Antarctic Nazis Thread

3rd Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght

Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>Trump possibly captured USA for the Nazis
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha
> was maybe a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs

First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato
The Nato Headquarter (Pic related) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision "Das Reich) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel black sun(also upload later)
All this is indicating the Nato is just the continuation (Waffen-)SS.

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
Admiral Byrd, which led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole" (Ignore the flat earth tag) I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?

Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot

(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found

There also isnt a 3rd, or even 4th Reich, only the german Reich which never dissappeared.

Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
Even entire cities saw them

Some of them even simply deactivated our nukes

The question is who is in those UFOs? I will come to this a bit later.

The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.
The EU building looking like the Tower of Babylon might indicate that the EU is intended to break down just like Babylon did.


Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.
>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.

Pic Related
>Secret Command Document

>Acceleration of acquisationtesting and production of Haunebu II + Vril 1

>Comment: SS-Unit IV (SS-E-IV [SS-Einheit-IV?]) considers concentration on already in trial situated Haunebu II to be more reasonable than working parralell on both types. Haunebu II promises considerable improvements in allmost all respects. Higher productioncost seems justified, especially considering the Führers Special Command. regarding the Flight Gyro (Flugkreisel)

The plans were recovered by allied forces
>Japanese holdouts (????? Zanryu nipponhei?, "remaining Japanese soldiers") or stragglers were Japanese soldiers in the Pacific Theatre who, after the August 1945 surrender of Japan ending World War II, either adamantly doubted the veracity of the formal surrender due to dogmatic militaristic principles, or simply were not aware of it because communications had been cut off

>Private 1st Class Kinshichi Kozuka held out with Lt. Onoda for 28 years until he was killed in a shootout with Philippine police in October 1972
>Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, who held out from December 1944 until March 1974 on Lubang Island in the Philippines with Akatsu, Shimada and Kozuka, was relieved of duty by his former commanding officer in March 1974.
>In January 1990, Shigeyuki Hashimoto and Kiyoaki Tanaka returned to Japan from Malaysia. After the Japanese surrender, they joined the Malayan Communist Party's guerrilla forces to continue fighting against the British, only returning after the CPM laid down its arms and signed a peace treaty

All these cases show the fighting continued way after 1945, so why wouldnt the Nazis hold out in Antarctica
Advanced points it would take too long to build up all the references:
>Dinosaurs living in Hollow Earth
>Jesus is real
>Muhammed is real
>Bible and Quran is a true prophecy, even though many parts of it were rewritten and altered
>Noah is real
>God is Real
>Hollow Earth is biblical heaven
>End is near
>Nazis will execute the rapture
>Chances are big things will happen this year due to the biblical 50 year cycle fallin on years xx17 and xx67
>23. August 2017 is first time in around 4000 years of a rare starconstilation with the Virgo (Virgin Mary) holding Jupiter (associated wit Zeus who often is seen as Jesus equivalent) 42 weeks in its belly (pregnancy) and Jupiter (Jesus) leaving the belly of the virgin (birth)


not this bullshit again
>Antique holy weapons are also real
>Holy Roman Empire continued as the German Reich (HRE=1st Reich; Germany before WW1=2nd Reich; Germany after WW2=3rd Reich; EU=4th Reich but is all the same essentially)
>Kept the powerstructure of a spiritual Leader from rome (the pope) and a politicle leader from g´Germany which currently dominates the EU
>Last pope is said to be a false prophet working with the antichrist
>Some people think the antichrist will come from germany, the quran describes him (Dajjal) as

>takes some tabloid crap and tries to sell it to us as facts

for what purpose?


>the quran describes the antichrist (Dajjal) as red complexioned, fat, curly haired man, blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape. (maybe you anons know someone)
>pope francis possibly is the last pope/false prophet as he is known as childtrafficer in south america and who got his peacedoves eaten by crow, embracing the destruction of the EU by shitskins

>water is under ice and Nazis could POSSIBLY be hiding there

Well you're not wrong but most of your claims sound like random conjecture.

dude hollow earth lmao

Explain to me how the physics of a hollow earth would work.

>Quran is a true prophecy
I stopped reading here.

Good video

you faggots do understand that there are more than one facet to this theory right? believing that the earth is completely hollow and harbours an interior sun is truely flat earth tier autism. but it's absolutely plausible that the earth does have a habitable interior to a certain extent, with huge hollow areas not necessarily encompassing its whole interior.

