>cats owners
>denying crazy cat virus toxoplasmosis
>narrative pushed by fake news
>Egypt is all sand
>Egypt was a giant litter box
>Egyptians huffed cat shit for thousand of year
>Egyptians worshiped cats
>cats owners
>denying crazy cat virus toxoplasmosis
>narrative pushed by fake news
>Egypt is all sand
>Egypt was a giant litter box
>Egyptians huffed cat shit for thousand of year
>Egyptians worshiped cats
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, if you don't know what toxoplasmosis is, read picrelated
Fuck off
bet the study was done by cat owners who are mind controlled by the cats to say this
meowing jew slave detected
There is literally nothing wrong with owning cat.
Can you tell me what is rabies again?
Can you tell me more about the fungus that can literally mindcontrol ants?
>cat vs dog arguing
please no
Is fucking terrifying when you start looking into it. Not only does it effect the host behavior, some research indicates it alters how children develop in the womb of female hosts.
>arguing that dogs can host neuroviruses hat affect humans but not cats
>asks for information about a particular case that provides further proof of brain parasites that exist in nature
>Homosexuality is found in countries where cats are not native
>Homosexuality is found in people who have never seen a cat in their life
>Homosexuality is found in ANIMALS that literally cannot be infected by toxiplasma and which have never seen a cat in their life
>"Homosexuality is totally caused by cat poop!"
try listening to common sense instead of tl;dr shitposting on Sup Forums
Lmao this, it's clearly satan
How exposed do you have to be to get it? I've never owned a cat but i've petted them before.
You're already infected. The Disease is inside of you. Your only hope is to swallow a bullet and pray that your corpse becomes non-infectious before you are found.
theres more than one cause for things faggot. just because it isnt the cause in ALL cases doesnt mean that it could never possibly be a cause at all.
I'm suggesting it isn't outside the realm of possibilities for a virus to change human sexual behavior and
Cats and Toxoplasma are not the only cause of homomania, which is a generalized symptom.
Toxoplasma is not only found in cats also
I understand. For the greater good.
man i saw the flag and reacted
youre one of the good ones
>Homosexuality is found in countries where cats are not native at a less than 2% rate
>Homosexuality is found in people who have never seen a cat in their life at a less than 1% rate
>Homosexuality is found in ANIMALS that literally cannot be infected by toxiplasma and which have never seen a cat in their life at a low rate
The increased rates of homosexuality is totally caused by cat poop! Also Xenoestrogens.
Fix'd that for you fagot.
it puzzles me so much that "scientific skeptics" are often atheistic materialists yet refuse to accept the idea that certain chemicals and organisms can alter how a persons mind works.
Also, the main source of homosexual hosts and infections are other homosexuals infecting young boys.
And therefore human. Cats are not needed for the existance of homosexualty anywhere
if t. gondii can effect the sexual hormonal harmony of rats (being they become attracted to the cats urine) thne why not humans? if only to compound one's activities
I can't answer the question itself but I can answer what would happen in that case:
If it would have been common for people to become sexually attracted to cat piss, which is a sexual deviation, people would become disgusted by it as humans are naturally inclined to be disgusted by people that are performing acts that increase chance of infection as humans that has this psychological trait had a better chance at surviving than people who would interact with them and risk being infected. Such acts would be sexual desires that are not needed for succesful reproduction, like sexual promiscuity or paraphilias, to which normal functioning people (deemed irrational by liberal poz, as they are psychologically altered to not understand this) respond negatively or outright hatefully (emotions are never irrational).
This natural phenomenon is also known as hate for all degenerate and decadenr
There's nothing wrong with it.
A lower second- to fourth-digit length ratio,25 greater body height in men,25 longer duration of pregnancy,26 and higher sex ratio (ie, more male births)27 suggest that Toxoplasma-infected subjects have a higher level of testosterone.
Also the observed low level of novelty seeking in humans infected with Toxoplasma or cytomegalovirus is supposedly associated with high dopamine levels in the ventral midbrain.
This is not because the virus wants you to have a better live. This is because the host of the virus is supposed to have a higher chance of transmitting the disease. Who cares if they are more attractive and happy if they basically aren't human and transmittors of many other diseases? The
>Who cares if they are more attractive and happy if
>then why not humans
Parasites that modify behavior are attuned to their desired host and typically unable to infect even a slightly different host of the same species. In the event that it is unable to infect outside the host species, viruses that affect animals typically cannot affect humans and vice-versa. There is a variety of germs that are responsible for the common cold in dogs and cats, just like in humans, but they're not actually the same viruses. In the rare situation when cross-species infection happen then one species is typically a carrier without symptoms, the virus barely manages to stay alive in the second species and lies entirely dormant. It is the exception of an exception of an exception when it is attuned to more than one host, can jump species and still remains symptomatic, the 0.01% of the 0.01% of 0.01%.
