How do we solve the nu-male problem?
How do we solve the nu-male problem?
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Why are you always trying to solve other people's problems? Mind your fucking business.
Focus on yourself.
nu males are all of our problems tyrone.
Came here to post this
Make kids lift weights in middle school instead of running miles.
Make them watch 300 over and over again
Sort yourself out.
Because that is how society dies, when no one gives a shit anymore
You have to solve the female problem first.
Men act as they do in order to attract women.
So we have to stop women being so liberal and advocating for immigrants to come and rape them.
How do we do this? I don't know. But the nu-male problem will keep happening as long as women are stupidly liberal.
Most of you are fucking numales, that's what is so funny about this.
This has to be the most delusional board on Sup Forums.
We all become weed dealers and lace all our supply with acid.
Piss off with your libertarian virtue signaling
hes just the millenial stereotype
male toothpick, nonexistant hairline, neckbeard, muh weed dude,
he is cancer incarnate.
We can't mexico is actually 7 time zone diffrences and we're just getting up
??????? not at all bro. keep projecting tho i sure wont stop u
300 sucked. The only good thing about it were the visuals.
I feel like if I hung out with that guy for more than fifteen minutes I would end up beating the fuck out of him
Jimmy nu-male hits the bong?
Well men on 300 were MEN whereas nu-males have marijuana boobies and skinny stick arms and talk about vidya 24/7
holy hell checked
>spends day online socializing with anonymous and posting stupid ass memes while blaming society for all your problems
You don't have to project anything on this board, it's pretty apparent what type of males come here kek. I bet you don't realize how large the cross posting between here and reddit is.
Like I said, delusional as hell.
Nu-males won't change just from watching 300. They'll just think "wow this movie is gay as fuck" before taking another bong rip.
People do give a shit. Its just that nobody understands each other enough to know what's best for them.
You know that the 300 actors had computer generated abs and muscles, right?
They're not breeding so the problem will solve itself.
>heh i just came in here to call u stupid retards
were you banned from your favorite sub or something
>all day
i literally got on 5 minutes ago. remember when i said
>youre a projecting beta male
thats u.
>thinks i dont go on reddit
youre an idiot.
Organize a group that would go around to beat nu-males up. Force them to be aggressive in order to protect themselves.
i think they are breedingt hough
You don't. They won't reproduce anyway it will sort itself out
Good idea. I like it. Are there any nu males in the Philippines.
Filipinos always solve their problems by organizing gangs to go beat the problem up, I love it, just like you guys do with addicts
He is a cool guy who hangs out with buncha friends, has fun and drowns in pussy.
How... I donno, try to be a little bit like him, you fucking NEET?
We always beat around the bush.
Whenever you see a nu male
rough him up
fuck his bitch (unlikely he has one)
make him feel small and pathetic without getting yourself arrested
cunts will wise up in no time
give them all the soy milk they want for free
P.s. But Jimmy Nu-tron is fucking hilarious, post more pls!
Ike you did when the Muslims moved in?
He's a total faggot manchild who hangs out with morons and smokes weed all day.
Yeah sure, be just like this guy everyone!
Another World War. Just make sure more darkies and other lesser thans die this time.
If it weren't true you faggots wouldn't get so worked up over my post.
Numale as fuck.
I live in the north of Scotland,
there was one solitary nigger in my high school of 800
hadnt seen a black in the flesh until i was 9
Just curious what do you do all day? Not judging just wondering.
no pakis either
u mad bro? xD
It will solve itself in a generation or two.
even the bong is gay, buy a proper one if you have to smoke goddammit
it's a dab rig
What does intersectional means?
Naw you are numale though
Wow. What a total bitch hit.
Someone needs to teach that young lady how to use a bong properly.
Go to college, work, come back, fuck around with friends or if I want to be alone read or study, sometimes play video games. If I'm really bored come on Sup Forums and say nigger
Simple, poison marijuana. Kills niggers too.
wrong, society dies when everyone tries to fix everyone else.
society thrives when everyone tries to fix themselves.
Ban video games. Ban Weed. Get estrogen out of the water supply, have fathers teach their sons to not be faggots
I aint clicking that.
Yes. Popular media from the West is insidious in the way they spread their agenda and a lot of my countrymen consume a lot of it. We also now have tumbler/facebook/reddit SJWs. I would rather have the Marxist acitivists who actually know how to protest in the streets instead of those pussies.