Also this thread pretty much says "Nazis are still around, you don't have to do anything, they'll do all the work".

the crust the source of gravitation, on the outside you get oulled down by te whole of the crust, but mainly the part you stand on. on the inside you get drawn from every part of the crust but since you are much closer to your side you will stick to that side. additionally the centrifugal forces of the earths spinning push you towards the hull on the inside. also there is the inner sun providing light and warmth. the magma is between the inner and outer crust due to both sides giving so much pressure onto the inner regions of the hull. the sun providing a different kind of light could be an explanation for the thousands of years some people are said to have reached in ancient times and the people growing taller (the giants?). The dinosaurs back when antarctica wastn frozen and the continents together probably could freely walk out of there but now are trapped inside. occasionally some pterosaurs make it out probably and thus the strong protection of antarctica to make sure noone gets out of there. indians told of thunderbirds looking like pterosaurs and even pictures of the civil war show soldiers with them like

no, this thread says "look for the truth out their, inform yourself. tell people the truth, whatever you think the truth is."
this is just one truth which i came to believe, and if you dont share the views than maybe you at least got some new information to build your own view of the truth. As long as you build your own view of the truth instead of just repeating the views of others over and over again it cant be that bad

>and even pictures of the civil war show soldiers with them like
that picture is a hoax, aaaand your whole story falls apart faster than a chinese escalator

>As long as you build your own view of the truth instead of just repeating the views of others over and over again it cant be that bad
yeah you mean just like this idiot is doing:

They will always be here

the constilation is supposed to happen on 23 of september, not august



you don't do anything anyway

there is a ballictic missile hidden in my penis

You know this is true, these are the Germans that Wiener talks about who will deliver us weapons when we have our race war.


The right picture is basically a psy ops to discredit the left photo, pretty much like flat earth is to discredit this one.
>Flat Eathers know something

>the inner sun
so you're actually THAT retarded that you don't have a fucking idea how planets/suns form.


more like
>read retarded UFO blogs
>believe everything without giving it second thoughts
>post it on Sup Forums to feel super smart

Have you looked into the secret library that was discovered recently?

didnt hear of it until know, but i will look if there is something about the content

Made in the 1970s filmed by a submarine in antarctic waters

There's a bunch of images on Benedict XVI with satanic symbols. Something about a red hat meaning some shit. I can't recall it all as it was long ago I read about it. But the motherfucker sure looks devilish in some pics.

What is your background if you dont mind me asking.

Someone posted this image in another thread, thought it was interesting.

Video 1 - Just a bird
Video 2 - Is a commercial

I want to believe, but there is no reason too beyond my desires of fantasy being true

i dont know, benedict seemed to be cool, and the nazis recieved diplomatic passport from the vatican back to be able to travel freely and escape showing the vatican was on the german/HREs side like it usually was. benedict also tried to bring more transparence into the childabuse stuff and bring those to justice, but then suddenly left and was replaced by francis who is known as childtrafficer and whos doves get eaten by crows which doesnt seem to be a good omen

Here's a good docu I came across recently.

The crust isn't dense enough to have that much gravity. Also centrifugal force would only affect the equator region (and would have the same effect on the outside, which we know is negligible).
The "inner sun", despite being impossible, on the other hand WOULD be dense enough to affect gravity, but in the opposite direction than what you would want.

>believing that the earth is completely hollow and harbours an interior sun is truely flat earth tier autism
Well OP clearly believes that you dumbass. I'm on your side.


I thought Benedict was hiding pedophiles as well, but my knowledge and interest of the Vatican's business is slim.

Applying science, as we know it (or as we're told how it works, because God knows I'm no fucking scientist), is pretty useless with theories like hollow Earth. If the Earth truly is hollow, I'm pretty sure gravity and shit like that doesn't work as we've been told.

Food for thought.

I'm willing to believe that earth was built by aliens rather than Isaac Newton was a secret jew and the NWO are hiding the true laws of physics from us.

Charlesmagne (charles the great) is the first emperor of the holy roman empire. The EU has quite some intimations to that guy like the charlesmagne building in brussels or the charlesmagne prize


>I'm pretty sure gravity and shit like that doesn't work as we've been told.
holy fuck you're retarded

Gold bless Niklaas. I hope so.

God bless Niklaas. I hope so

>3rd Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght
Nicht sonderlich erfolgreich bisher, oder?. Das Land von EU-Juden regiert und von Drittweltabschaum überflutet. Also marsch an die Arbeit sonst heißt es Allahua Kackbar in Germanistan.

This basically. Of course there is some truth here and there but we dont really can tell at which points they lie and where they dont. I wouldnt trust any mainstream oppinion/theory blindly

kill yourself
literally kill yourself for making these threads