>Egypt is all sand
>Egypt was a giant litter box
>Egyptians huffed cat shit for thousand of year
>Egyptians worshiped cats
You. I like you. Blew my mind with the giant litterbox bit, too
toxoplasmosis is not a virus and basically you're uneducated and retarded. No wonder we are conquering you.
wtf i love being infected by cats
bro have you ever smoked weed?
fact: Vikings recognized the usefulness of cats as vermin exterminators
fact: Vikings carried cats on their boats
fact: Vikings are responsible for spreading cats in Europe
conclusion: Vikings were literally the gayest shit ever
Search up how ur brain looks when u die after havinh toxiwhtever for year, there was a picture tht had a brain cut in half the center was disgusting ,sht looks so disgusting thts how cat lady brains look like
These people are not you and never will be you, so don't project your insecurities. These people are the Chads that you hate and healthy women find to be douches out of their natural hate against degeneracy. Their happiness is based on them being drugged and their attractiveness doesn't matter when they are mostly homosexuals.
Cnut from Sweden rulled Britain as King for a while and he was like a Viking
>Begging for handouts while stealing is the same as conquest
Fucking shitskins.
Toxoplasmosis raises chances of dying... A brain parasite is not worth slightly increased T and Dopamine
>not liking cats
The cat is man's true best friend. For centuries these creatures have kept pests in control and away from our grain supplies and prevented entire civilizations from starving to death and dying to disease. What did dogs do? Shit on your couch, that's what.
This is why cats belong indoors.
Less chance of coming into contact with the parasites
being alive increases your chance of dying
Being alive is nothing that to our interest should be cured; therefore your comparison is fallacious.
1 = 1.1?
You just have to look at one. Even pictures cause you to get it
i never gave much of a fuck about cats one way or the other. but one day a hungry cat came to me and i let it in. it lived with me for a while.
now i love cats and i liek cats photos and such.
kind of a bummer i cant have a cat in my current apartment :(
He doesn't comprehend that, hes Canadian. The only thing that drives him to want to be plowed endlessly by foreign cock is being quintessentially Canadian. The fact you relegate his cock fetish to nothing more than cat poop poisoning probably shattered his entire world view.
My family has owned cats my entire life so it's probably too late for me.
Cats are dogshit tier. Only beta redditors and lonley women like cats.
Right...men who own cats just happen to be beta numale trash while women who own cats tend to be erratic degenerats ...it's all just a coincidence.
Oh, Cucked News Network, clearly fake news.
>Cat owners are the slaves
Dogs can't even fucking survive without human beings on their own.
Ever wonder why there are no crazy dog ladies? The only mystery is was the bitch already so crazy she got cats, or did she get cats and constantly inhaling the shit made her crazy and get more.
Are dogs, dare I say it, /ourpets/?
Toxoplasmosis comes and goes and you get left immunized as long as you don't get it while pregnant. So, if you're a girl have a cat when young.
This. The last time humanity turned its back on cats (they associated them with witches and killed them) it resulted in rats multiplying and spreading the Black Plague across Europe. This is the price to pay for ignoring our cat bros and their wonderful gift for murdering small dirty things just for fun. Why would anyone hate cats? Do they want another plague that badly?
cats and dogs are both fun companions to have
Cats keep rodents out of your house
Dogs serve as alarms or defense for your house
There is nothing wrong with owning one
Of course cat ownership is not linked to mental health issues.
Mental health issues are linked to cat ownership.
That is why white men invented these little niggers.
>what is rat poison
Good point
Looked it up.
Apparently the immune system just kills the parasite and it's only dangerous for pregnant women and those with poor immune systems.
Inb4 Jewish conspiracy with medical science to infect the white race.
I know Norway usually comes to this board to have their period but this is unreal.
Something you should replace the sugar in your next cup of coffee with.
>cats make u cuck crazy
If that is the case, it might explain why after I got my cats I suddendly started getting into politics and went from a bluepilled cultural marxist to a racist, xenophobic, muslin hating, hitler loving, national socialist that is borderlining becoming a literal skinhead!
But that would also imply I went crazy instead of waking up from the insanity and seeing what a fool I was, so maybe it is the other way around?
I'd be fine with cats, but their piss stink is ungodly.
If I pull that off, will I die?
