Antifa are becoming more and more powerful, they're organized, more violent and increasing their numbers. How is this possible? I thought Fascism was great and becoming the big bad wolf? Yet Antifa are stronger then Fascists.
Care to explain?
Antifa are becoming more and more powerful, they're organized, more violent and increasing their numbers. How is this possible? I thought Fascism was great and becoming the big bad wolf? Yet Antifa are stronger then Fascists.
Care to explain?
Other urls found in this thread:
They were always weak. So fucking weak. At least here in Europe.
>Care to Explain?
If they were powerful they would taken over by now
The average fascist these days.
Also, he's never been spotted outside his mum's basement so his true strength can't be gauged.
You cannot disagree that they're a problem, they're powerful in the USA and everyone on Sup Forums who says otherwise is a retard.
Things that aren't happening
Love trumps hate, every single time.
do u poo in the loo?
chimping out isnt gonna get them their way. We already won
No. They get PEZ head punched by guys trying to get to work.
I was told that far left movements in Germany are (state) funded.
They have women on their side. That's literally the only reason.
THey are the fascists.
Just fucking look at them.
Hive mind, book burning, anti free speech nut jobs that wanna kill anyone who disagree's with them
There fucking nazi's man
because the state hasn't yet cracked down on them, in spite of obvious breaches of the law
it's almost as if they're useful idiots to them
>wears a fucking spiderman mask to go kick some garbage cans and yell "FUCK THE SYSTEM" while throwing rocks at police from 30m away and run like pussies at the first sign that police is moving in
really bongles my dongle
antifa have no power, the only reason they are able to congregate is because they are protected by the state. I'm confident that the average conservative male could take on 3-4 antifa faggots.
Because fascists organize in grassroots movement that are inheritently weak in comparison to astroturfed / secretly state funded & organized groups like antifa.
They can get away with things that would land anyone else in jail. They also know this, and it makes them bold and much quicker to act.
They get fuckload of money from (((them))). Some governments like the (((German))) openly funds them as well.
And most importantly they are very experienced. They are the successors of the '68 commies who actually worked to overthrow Western democracies and erect communist regimes in their places. Today's antifa has access to all the connections, and knowlege that their predecessors amassed. This is especially true for agitprop, we are new to it (although already very successful), but their kind uses the same, very effective methods for at least half a century now.
If by loo, you mean your sister's mouth, then yes
Go on Mods ban me
>Pajeet with the scat pics is back
This still only reflects bad on you I'm afraid.
It's good having a small group of whites who eat shit but it's bad when your entire country does.
>antifa growing
>never seen outside cities they're already well established
It's the physical equivalent of an echo chamber (echo city?).
You wont see them calling bomb threats to venues outside the bay area or Toronto. You don't see them where they aren't protected by local politics.
If they tried shit is a heavy red city like Phoenix or Dallas the street would run red with their heroin ridden blood.
I don't know ..
I heard the Coven of the Trashcan is organizing a mass spell casting to turn Antifa into the old style 1970's McDonalds Styrofoam containers so the trashcans can have their way with them, if you know what I mean.
Yet an antifa member shot a Trump supporter and look at UC Berkley, prime example of them being organized and powerful.
How do nationalists who wish for the 4th Reich to rise can defeat such forces?
>Why aren't Antifa more powerful?
Then do something besides making this thread.
We did, how bout' you?
>posts Indian poo collection
>20 more uploading
Kek why are Drumpfucks so easily triggered?
So powerful. See them hanging from trees and sitting on porches everywhere
No, we mean shit in a toilet like a proper human being. Looks like we have our answer.
>Antifa are becoming more and more powerful, they're organized, more violent and increasing their numbers.
Trash cans on suicide watch
>Another curry nigger without basic hygiene
>they're powerful in the USA
have they actually gotten anything done? so far all i've seen from them is crashinf a degenerate faggot kike's book promotion event and trash a starbucks
>Post thread for people of enriched culture
>Shit-tier Indian poo lover comes in
>heh! kek! REEE!!!!
>y r shitty amerifats ugly and dirty!!!
>brb i need to pee in my daughter/sister mouth!
Antifa is just a bunch of savage kids that get paid by the kikes to annoy us.
>an antifa member shot a Trump supporter
the last "political" shooting in america i heard about was that leaf who went berserk on his local mosque
>birddogging thread
Drop dead Bernie.
You ignored when I said outside liberal cities.
Berkeley has been a communist recruitment center for 50 years. Of course they will gather where they breed.
The fact that you think there's some great nazi movement shows how delusional you morons are.
Granted, it doesn't take much effort to manipulate a generation of latch-key kids whose parents only spawned them as fashion accessories.
>Care to explain?
Antifa have had the likes of Soros funding them for the past few years. With an essentially limitless poll of money, lawyers, and campus networks it is easy for them to spread. The media also gives them a slight pass by writing off riots as "protests" or "nonviolent property damage." A lot of the power they have stems from how the media portrays them. It is the normalization of political violence that will bite them in the ass. It also helps that antifa is supported in deep blue states that are so far left they are out of touch with the rest of the nation. This past election cycle shows that division.
