>Orban said that "ethnic homogeneity" was key in fostering economic success and that "too much mixing causes trouble."


Other urls found in this thread:

>Hungary's government "cannot risk changing the fundamental ethnic character of the country," he said. "That would not enhance the value of the country but downgrade it instead, and toss it into chaos."

>"I would not like to see the country drift toward a situation where lower-skilled work would only be carried out by foreigners," he said. "We ourselves have to do the work required to keep our country going, from scrubbing toilets to nuclear science," he said.


Finally a leader with Balls

>A second barrier
A moat to go with the wall?

Shit, that's what Trump needs to promise for his second term - a moat.

How does he keep getting away with it?

Hungary adopts laws like the first and second amendment to the US constitution and I will move there in a second to make Hungary Great Again.

I know Hungarians, I have money, just give me an excuse please. I have to get out of this Indian/Spic hellhole that was once a great country.

>this guy is a moderate right winger
Hopefully this is the future of the political spectrum in all western countries.

He specifically said he doesn't want foreigners you fucking idiot, can't you read?

This man is a true European and a real hero


How do you know I'm not ethnically Hungarian?

N-no goyim, d-diversity is our strength!

Gas them all, Orban, gas them all

>This man is a true European and a real hero

meh, just recently he threw a hissy fit when our government finally decided to reduce/not to pay child support to children not living in Austria.

I agree on most of hist national centric views to but his people first, but when he whines that his people can't leech/abuse our social system anymore its ends there.

Who cares. Hungary takes more from the EU than they pay in. This is just chest-beating like Drumpf to motivate his right wing retard fanbase.

He is right

>Hungary takes more from the EU than they pay in.
Educated Hungarians leave to go work in other EU countries. Open borders is a huge fucking mistake an the EU is trash.


You're American. You aren't ethnically anything, mongrel.

My great grandparents were Hungarian

Can I return?

The bull takes from the cuckold, he doesn't ask for permission.

Didn't Mahmood and Baban taught you that living from your taxes all these years?

Division is our strength. United we fall.

It says it right on the chart you dumb spic

American whites have no culture retard, haven't you learned anything.

here you go lad

The absolute madman!

by right wing retard fanbase you mean the citizens of his nation, right? you know the people who vote for him to protect their interests and the interests of their children right?

>USA: 56% white
>no ethnic homogenity
>biggest economy, strongest military

Apparently Orban is an idiot.

>"too much mixing causes trouble"

At this rate, he is gonna name the jew soon. I am fucking excited Sup Forums

Don't spoonfeed.

absolutely inept opposition

> I dont know what ceteris paribus means

Sorry to hear that.

I bet the EU cucks are getting triggered.

he wa stalking about hungarians who work in austria and pay taxes n shit

consume more msm brah

You are American.

America, land of immigrants, the largest cultural melting pot on the planet and ECONOMIC POWERHOUSE UNSURPASSED IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.

and you are posting a racist Magyar peasant from a 2nd world shithole who reckons that ethnic homogeneity is key for success.

You my friend, are a fucking idiot.

white melting pot

Orban for Emperor of the west please.


>t. Rashid Al-Britaanica

>I bet the EU cucks are getting triggered.
they are absolutely buttblasted by him because he used to work in EU some time ago

we also have an estonian female ex-EU politician who started talking about "white race being endangered" few years ago and held few speeches about it. Our local (((MSM))) had spikes up their anuses for 6 months for this statement alone and kept spinning it.

Pic related, the estonian politician in question..

Except it's not you retard.

Any idea who Abdulfattah Jandali is?

>. t. non binary transgender Ashley commiequeer

He's empirically wrong though. The US is the wealthiest nation on earth, and one of the most ethnically diverse.

Same goes for the Gulf states, except their ethnic minorities are slave laborers.

>tfw magyar surname

Time to return

no and I dont.want to

1844 jill the kews

Your mom I presume

yeah im pretty sure that when he says ethnic he means both hungarian and white. im sure that if you have money, skills or would bring value to his country he would let you in easy peasy

> british immigrants and german immigrants
>so diverse
>so very very diverse
get a grip you fucking sheep shagging idiot. ever heard of north european race

Jesus, if you guys actually went full 14/88 without excluding slavs from the list, You could have received so much support in Russia, you coould easily annex some regions.

>wealthiest nation on Earth

Actually in terms of pure accounting it is one of the poorest.

20 trillion in debt. The only advantage the US has is high rate of production, which is why they haven't imploded yet.

America has been made great in times when it was 90% white. And since white european % is decreasing, US starting to get more and more problems.

will he accept bolan though

That female politician actually talked to RT and I think she got recognized by some russians.

Found the vid for you if you are interested

Imagine a cooperation between the angloamerisphere and russia.

Gas the minorities and youll have the worlds superpower for centuries

>being an ethnic homo is now considered good
wtf y'all niggas gay af

are hungarians white?

pic related is hungarian, i need to know if its ok to fap to her

How can one country be so based?

we wuz. stay in your own multato coutnry fag

Its a good thing he keeps mudlsims out but he still rips off taxpayers quite badly.