That's only male cats.
The issue is that it has been suspected of altering the human brain permanently, just as it does with rats.
There's no so such as homosexual, non-human animals, mong-tard.
Psychological effects like these are normally irreversible
If cats are so good, why do people use dogs to rat?
Schizophrenia isn't entirely ruled out as it's something that occurs later in life. People have also brought up the possibility that while cats may not make you crazy there could very well be a connection to crazy people wanting more cats.
>I'd be fine with cats, but their piss stink is ungodly.
It is only on the males, as he saidAlso, if you happen to have a yard, the cats will prefer to just dig a deep hole in it, do what it needs and bury it pretty deep, I never even leave litter boxes anymore and never see poo or piss anywhere.
In a way, they are smarter than dogs since the dogs will just poo everwhere even though they should be able to bury their feces like cats.
>Dogs can't even fucking survive without human beings on their own.
catfags are literally retarded
Op is a faggy dogcuck. Only redditors and lonely women like dogs.
Who cares. You feel like a cat, the alpha, an apex predator. You feel like the fucking king, and that's awesome.
Dogcuck detected.
Well when they put them before us at massive numbers then yes I'd say they're winning. Doesn't matter how you win all I fucking know is that the Mexicans where I live get free college a place to live 3 square meals and healthcare meanwhile citizens get fukt.
Look at how they tested and who they tested. Especially the age range, this study is worthless.
>falling for the toxo meme
What does it do to your brain
Quit finding excuses to hate animals, chink.
Not an argument.
>>what is rat poison
Huge rodents - some up to two ft long - will hit the UK and will staggeringly outnumber the humans population by three-to-one.
Pest control experts have made the claims and are warning people not to lay down over-the-counter poison as the rodents are immune to them, sometimes eating them as snacks.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) says the spread of the super rats has sped up in recent years because most shop-bought remedies are now ineffective.
The rats are feeding on the supposedly toxic pellets, which has helped them grow bigger and stronger as well as build up their immunity.
Now there are fears that the rat population, currently standing at around 160million, will soar to over 200 million by the summer.
"The rodents have become resistant and, in some cases, immune to off-the-shelf poisons to the point where they're actually feeding off the toxic pellets, which means their size and strength is increasing."
December was the warmest on record and as a result rats have been 'breeding like rabbits' unrestricted by snow and ice, experts said.
And the larger rodents, branded super rats, may carry bugs including Weil's disease, which can lead to jaundice and kidney failure.
Mr Forrester said "Normal rats are being killed off by poison, so these resistant species are taking their place.
"It's only natural that their numbers are expanding and there could be a significant risk to public health if their population is left unchecked."
In rats, it makes them sexually attracted to cat urine. Humans, potentially less fearful of dangerous situations. There is little information on this. I would love more research to be conducted.
Apparently dog shit gives you siick gains and makes you alpha as fuuuck
Daily reminder cats serve no purpose that a dog couldn't fulfill, and do it better.
Of course it's worthless. Why do you think it got funded?
He's not saying the cat virus causes it you fucking retard, he's suggesting that there might be viruses that act in a similar way to the cat virus.
It might not even be true but jesus fuck why didn't you burn in that giant fire you fucking leaf?
They're gonna need some bigger cats.
we need to execute every cat owner
>Who cares. You feel like a cat, the alpha, an apex predator. You feel like the fucking king, and that's awesome.
No, I feel like a father, and they are my little daughters which I love very much.
Guess I want to have kids badly, but I can't get a job due to the economic crisis of my country, so while I can't do that I will stick with my kitties.
>2 foot long rats that eat poison to grow stronger
I've seen a rat survive a shotgun blast before... how strong are these new ones?!
Everyone knows Sup Forums goes gay for traps and feminine dicks.
Sup Forums fighting homosexuality is like an insecure faggot who flips out when someone calls them gay
>animal that can be trained to: guard your home, hunt, tract down a target, military/police work, search and rescue, herd animals, therapy, detect cancer in humans
>animal that can be trained to: shit in a box
man what a difficult choice
Reminder that in the great age of sail, many ships crews would refuse to sail without a cat, so afraid were they of rats. A royal navy cat was even award a medal.
I've had cats my whole life and i'm an aggressive mma trained gun owning white supremacist. Lol at the guy saying cat owners are beta redditors. I will wreck u m8 I swear
Toxo isn't a meme. It is literally the only logical explanation of the widespreadness of homosexuals. (4%)
If poison doesn't work, you can still kill them with that, which kills all biological matter no matter how they evolve. You can't evolve against most acids