/molymeme/ general

Not gonna lie, former Stefbot here. It's fucking hilarious watching this pseudointellectual douchebag crash and burn..

But seriously, we can't let him have the nuclear arguments.

Other urls found in this thread:


living in canada is driving him nuts


stupid faggot thread






Hey steffy!



>Look at this person, they have some serious and complex problems from past events in their lives! They may have even done or said some bad things!

I don't get these character assassinations. They just point out that their targets are fucking human. Do millennials expect their public figures to be marvel superheros or something?

That is a valid point though,


He is getting absolutely roasted in the comments section of his last vid. Mike is going to have his work cut out replying to all those negative comments with 'not an argument'


Molyshills have all went to bed

Does this nigger realize how fucking insane this defooing website makes him look? I never wanted to believe the worst about stefan, but goddamn, this guy he's basically a poor-man's jim jones.

>your tone is very problematic. you should not say mean things because that's racist. you see those antifa who want to murder you and beat up republicans? you need to be more tolerant. don't say mean things. you're divisive and it's problematic cause we're inclusive people. we need more muslim immigrants and blacks murdering whites and you're kinda talking about it. it's problematic. change your tone.

i'm not gonna lie, former moly cult member here. this is fucking hilarious watching moly crash and burn.. but in all seriousness we can't let this man get a hold of the nuclear arguments

his tone is problematic. he needs to be tolerant and respectful. don't you know that Sup Forums only likes people who are tolerant and respectful? he has an ego and is confident. we hate success and white people!

It doesn't look good. It would be interesting to hear his take on it.

The whole site is about attacking friends and family who "betrayed" Stefan "philosopher" Molyneux...

Its got nothing to do with tone and more to do with his followers and his threadbare 'philosophical' arguments. Oh, and the cult stuff.

I know its pretty creepy

Not gonna lie, former Stefbot here. It's fucking hilarious watching this pseudointellectual douchebag crash and burn.. But seriously, we can't let him have the nuclear arguments.

He has doxxed them all as well. I wonder if that is why the site is hosted in Panama. The site would have been shut down by the Canadian authorities by now, surely.

I started listening to Molyneux after he came out with his untruth about Donald Trump series. This site makes him look absolutely unhinged; definitely staying the heck away from this guy now.

Thank you for bumping

Looks like a cumshot pic.

>those eyes

Same, I subscribed to his channel at that time and generally appreciated his political commentary. Especially that fall or Rome video. I never knew he was this crazy. But if you go to his freedomainradio website, its got like a very active forum community where all his donors talk to each other...Stef might be on Shaun King's level of scam artist.

Whoa dude I agree. Fuck having opinions. I'm voting for Hillary now.

There seems to be a Dane that's obsessed with molymeme. Cult tier imo

I hate Stef now. thx antifa

wtf i hate arguments now

bernie can still win amiright?

Why did this podcast cause so much butthurt? I just listened to it and he was milder than Tucker on Bill Nye. Even if I disagree with Molymeme sometimes FDR is still my favorite podcast.

What a retarded statement




Please contribute with links/videos. Anyone lurking who doesn't know about his cultish behaviour back in the day please have a look through the deroo.org website
A molyneux classic:

Take a look at some of the linked sites on this thread:

>claims that he does not need to be nice because he has been a "philosopher" for 30~ years
>sam harris is widely more popular, has sold more books than Molymeme has subscribers, and funny enough Sam is a nice person

Fuck this cult leader faggot.


>B-but I am the most popular philosopher on YouTube!

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in public persuasion, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret debates on statists, and I have over 300 confirmed arguments. I am trained in gorilla logic and I’m the top public intellectual in the entire Canadian smarmed forces. You are nothing to me but just another caller. I will wipe you the fuck out with rhetorical precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mikes across the recording studio and your call is being dropped right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your argument. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can refute you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare rhetoric. Not only am I extensively trained in philosophy, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the University of Toronto History graduate program and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this call, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking next caller, kiddo.

Remember that time Joe Rogan destroyed Molyneux on his show?


moly popping those arguments thinking he can hide it from us !!!

Holy shit, this dude is crazy

Join us in the other thread

long time since I was here last, man the hillbots sure are getting desperate

yes. they expect everything for free and painless. they need a war.

So what did he do to get all you faggots riled up?

>>Look at this person, they have some serious and complex problems from past events in their lives! They may have even done or said some bad things!

>I don't get these character assassinations. They just point out that their targets are fucking human. Do millennials expect their public figures to be marvel superheros or something?

That's what Stefan does. Whenever a caller challenges him he starts asking them about their relationships with their parents. He implies that there is something wrong with them because of it, attacking their character instead of their arguments. It's one of the reasons I can't stand the call in shows.


>caller tries to tell molymeme to be nicer to get more viewers
>Molymeme gets triggered and takes it as a personal attack
>for 40 minutes molymeme just shits on the caller
>some people found this distasteful and called molymeme out
>hardcore followers sperg out and scream PAID SHILL, NOD AN ARGUMENT REEEEE
>critics get defensive and start spamming back

Basically the same shit the last time Molymeme made a vid where he yells at a caller.

You guys went too hard too fast on molymeme. Take some advice. Next time don't use talking points from years ago and don't spam the board immediately over trivial shit.

You have to be subtle, shit on him in natural threads. Then slowly, over time, make a few of your own threads shitting on him somewhat. Then go up from there.

Hit me up if you want more advice, but I'm gonna start charging you fuckheads. I guarantee I can do your job better than you can.

You must work for the North Korean Ministry of State Security, your advice is that bad.

Thanks for the enlightenment. Amazing how much energy people are wasting on this. So the guys a asshole, they are acting like it's the end of the world.

You're free to keep doing what you're doing, but don't expect it to get the results you want. Whatever they're teaching you is pretty ill informed advice for a board like Sup Forums.

What you're doing with these threads is only going to make molymeme more popular, not less. What do I care though, I'm a neutral party.

Daily reminder Molyneux is here, and he is subversive. Day of the rake when?

Part of cult indoctrination means his fans will fight tooth and nail to defend him. They see Molyneux as their "voice to the normies."

It's like people who wouldn't do their research on Trump, so instead they just started calling anyone that supported him KKK, nazi, etc etc. They don't care about the facts, they've been brainwashed and can't admit to themselves that they've been played.

I think it's more because people are convinced it's paid shilling and not just user's havin a giggle at all the people getting angry. It's pretty much turned into a self-inflicted raid.

>le greatest """philosophy""" show on the internet

It looks like someone jizzed on his face in the thumbnail

>"Wtf I hate Molyneux now!"

Haha you subhuman, low IQ shilling cretins have no idea how obvious it is. At this point, it's comical. You probably don't even realize that you're being trolled right now by guys pretending to be on your side - that's how fucking dumb you spastics are.

I sincerely hope you die in a horrific car crash or that a fucking lighting strike kills you the moment you step out of your house or office you shill at.
