Terrifying desu
Will Trump supporters ever wake the fuck up? Only when it becomes clear how much damage he's doing, I suppose. I see that some frat bros are finally upset with him for the increasing crackdown on marijuana and pressure being put on states where it's legal. Trump is all about big government, and so is Bannon, they just want a government that controls what people say and do
Terrifying desu
>Donald Trump just got applause for a widow Obama created
"Always kill a traitor before an enemy."
-Sonic the hedgehog, 1943
that SEAL guy knew what he signed up for, this guy would probably crawl out of his grave and kill this fuck if he heard him talking about his wife this way.
Obama oversaw the death of over 2,600 US soldiers in 8 years (nearly 1 a day). Where was the media outrage over that?
Get fucked commie cunt.
Will anti white faggots like yourself ever wake up?
I was thinking that too. Pretty ironic desu
>some redneck stupid asshole got killed while he was shooting at unarmed children in the desert from his armored truck
We literally can't stop winning.
Don't worry, it's totally okay when liberals do the killing.
>some guy got killed in a combat operation he literally signed up for
>it's trump's fault though
Didn't realize Trump was hiding during the ambush and popped out and shot the SEAL
but shillary is responsible for benghazi right ;)
Yes and you know that as fact too
How are the two situations even remotely comparable?
what happened?
In the case of Benghazi it's more what she DIDN'T do...
I didnt know he had sent 300 requests for help to trump
Obama administration planned the raid but had to wait for a moonless night to approve it. Trump was most definitely advised by military experts to approve the raid.
Really makes you think.
>but shillary is responsible for benghazi right ;)
She ignored hundreds of emergency phonecalls (and previous security requests) from the guys getting shot up. Even when the calls got answered, the rescue was refused and they were left to die to save face for Obama and try to hide the whole debacle (with US elections coming up).
Fucking retard.
Suddenly all of the liberals care about every single Marine. What about the guys that died at Benghazi?
Kek has blessed us!
>the increasing crackdown on marijuana
fake news
>they just want a government that controls what people say and do
alinskyite projection
>some guy got killed in a combat operation he literally signed up for
>it's hillary's fault though
i didnt realize hillary was a part of the raid shooting soldiers
Advancements to the cause of liberty and freedom by John (((Fugelsang))): Zero.
He makes windows too? Maybe I'll buy some.
You could at least google what the stuff you're talking about is, it will take 2 seconds and you might not look like a complete retard
She called off much needed support which could of prevented such deaths.
>i didnt realize hillary was a part of the raid shooting soldiers
No but she was part of the raid that blocked the rescue team for 13 hours (hoping the soldiers would die leaving no witness to report what her and Obama did).
Thankfully a couple put up a superhuman fight and lived to tell the tale about what she did though.
Just another reason why you Demoshits are fucked beyond repair.
Tfw you get quints and nobody gives a fuck.
John Fugdd
I was just about to say that her husband knew what he signed up for.
The liberal media is always trying to find something to make Trump look like a retarded asshole. His speech was very good last night. He even honored a black father there who's son was killed by an illegal alien drug dealer, who was a gang member.
His opening about the antisemitism was good too.
These liberals are the ones who look bad. They are so hypocritical, and talk about how they have good morals and think bullying is bad, when in reality they are the bullies. They are bullying Trump. They need to grow the fuck up.
did you guys see the Last Week Tonight episode about russia? I think John Oliver actually made a fair point about america in that episode. you can hate him if you want, but the man has said some horrible shit about Trump and he's still allowed to say that, and i think that shows americans are still okay