A man from the US has taken out a giant ad in The Times claiming to be the rightful King of England

A man from the US has taken out a giant ad in The Times claiming to be the rightful King of England.

Allan V. Evans from Colorado, US, says that he is a descendant of a royal Welsh line from the 3rd century.

The ad, shown below in a tweet, says that Evans is "a direct descendant of an unbroken primogeniture line legally documented since the 3rd century in Great Britain and registered in the Royal College of Arms."

It goes on to describe generations of lineage, starting with a claim that Evans is the descendant of Cunedda Wledig, the founder of the Kingdom of Wales.

Evans is giving "legal notice" to all of his relatives, according to the ad, and in 30 days plans to claim his "royal historic estate," as well as land, assets, and titles.


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Pretty dank

Will the Brits deny their proper King?

the white part of Sup Forums should become his knights and conquer London from the shitskins.

Literally "we wuz kangs"

now this is on my radar.

And now it's on Kek's.

well, he was

Long live the king

Inb4 he's a nigger.

Would this work?


Kingdom of Gondor?

Well seeing as the current monarch has failed in her duties as defender of the faith I see no reason why Britbongs wouldn't support this most noble claimant.

Please, kek, make his claim turn out to be legitimate.

Apparently the same guy tried to do the same in Georgia..


This would be pretty fucking funny.

If he abolishes the central bank and re-affirms and widens the edict of expulsion, i'll happily bend the knee.
Long Live King Kek of Albion!

>be Prince Charles
>wait for fucking ever for mom to die so I can be king
>some moron from Colorado named Allan claims the throne
>entire life has been for nothing
>die in poverty

So this Alan Evans guy...

king ralph

I thought Charles didn't want it and that he was gonna let it pass over him to William?

Can a Brit bro clarify?


This man will die in an unfortunate way, if he isn't declared crazy, rightfully or not.

The queen has many occult lineages that play "hide our true intent" game, as well as being coercive, and of course shadow government arms.

Watch this guy for disinfo campaign if claim is anywhere close to real.

You're probably right, I honestly don't know or care

>in thirty days' time he shall claim his royal historic estate

so, on april fools?

cool larping though