Sup Forums utterly decimated with one simple image

Sup Forums utterly decimated with one simple image

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Leave it to a leaf to post an image of an illegal alien breaking a wall.

Sweetie, they're Americans like yourself. Quit trying to act smug by calling them names that make you feel good :)

a super hero breaking the great dam of new york that was constructed to deal with rising sea levels. Pretty based flooding all the jews and liberals

>statue of liberty is in ny
>wall is in texas

*yawn*, BORING!

Honey, you're trying a little too hard to be edgy

That image is pretty shit though, because even after searching, I cant find wtf that wall is. Is there even a wall like that near the Statue of Liberty?

Comic book artists are still children mentally because they followed through with their dream of "drawing". They never had to leave their toys behind. Fuck them. Lowest tier creatives.

>A statue and a make believe character with super powers from another planet are Americans
Wew lad.

not sure if shill or just shitpost...

>send massive flood to wipe out Bagel Land

Because he's an alien lol

superior hero


what the literal fuck

*blocks your path*

>wall is destroyed
>liberty is now defenseless
how does this btfo Sup Forums?

Awww, poor little drumpfkin can't come up with a counter argument to the artists work?

Poor baby!

Wtf is Trump building a wall in the Atlantic? I'm not paying for it

Op is a retarded chink

Sweetie, this shtick is TM-copyright my vagina.
> piss off, wanker

>alien breaking the wall

Color me surprised.

Notice how Superman integrated and the Syrians and other illegals don't.

He's not even real and neither is this image
keep pretending leaf

>Superman was created by two Jews
>his story mirrors that of Moses in many respects
>Statue of Liberty has a dozen socialist connections, most notably with a Socialist kike woman who wrote a poem associated with the statue near its inception

Superman and the Statue of Liberty can both fuck off.

Fuck off

>Mexico utterly decimated with one simple image

A fucking leaf.


>be liberal
>be unable to make a point without using children's media

Give it a year of 2 before superman becomes a trans, arab, gay, vegan, feminist, man hater who takes medication to decrease his masculinity

>trump activates the kryptonite clutch
>grabs superman by the pussy


*Clock noises*

>(((western comics))))
>still reading comics at all

Do sjws really believe Trump is gonna make being gay or crippled illegal?

/shill/s magically appear, almost as if summoned. 2¢

Isn't Captain America a fascist-loving Hydra agent now?


pretty much this

Why would there be a wall in the ocean around New York?

superman represents the liberal elite who never had to work for anything in their lives. They are just given power. lex luthor is the real hero. A true conservative small business owner.

He doesn't have to go back

>illegal immigrant destroys united states property
only proving trump right

So superman let them build the wall and then sometime later destroyed it. That was a lot of mexican money down the drain, not to mention they could not get in for a time. What a waste!

Superman destroying Jew York makes me diamonds.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




>OH WOE BE Sup Forums

Day of the rake when?

>jelly as fuck

Superman isn't real you dope.

Might as well have Santa clause breaking the wall lol

If this were Snyder Superman he'd be sent crashing through the wall in slow motion as ominous music blared in the background.

>drawing a TNT belt on the little jihadi

is this comic supposed be serious?

Why is there a wall there? In the middle of the fucking sea?
There's even water there to prove it.
I've been to NY and IRC the statue i facing towards open see isnt it?
Is the wall there to stop pirates from pillaging the city? I don't get it


you know you aren't the first one to post this comment

but keep doing the good job nonetheless

So Superman is going rogue now and disobeying the voters and the U.S. government?

Time to call Lex Luthor.

why is the kid wearing suicide belt lol

Fiction is fiction and, what I say is what I say.
Just look at the numbers we're doing real good. Get this fake news outta here!

I don't get it. Superman has kicked the ass of many aliens who have come here with a plan to overthrow Earth for their own personal gain/for their people.

Duh, it's to keep the Atlanteans out. Fuck Aquaman.

superman has always represented communism.

Superman was created in an age when a goddamn alien was more relatable to the average American than a black person. This shit is laughable to see him portrayed this way.

Why is the casing also kryptonite?

They think Sombra can get past those walls without getting ICE'd

liberals stumped by geography

Jewman destroying America by opening the migrant flood gates. Luckily the emperor of mankind has greater power.

fuck off ctr shill. superman has always been a cuck in favor of destroying america.


superman doesn't exist you retard

BULLSHIT... Superman was 100% Pro-American Masculine man before the modern SJW pussy writers turned him into SuperFag


hahah oh my god that is one of the gayest things ive seen in a long time.

I used to fuck guys like you in prison while simultaneously eating pieces of shit like you for breakfast.

We can't mexico is actually 7 time zone diffrences and we're just getting up

>Sup Forums is one person


not only that, but he's actually not a citizen anymore


Someone call pizzagate

Hey, they stole that from JoJo!

Trump wall will be no where near new York. Stop making us look bad you stupid leaf

>Jewish created superhero helping the yids further their goals
not surprised

Superman propaganda thread?

Someone needs to photoshop texans in the background looking visibly upset and loading their guns.


a real conservative hero.

Dude, I think he just broke the prison wall at Guantanamo bay and released to the worlds most dangerous terrorists.


isnt super man owned by the same company that owns CNN?

Why is Superman such a bluepilled cucklord?

what a bunch of liberal cucks.


>kike made super heroes handing out propaganda
this shit writes itself

Jews created him


Because he's propaganda just like Captain America.

That looks so much cooler than the normal Superman... why is commie aesthetic so based?

every one who read a comic knows that superman is shit.

>Robin cucked him in only one punch.

Fuck superman


Is he going to pay for the flood of illegals, as well?

Leave it up to a dog fucking Leaf, to post an image of an alien superhero opening up the floodgates for degeneracy, when in his own canon he would probably flash-fry the rabid shitskins. Truly, do you Leafs have any redeeming qualities whatsoever, or are you all just worthless animal fuckers?

he lost their fight

>america: the post