Lets say india and pakistan go to war

Lets say india and pakistan go to war

What would you do ?

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laugh heartily


The Raj.

poo in street and marry my cuz out of respect for my former subjects

Which do you support Habib?

B-but that's an old time British tradition Nige.

The rose peddler

of course pakistan , although i wouldnt fight for these bacha bazi cucks , let them poo each other to death

came here to post this

Hope they destroy each other.

Change the channel

This. Or at least Pakistan should get nuked the fuck out of this planet.

What would I do?
Do you think I'm going to defend poos or mussies?
I'm going to stay at my home and watch them killing themselves like everyone in Sup Forums would

Masturbate vigorously.

this whole side of the earth needs purging

as an american i must support both sides of any conflict with war machinery

When will Jordan go to war against Israel?

it is now with all the paki's here and dont you have a border to cross

Stand on the sidelines and cheer.

Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

sage for porn

I cross everyday faggot, i just got back.


Hope they have a nuclear exchange and reduce the world population by 1.5 billion.

global overpopulation is going to be a real problem soon

If only we could get china in the fight it would be a win win.

watch war vids

anime porn dont count and arent you israel bitch
not for much longer

yeah haha I think the optimal global population would be around 5 billion so lets get the chinese in there too

Those 3rd world shitholes are just making cheap shitty goods and taking industry away from west. It would be good to get rid of them

Pray all Muslims get purged

china and pakiland are allies F AM

While at it we could also add Bangladesh and Nepal

Laugh and hope more muslims die than Hindus

bangladesh fine but leave nepal alone

I would install giant toilets on the borders of the EU so they could absorb all the shit coming here as a war ricochet

Hope all Hindus and Muslims die

Pakis are based.

Go to Paddy Power and put a bet on the outcome

Hope for base Pakis to win while cleaning my toilet twice a day.

stupid polack your kind would be the one cleaning it jk :^)

Watch the show and get comfy.

you a sikh

What are they going to do, just throw feces at each other?

mandatory sikhs are bro post.

Sikh women are bros too

Catholic. The Hindus and Muslims don't like Christians here.

a literal shitshow

they both have 100+ nuclear warheads.

cheer for both sides

>leave nepal alone

>They don't like Cathocucks
Well no poo Sherlock

They gonna annihilate themselfs due tue malfunction if they would try to use them.

>Well no poo Sherlock
Exactly, you love POO!!!!

Meme muh support for India in order to trigger local Pakis.

Does conversion to Catholicism awaken the hidden inner pedophile in priests? Seems to happen across the world



>trigger pakis
>reminder : Pakistan is international number one of gay porn consumption

Trigger paki is very easy

there based and us brits get cheap cannon fodder for are army

Chamar,when santan Dharma will hit you again and your whole family will be shot dead.

You will be only left with a harpic and brush.

Filthy chamar,to all the christians on this board these people are niggers of India,and switch to christianity for $$$.

In my village you will get a bike if you opt for christianity.

KYS chamar.

Help India BTFO out of Pakistan for their war crimes against Bangladesh. For being bootlicking murderers to hoity toity ashamed albino brits. Then, India would suffer the same fate for starting their evil ass caste system, aka white supremacy. And also being bootlickers of western albino descendants.

After establishing Bangladesh over all three continents, the Burmese people would be next. We will show them the price of slaughtering Muslims. And just when you think it cant get any crazier.

Bang. We go for saudia arabia. Truth be told this is #1 on my hitlist. These betrayers of brown ppl world wide would be completely displaced by the dark skinned neighbors they hate. I would make these albino overlords work the jobs of folk who they looked down on. Who toiled in the sun for them. Their ferraris would be given to the poorest of Africans and Bangladeshis. They would know the price of their arrogance and vanity.

Lastly, id do you all a favor and cut the head off of the snake. Israel will be the final target. If America or any other super stands in the way. We will crush them for all humanity.


Would you kindly wash your arse aswell?

>says the street shitter who shits daily along the railway tracks to fit in with his people and make a name for himself

Nukes are just threats. I don't think there's any nation on the planet stupid enough to actually use them.

In regards of migration, the pakistani may go back to join the fight, or many will just flee to Europe.

yeah i hear things are very tought for my fellow catholics there cause hindus know there shit tier and muslims are jelly cause we fucked up their caliphate.
What do you think of the current pope

>cheap cannon fodder for are army
Hmm, okay seems legit

Except USA...

>My village
Do you have diarrhea rituals there ?

Team Pakistan all the was baby.

>Personal Freedom

Oh wow

>Pajeet starts throwing shit at Pakistan
>They go batship because their shitty quran gets filled with literal shit

Nothing, those two countries would annihilate each other in under 30 minutes and the war would be over.

You're catholic cause your ancestors were so poor you had to switch gods to survive. poor fag. Imagine being so poor that you beg a FUCKING PASTOR for monies and cummies. kys

>implying a street-shitter's conversion to Pedo...Catholicism somehow miraculously makes him use the loo overnight
>implying Indian Catholics aren't merely Hindu converts
Cmon Fernandez you can bantz better

>In my village you will get a bike if you opt for christianity.
kek at just shows how shitty hinduism is on ye bike

Poo in my loo and eat pork.

Who are the best countries for battle of the bants?

I enjoy Japan and Chinese battles

Just imagine India hits Pakistan, China gets pissed off and hits India, India hits China. No problem for civilized world. Part of word is cleaned...

we have experience

Shit in street

>poos vs dirtniggers
Absolutely nothing. It's for the greater good for everyone

I'd set back and enjoy the show, but I'd root for India though, as the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

Flush the poo.

>all these meme replies

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that war would be? Might be the first time we see nukes flung at each other during war time.

I'd chortle

but for real the gurkhas are good soldiers
and are very patriotic to britain for some reason

Watch and root for pajeet

Dont be a pussy and clean the world for whites sake.

"According to the annual prosperity index"




>are very patriotic to britain for some reason
Aren't they pretty much mercinaries (except in their own homelands)? If the pay is gud, their work will also be gud since they actually work.
They also have a good taste regarding pic-related imho.


Hope that as many filthy pakis are wiped off the face of the earth as possible. Hopefully China gets involved, too, so the Pajeets can nuke even more subhumans.

Christians don't drink Cow urine to feel immortal, Krishna

Pray to godess kali

Maybe it's the most free if you live in the Yukon a hundred miles away from any other human.

Can't say the same about Toronto!

Prepare for the great influx of repoogees

Watch it and laugh. There is nothing else to do. I hope as many Pakistani as possible die.

Get comfy

They drink the pastors cum instead

Try my best to prevent war, and comfort the oncoming Indian and Pakistani refugees.

Let them destroy themself and then colonize them again...