Uhh Lads

She doesn't stand a chance against Trump..... right?

Friendly reminder the Democratic Party has no idea who to run and it may just be her


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This could be fun.

>US Citizen
>over 35

She is technically qualified.

Is she natural born though?

Women love Oprah. I don't think people would pass up the chance to elect the first black and female president.

Born in Mississippi, yes.

That is one gorilla looking nigroid.

She did not age well.

it'll basically be a run against a black hillary

Nothing will get black people to vote unless the candidate is black, plus she'll promise everyone in America a free car and win. Sup Forums BTFO

Would be more liked than Hillary probably. They forget Trump was famous for being a great business man before he became a TV star based on his business experience. They just focus on the TV star portion like mouth breathing morons.

What are her views besides making people feel sad and then happy with gifts?

Or steve harvey

I don't think people would pass up the chance to elect the first black and female president

Didn't Obama and Shitllary used race and gender card already?

The only qualifications are
1 be a natural born citizen
2 be over 35

How is she not qualified? I thought any born America could run...hence a system of peers.


>let's fix a bad meme president with an even shittier one.

I want off this ride.

People were boycotting her last month because she defended Trump. She won't run.

it's only just started

if oprah runs, expect to have your celebrity token every 4 years

Finally, we can definitely prove we are nothing g but a reality TV tier country when the only candidates are most notably known for TV shows.

LOL, America please keep it up.

>oprah and many celebrities attack trump during campaign season
>he destroys them all
>oprah thinks she can now do what decades of celebrities and she couldn't do together

Good luck with that, nigger.

I really hope Michelle Obama has been quietly preparing to run.

It'd be fantastic to see Trump to take down the Bushs, Clintons and Obamas.

Wouldn't that be fascinating though? Aspiring politicians being told to go for a career in the entertainment industry.

If entertainers becoming politicians becomes the norm America will fall so much faster and harder than Rome. Trump unique in that he's a businessman more than an entertainer, opera...

Why do people keep memeing that Trump is unqualified?

He is a massively accomplished individual.
Are you supposed to spend at least 20 years being a career politician, getting yourself bought and paid for, owing favours for donations, election campaign after election campaign, until your time to be president comes and suddenly you can't do anything because your puppet masters won't let you?


She did have him on his show a long time ago. I don't remember her being unreasonable. If she defended him, is she conservative or is she just not a complete moron like most celebrities?

No chance.

She can't handle the bants. She'll implode.

Oprah is an ok person right? She's not hitlary

i will see to it that this fat bitch never drops dead before getting a single vote

>Oprah vs Trump 2020

this could actually happen holy shit

She basically said everyone needs to calm down and get behind our president, nothing too crazy. The SJW went nuts on her.


He's the first non-politician elected to the office and he's kicking ass. His experience managing a sprawling business empire appears to have set him up better for the job than a lifetime of fucking up governorships or writing bad legislation has anyone else.

Holy shit

She is a nigger female. She would win regardless because of muh politic correctness

I can't wait to see the US sink even lower in 2024 when Americans start voting for their favourite tv and movie characters to be president.

2024: Jon Snow vs Iron Man

>He's the first non-politician elected to the office


yes but not simultaneously

Trump didnt win because he was a TV star he won because his position on illegals, nationalism, foreign policy, America First, etc.

Leftys still dont understand it, and this is why Hillary almost lost to an old white guy in Sanders. Its not about identity politics (Black, Woman, etc.) its about the message and platform.

The delusion is unreal. Although both Trump and Oprah are wealthy. Trump made his name for himself making the decisions. Oprah? Don't know what she did other than her TV show and sponsored book club.

However, I think it will be dangerous to Trump. It will be much harder to attack Oprah than it was with Hillary. Hillary was unlikable, Oprah is pretty likable, and never heard a bad thing about her. Other than that, I think the biggest flaw with her is that I don't think people in the capitol would listen to her, she would not be taken seriously. And I have no clue what her policies would be

Was Gov of California first

Reagan was the Governor or California before and he was in the military. Trump is the first who never held office or went in the military.

She has a very good chance. I would prefer her to be the first female president rather than hillary. Plus it would twist the knife in hills stomach.

Trump is a one termp Pres. anyone running against him 2020 will win

Nobody would vote for her

This kills the killary

Holy fuck, how assblasted would she be if some fat nigger with no political experience did what she never could

wrong, Reagan was an actor turned politician. He was governor of California for like 8 years before he ran for president

No, she wouldn't even get through the primaries.

Soon celebrity presidents will be the norm


Wasn't she born in Africa and her actual name was Orpah but it got fucked up by the person writing the birth certificate or something?

Probably as ass blasted as us if some dumb nigger like Oprah got the presidency.

I stuck around for Trump just for laughs but if Oprah won I'd move to Mexico.

