Is this your average Brazilian poster? pic related

Is this your average Brazilian poster? pic related

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Sure why not


Seems like it



Looks better than the special effects in The Walking Dead

What are they saying?

What am I looking at?

They're praying cuz they think he's the devil. He also has a bleeding hole from being shot in the face.

I didn't allow this to be posted. Delete it now

Demon possession.

some idiots praying at the guy with mental problems

gang gang

this is a mix of funny and creepy

my favorite type of shit

Why? Are we witnessing the Brazilians final form?

not yet

why does that guy instinctively go after that tire holy shit i'm dying.

what is the guy saying back to them?

How come the guy behind him is so calm

gotta get it off the road before somebody hits it and makes the situation worse

Keep crying monkey

He can make more selling the tire than he can by being a brazillian wage slave

>hello, I'm here for the job interview

Is Brazil the Florida of South America?

I think helping the guy half dead on the ground would be more important then preventing a dent in someones bumper. idk, maybe my moral compass is off.

This makes more sense for some reason.


Is the guy trying to exorcise a demon out of him? What's he saying

Could star in a zombie movie/tv series without much of any additional makeup.

I heard he was pretending to be crazy to avoid jail.

I cant understand but in some part he says that he incorporated lucifer when the christcucks asked him what "saint" possessed him

Yes he is

>This video is private

What did I miss?

can i have a quick rundown on this guy?

n e 1 have mirror?



mirror link for the vid

too funny

aiiiiiii meu deus
que horrivel gente

Translation/subtitles or at least explanation of what they say thorough video would be nice.

is it me or does it seem like the devil is a manlet?
