city the cheap rent was a literal Commieblock and the jobs that were promised were basically guaranteed layoffs

I'm really fucking glad I never fell for the Alberta meme

Small cities aren't that bad

Only big city in mainland Canada that is somewhat decent is Vancouver and even then you have to avoid a part of Vancouver called Surrey

I've never seen this and this guy isn't "from" Winnipeg thats for sure.

well in Saskatoon I was driving into it for work and the driver of our work truck got a bad of shit thrown into his window by natives . latter that day I said hello to one of them like a dumb ass and he got in my face wanting to fight me . I would of got my ass kicked cause I was a skinny 19 year old at the time but the guy who got the bag of shit thrown at him stepped in and said he would beat him to death if he touched me he was a huge 300 pound Sikh but born in Canada . later that day I was getting out of the truck to do another job and right before I did a brick got thrown down on our truck from a building above . trust me it is really fucked up man good to hear it hasn't reached newfoundland

fuck it was even bad when I was there I lived in a ghetto ass part of Edmonton and I felt like I was in Detroit . drunk natives picking cigs out of out door ash treys and homelessness . its ok in the small towns though or at least it was when I was there

yeah we have them here in Ontario but they are tailored just to Ontarians