Give compliments to the country above you

Give compliments to the country above you.

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I've never heard of your country on CNN so I guess that means you're not terrorists. Good for you.

more conservative than we are

thanks for the godking
the next 4-8 years will be fun

well im dutch so id have to go up and up untill i hit like Benin or Togo

and theres no fucking praise for that shit

thanks for being fresh toothpaste

You decucked yourself somewhat

The 2nd amendment was one of the best ideas the Founding Fathers had and the gun culture in the south doesn't get enough respect.

You have Trump and good gun law

Why have i never noticed that

You rekt Austrian pussies in WWI

top tier women

Kebab removalists

also, check my ID

the Terminator comes from there!

why does nobody have anything good to say about Canada?

Yeah, I'm actively trying, but blanking.

Your cars are beautiful.

Mind blowing nature

Best geographicists in the world.

A lot of lakes? Maybe that counts


you got good snipers.


top fucking kek, good job funland

You employ my acquaintance's sister so he doesn't have to hear her nagging while he's still in Poland.

pretzels are good

hey lithubro. qhat was the result of your hiv test?

Very progressive and tolerant. Its the backbone of the #resistance against zlumpf.

Made important marine expeditions

Bro tier moors just like us

big fan of how open the territory is. oil reserves. famous steaks. fantastic gun culture, with some caveots

I know nothing about your country, but your flag would make a nice carpet for my living room :)

best weapons and best chocolate

Best bros 4ever

Warm weather

Ty for making In Bruges

I hope you don't get raked

You got real free speech and despite a lot of retards living there the only country where I would move to if I had a good job oppurtunity.

your good at organizing stuff

you have attractive women over there

interesting comment, ID boyz h0 ....

Oo tebya yest beautiful language. Ya oochoo ruski yezik.

Vodka tourism is real nice hobby

Shitty orange president

Good looking women, good looking men. At least a few decades ago.

I don't even know where to begin

>Good looking women, good looking men. At least a few decades ago.


molodec ;)
wine, cheese and an interesting self-contredicting culture, which only you really understand

great at sucking black cock

We can't mexico is actually 7 time zone diffrences and we're just getting up

You're country is not a cesspool like everyone knows that it is.

meant for france

I love a nice cold Okroshka in the summer

President that isn't a cuck and beautiful forests

Even though most of them are plastic, your telenovelas actresses are gorgeous

Whites come from albinism. A disease and deficiency. The falsity of White history begins and ends with their desire to hide their true nature; that being that they are derived from Albinos. Their efforts to make all peoples of historical significance White, would appear to be their effort to make themselves the "New Normal" i. e. "See everybody important was White, therefore White is good - the best even!" This fabricated concept of themselves, is obviously so satisfying, and so ingrained, that it has become delusional. Even today, there are many Whites who refuse to believe that the ancient Egyptians, and the other original civilizations as well, were Black people! This in spite of the countless evidences to the contrary: Egypt IS in Africa, there are countless statues and paintings which clearly show them to be Black people. Even scientific studies of ancient Egyptian Bones and Mummy tissue, like this one: Mummy tissue study does not satisfy them. Whites will still doggedly point to artifacts from the periods of Greek and Roman rule and say: See, these are the "Real Egyptians". Of course, there is absolutely no reason why a reasonably intelligent human being, would ever think that the ancient Egyptians were White people, but then again, reason and intelligent thought, have nothing to do with this: This is about a "Need" to believe. This persistence in thinking, is then clearly not intellectual, put rather purely emotional.

Last 1 min worth watching.

I grew watching anime dubbed by mexicans in the 90s. You have the best voice over actors in the world in my opinion, other spanish speaking countries dont have the same emotion in their voices.


beautiful army

Your meat is pretty tasty ;)

I had a bottle of malbec from your country with dinner last night. It wasn't shit.

did a good job at the alamo

>good looking men
yeah there's just so much good about Sweden
what the fuck are you talking about?

I could easily beat up all of you.

idk much about you but I think baltic states are pretty based

we did some grain trading like 1000 years ago

i kind of like the way dutch sounds

Interesting history

electronic music, most of it.

spasiba! T obichna zdec? Ya lyoobloo Rooskis.

Is weed really legal in Amsterdam? If so, good job goys!

mostly nice people. And I was really impressed that Wilders is leading in the polls. In Germany he would probably sit in jail for Volksverhetzung.
So you guys are pretty based.

da, chasto.

btw US makes great guns.

>4 (you)s

Based country, based leader. Slavs are cool

You've got a very nice wall.

you make a good toothpaste

Good for keeping the old pears white and shiney

Rich , great language

Gloucestershire is the best.

t. Gloucesterhirian.

It's worth mentioning again the freshness of your toothpaste.

Also, for reasons not entirely understood, the small, low, wet kingdom of the Netherlands produces the best police dogs on the planet.

You guys dont take shit from sandniggers and really got a good education and living standards if you compare it to the shitholes around you

I actually enjoy Newcastle beer.

Good beer.

good doctors and surgeons

Ochen horosho.

I still want a Russian-made AK47. I have a Norenco SKS but would love a proper AK.

best country 2bh keep up the great work, make europa deutsch again

Is becoming a very multicultural country! :)

I liked the DDR aesthethic when I was in east berlin

like alex jones said, damn those commies are amazing

Most awesome and degenerate country

You have a better Trump than us

>Russian-made AK47

full auto weapons are only allowed with license in the US as far as I know.

if you meant that you just want an russian-made AK, you can get one from izmash.

or is the company banned from import to the US like SIG?

I came from you, so that's nice

*remains silent*

A cool accent, and some fun music.

now #1 in bantz


cool flag colors


Conor McGregor

eurotrip movie, tulips