No way. Defeating the incumbent while the economy is growing is almost impossible. The Democrats also have no one viable to run. Sanders and Biden will be too old in 2020. Warren is a disaster. Everyone pretty much expects them to push forward their token nigger from New Jearsy but he has almost no experience and is very uncharismatic.

She's gotta win the primary against Kanye first. We just thought the last primary was a circus.

>Oprah will never drone strike you
Why live?

He was governor of California, bro.

Sure thing, Schlomo. Put your shekels where your mouth is.

Kek, Corey Booker will be their choice. All the democrats around me want him and it makes me fucking laugh. Booker would still be a better choice than Warren though kek.

America is the laughing stock of the world. Nobody will fear your woman president.

Probably only slightly more assblasted than she was when a skinny nigger with no political experience beat her in 2008.

It would have been funny because she's also racist

She's too much of a pussy to sign off on military actions

This. Nobody respects a female head of state.

She is too nice for that position. She would ruin us with her bleeding heart.

She saw what happened to Donald Trump when he ran. It's still happening now. The smear tactics and people will nitpick and critics everything you do and hate you for no reason whatsoever. She doesn't seem like the type that could handle it.

Trump and Oprah are friends, Trump even stated in the past he would be okay with Oprah being his VP

Yes, those are all natural.

Also people actually like Oprah

Nobody would critize her. She's black and a woman. She'd have the strongest PC shield of any candidate so far.

Boondocks season 1. Return of the king.

Has Oprah ever stated her opinion on political policies?

>posts lightened picture of her

even the anti-racists are racist

Oprah is extremely popular with women, she's black, she got raped, so she has alot of oppression points which makes her the perfect candidate for the democratic nomination.

I don't know if she has Donald Trumps political talents of saying exactly what voters want to hear, but she does similar things on her show by promising people free stuff and she knows how to connect with viewers.

She definitely has a chance.

I know I'm not the only one who said before the election that after Trump wins, Dems will run Oprah Winfrey.

no one would criticize her to her face but online she would be destroyed and lets not forget one of the primary reasons trump won was the online domination

Women wont vote for a black woman. Most white women think they are repulsive.

She's fringe leftist, that's nothing new

this she couldnt even handle Jello.

No no no no no no

people loved Trump, until he ran.

The Boondocks wanted this

I do think Oprah could beat Trump, I also think Tulsi could beat him.

Thus ends the list of people who could/maybe beat him.

Democrats are retarded, so I assume they'll run Hillary again.

Gender bender, anybody rich and famous is a tranny. Stop buying into the deception. Stop idolizing celebrities. Ivanka has huge hands

Oprah is nothing like Hillary besides political views and even I'm not sure about her views
>she's likable
>can pull both the woman and black vote
>has the same initial appeal as trump by which she's a "newcomer" and "underdog"
It'd be a tough battle for trump if he wants to go against her shes basically a black Obama

Democrats are retarded because they would actually vote for Oprah to represent our nation on the global stage. Say what you will about Trump but he knows how to play hardball and knows how to be tough. Is Oprah capable of ordering military strikes? Who knows. She seems like an individual who would just like to pretend none of the horrible shit in the world is actually happening. Throwing money at global or homeland issues and forgetting about it might work as a billionaire private citizen but wouldn't cut it when it comes to foreign aggression or terrorism

She is just trying to get attention. No way she will run. She would lose at least 50% of her fans and destroy her legacy if she was fronting the "tranny rights" party.


I have never heard her say a single political word, not that I follow her. But some celebrities make their opinions so clear even people who have never watched a movie with them in it know their political stance. She must be somewhat republican.

dont give the meme power, it might shift future timeline

oprah winfrey. negro woman from the south


Oprah never attacked Trump, in fact she was savaged by SJWs for saying to have hope for Trump being a possibly good president


If a black woman is elected President after Trump, I swear to Christ I will gather Titus.

Didn't she and Trump use to be close friends or something?

Many of us once liked niggers. before they got all uppity that is.

O'nigger was the first and last black president, Donald Trump will be the Fuhrer for the next *16* years, and Aunt Jemimah can suck a dick.

This. I don't think we'll ever see a non-celebrity president again.


you are cutting deep burger

The novelty of a black president has already been used up. Saying because Trump was a celebrity and celebrity can be President is a joke, Trump's allure was his business skills and his larger than life personality. You think people are going to switch their vote from Trump to Oprah because she wuz a stronk indapendent black womin?

She lost a lot of weight.

People who lose a lot later in life tend to look worse than they did when fat.

>a mainstream nigger in America

Do you have to ask?

No. She'll likely be dead in a few years and if not, good luck getting male niggers to vote for her. Say what you will about nigger crime rates (though I'll agree) but one thing that the male niggers do get right, even if by mistake, is that they don't trust their women. So don't worry