I wish I could say it was all Filipinos. Unfortunately, the liberal plague has yet to be purged from our system.
Nu-Males are one of many reasons why the white birth rate is low. We need to fix these fuckers now.
Mandatory testosterone injections. For the more extreme cases, sterilization.
You guys gotta destroy them. It's the Philippines it's definitely not as bad as here. Good luck I know you guys will be able to deal with the problem better than we can here
on the bright side, black abortions outstrip black births by a large margin, it's astounding.
if only hispanics would get the memo and stop pushing out fat spiclings
I WISH I knew! I'm an elderly fag, and I take a lot of walks around the city when it's nice out and the majority of these young men, if I even say "hello" to them they act as if I am going to attack them with my cane or something. Shame because back in the 1960's white men were the most feral, wildest SOB's to ever walk the Earth. I think that's what non-white and anti-whites are scared of. They are sitting on a GIANT powder keg and they know it too. Do you remember what the white men in the US did to the Japs back then, or the Iraqi's?.......well? that's nothing compared to what's going to eventually happen in the future. They know it to....they can feel it in their bones, hear it in their voices.......see it in their body language. I'm just glad I'm white and a male
still gay
Fuck yeah man I love to hear that. We're all angry as fuck inside and it won't take much for white men to take this country back soon hard
>Those cock sucking lips
He would be a great trap
A good chunk of them will be gone by the end of Trump's term. If anything now's the time to reproduce more white kids.
Operation BABBY was a failure because nobody made social media accounts and we all screamed at each instead.
the generation is all wacked out on "stranger danger" rhetoric and social media, i'm sounding like an elderlyfag as well but it has legitimately fucked up healthy social contact in public... everything cringy or awkward moment is a chance for a viral meme
I'm also curious
Take away most of women's rights.
Seriously, you have to take away their power to incentivise cultivating certain character traits (dark triad) and taking part in slut culture.
Once men are rewarded for being honest, hardworking and good people again most of our societal problems fix themselves seamlessly.
Thank you. It's a long battle but I, and the rest of similar minded individuals in this country, hope to succeed.
We're working on it bro it's harder then we thought it would be. Cunts are too uppity nowadays but we'll put them back in their place, believe me
>I dont like these people therefore they are a problem to me.
>A problem to you is a problem to all of us.
>How are WE gonna solve YOUR problem.
Fix your own shit, your problem speaks more about you than those you believe are a problem.
Are you trying to make the nu males gay?? I mean, they're already teetering, but that will just tip them past the balance point.
You will. You guys are already cool with killing drug dealers and users. I would love to do that here in the U.S. but this cucked population would never accept that. You guys are going to win in the end
t. proud nu-male
ctrl+f + intersection
>shariablue is using russian proxies now
Дa cъeбиcь oтcюдa, пидopac.
Intersectionality is the idea that multiple identities intersect to create a whole that is different from the component identities. These identities that can intersect include gender, race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, mental disability, physical disability, mental illness, and physical illness as well as other forms of identity
tl;dr it means special snowflake
by posting about nu-males on an image board
Let the states decide.
>hurrdurr I do drugs, look how cool I am.
Fuck off.
I've never met a pothead I liked.
Kill yourself
Doesn't matter because none of the pitiful faggots on this board will ever make an impact on anybodys life, nu-male or not
>I happen to know everyone on this anonymous image board
Yeah, okay. Back to /lgbtqiayylmaonopqrstuvwxyz/ board, faggot.
>All these self aware nu males ITT saying "just leave them alone, this isn't a problem, focus on yourself!"
When did the nu-male takeover happen on Sup Forums? It must have been a covert operation or it came from Reddit or something
Let them be, either they die out or man up.
>Walks into his house
>Fucks him up the ass
>Eats his food
>Kills his family
>He calls the police
I don't understand why I'm in jail, officer. He doesn't believe in borders. I just did what came naturally. I wanted sex, food, shelter, and to kill some people, so I helped myself. What's the big deal? Stop oppressing me. It's a part of my culture.
All of that freedom is firing back? You can't undo 'Murica
>eat your protein
>choke on the lumps
What did he mean by this????
Less Flouride in H20
Nu-males are more common in Europe, Especially Germany.