It was. The people who built Americas economic prosperity were whites conforming very heavily to an Anglo culture.

the west would be absolutely unstoppable

does orbans blue eyes, european nose and white skin look white to you, you paki bastard?.

szigetlakó cigányok
megbaszom az anyátok


Seriously though, it's unsettling that the truth is so controversial.

Hungary, I presume, is largely ethnically homogeneous.
Our politicians don't have the luxury of believing these things as you're alienating at least 20% of voters along with the large section of voters that is sympathetic to the non Europeans.

If there is a solution to the demographic issues of the West, it can never be a democratic one.

>melting pot
this is a jewish play and meme from 1908. way to fall for ((((kike nigger jew))) propaganda you faggot (((anglo)))

>"too much mixing causes trouble."

member when this was common sense and not a controversial thing to say?

i member

look man i realize your a cvck, a faggot and a nigger shill who has no place telling americans about their county but ill respond. my response isnt really for you it's for all the other people who may be lurking in the thread.

the term ''the melting pot'' comes from a play written by a literal zionist communist bolshevik named israel zangwill in 1908. it has everything you would expect from a commie racemixing, racism, emoprop, antiwhite themes, antichristian themes. it is a disgusting, filthy, subversive work thats only purpose was to disguise a terrible poison under a fruity palatable flavor. i reject that ideology. i reject that play. i reject that term. and in fact im not the only one. have you ever heard of the know-nothing party? i didn't think so. the fact is long beforesome subversive commie kike wrote a propaganda piece the american people, the WHITE PROTESTANT PEOPLE, fought long and hard to prevent this melting pot culturally diffuse miscegenated mess. so don't tell me about my fucking country or it's history ok you fucking gap toothed fay fucking nigger.

Joos will focus on infiltrating Hungary now.

Ethnically diverse:

>San Francisco

Ethnically homogeneous:



>what are African Americans
>what are Hispanics
>what are Asians

The reason it has (and can have) the biggest debt is because it has the biggest economy.

They're the wealthiest nation on earth NOW. Very poorly distributed, but still. It hasn't been going downhill since "when it was 90% white", which was before 1790 when blacks made up around 19 percent of the population.

damn you beat me to it, medic. i had not refreshed the page before i posted. i guess great minds think alike. here have a meme

>i member
Are you 100 years old or something? How can you member such a thing

I don't understand why people don't get that there's a lot of give and take in socioeconomics. If you want a bigger government, the only way it might work fairly decently is if the population is homogeneous. That's why the nords are doing well, but quickly going downhill as they invite the third world to rape their women and take welfare monies.

This is the reason why I'm fine with a slightly larger government in yuro countries, but 100% not fucking okay at all with an even moderately sized government in the US. It's all give and take

Hungary was arguably the most diverse nation in Europe 100 years ago. The Habsburgs had to repopulate it with Germans, Slovaks, Poles and Romanians after all the wars. A few Turks, Serbs and Gyppos as well to ruin everything.

>He specifically said he doesn't want foreigners you fucking idiot, can't you read?

>Orban: Hungary Will Welcome ‘European Refugees’ Fleeing Multicultural West

Get fucked paki

>quickly going downhill

And what exact proof do you have of this? Don't conflate social unrest with economic performance, Norway is doing just dandy with the latter.

Who is not a hungarian citizen stays out.
You and your parents ruined your fun. Please don't ruin our.

thanks bro!

It's better regardless of economics.

>including agricultural equipment in population numbers

The 3/5 compromise was a mistake

>We ourselves have to do the work required to keep our country going, from scrubbing toilets to nuclear science

What a fucking patriot.

He fucked everything up. Emphasis should be put on personal virtues and vices, not on ethnic background...

Now the New Left will point to him and say - see, he's a racist ethnonationalist

God bless.

?new left?

look leaf your an ignorant retarded oafish muzzie cvckbait who knows absolutely nothing about my MY my country. san fagsickness is wealthy for one reason only. starting in late 40's commies within our gov began exfilitrating duly paid for by taxes technology and information to private universities and corps. this was done by whom you might ask??? take a fucking wild guess you useless piece of shit. here ill give you a hint: it rhymes with bikes and news.

silicon valley, california, and san fagsicko are nothing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DEAD IN THE WATER without redistribution of wealth and knowledge. period.

here is a documentary for TRUTH SEEKERS

now fuck off and kill yourself you impotent peabrained asinine fuckstick


Thank you Jean-Pierre.

New Left = western establishment, read up in the Internet

So, what? If Hungary is anything like the Balkans, nobody would give a flying fuck.

Fuck off we're full.

The westeners doesn't have power over us

>he wa stalking about hungarians who work in austria and pay taxes n shit

Yes and their children do not live in austria, thats the point.
Children support is to support parents in austria with the costs of living, which are a shit load more than in Hungary.

2 children nets you 300€ which is basically 2/3 of what the average Hungarian earns in Hungary.

Want to get full benefits? Have your children in Austria.

Vona probably.

>One random kebab did more for the US than the white majority through centuries


Despite decades of brainwashing and throwing literally everything they have at Europa, including biological warfare in the form of semi-retarded religious inbreds, europeans have and will continue to flock towards nationalist ideals. The movements are only growing stronger. Soon mother earth will feel the marching feet of her greatest children once again.