The problem that antifa has in the US is that we are generally not as susceptible to the far left like Europe, and they really are confined to blue states and left wing cities to have any kind of effect. Sure, they seem to be active all over the country but in reality they don't have much effect outside of their network of support in dem dominated areas. Another factor that will be their downfall is Sessions, Bannon, and the FBI. The Trump administration will buttfuck them to death if they try and pull some weatherman underground shit. The laws surrounding protesting a SS protected event, which were signed into law by Obama, is only the beginning.
Antifa is also fucked if try anything within a red state where their support network is almost nonexistent. They know this, which is why they are trying to appeal to rural whites that want nothing to do with them.
Might want to check your info there bud.
holy shit is that spiderman in center front
Antifa is about 100 hired thugs and 200 hired shitposters, then a few thousand people who want to be like those hired thugs and shitposters.
If you have to ask what makes you good, you aren't good.
They're numerous, but weak and unarmed. A small right-wing militia could easily take out an antifa gang.
see Trump supporter shot an Antifaggot.
They're narcissistic sociopaths who believe punching peope is justified as long as it silences "hate."
They think anyone who doesn't think like them is a Nazi. And they do it under the guise of justice. These are mostly IWWfags.
>hey you guys
>you guys
>you guys in your basements
>just an obvious shill here
>violating the rules with a one-post writing prompt
>but seripusly how's about everybody else talk about how Hillary Clinton has the momentum of a runaway train and will surely triumph this November?
>Antifa's power: most powerful?
>Antifa thinks so
>Antifa are stronger then Fascists
You are a fascist, you idiot.
What your people do on a regular basis, is right out of the fascist handbook.
Fucking retards.
Also, you idiots are first on the chopping block when an actual commie government gets put in play.
Fucking middle-class idiots, working toward their own eventual murders.
>Antifa are becoming more and more powerful, they're organized, more violent and increasing their numbers
they're literally not hahaha
You literally have just the same photo you use over and over.
>Powerful in the USA
Is that why they only have a strong presense when Soros pays them, and they're in a strongly liberal city?
You'd think if they were so powerful and tough, they'd have a strong presence everywhere, not just on the coast, in the most liberal cities.
Antifa roam wild in Europe because the Nationalists are smaller in number (in public due to fears of losing their job/relationships), the governments turn a blind eye to Antifa.
Even then, European Nationalists regularly get into fights with Antifa and kick their asses. If they had easy access to weaponry you wouldn't see Antifa being as bold as they are.
In the US, Antifa won't go near red states or open carry events because they know they'd get gunned down. The military and police hate them and unlike in Europe, the latter are allowed to bash their skulls in.
usefull idiots
Antifa are fascists though. Arm yourself at some point they will even start harassing normies.
>a bunch of /noguns/ faggots who only attack in mobs, and only in liberal cities without carry laws
That's basically all there is to it. If there was any real civil war between the most armed group of people, and the most anti-gun group of people, well.. It speaks for itself.
UC Berkley, look it up.
justification, they feel it. we dont
In the meme market, antifa is way down since their ~2 week (american) heyday post inauguration. They might as well not exist, given the past month.
They are literally dying, at least in the Europe (with Germany only exception). They were strongest on the old continent during 2006-2010. Since then they are losing ground, fans and widespread support. I don't think they will last another three years and that is without any influence from the opposition. If someone stomp them down, they die out as quick as gypsy steal your wallet.
For example Russia or Poland, where they had pretty solid position circa ten years back and now are literally non-existant, because right wing hooligans and nationalists targeted them. Czech republic is on the way successfully too and I don't think there is serious AFA presence in Slovakia to even consider. Only countries left with stronger antifa organizations are Austria and Germany.
Yet Antifa are making more of an impact in the USA, more people are joining to fight fascism in the USA. What are YOU going to do? Sit back and watch your city burn and watch your fellow Trump supporters be beaten by Antifa?
I see the USA falling into Antifa hands, Europe is a different story because they actually have balls to fight back and stand up for what they believe in.
>Care to explain?
Well, let's see...
A minority of voters (28% of registered voters) backed the human cheeto because of how much the liberal majority universally hated him.
If only Jeffery Dahmer were alive (and straight), you could have elected him.
You'd still have "muh liberal tears", everybody but you would hate him, but we wouldn't be a Russian puppet state.
tl;dr: You made your bed, now you can go lie in it.
Redpilled are the many. They just don't mention it. Wait five more years, you'll see a new reich. We just need the right leader.
In reality they quickly poisoned their well with belligerent blind violence memes and now, unless you're a crust punk, no one thinks they are cool, smart, or politically effective.
>Redpilled are the many. They just don't mention it.
>muh silent majority
>Yet Antifa are stronger then Fascists
Citation needed.
Also if you dump (((money))) into a group that's made of angry sjw idiots, they will have resources to attract more angry sjw idiots and kick over even more rubbish bins at their next "protest"
>more people are joining to fight fascism in the USA.
You mean "fascism as we label it outside of our college campus in a dem dominated area."
Facism is not on the rise.
Decent, normal, hardworking traditional people are rebuilding their communities and nations even in light of, as you said, increased terrorism and violence from extemists like Antifa.
Yeah I agree India antifa are fascist pigs.
But no Antifa will never be powerful. They are out of shape cowards who can only fight 5 on 1.
OP go back to /leftypol/ cunt. You're not strong and never will be because you prey on the weak or when you have overwhelming numbers. You're all sickos and have fucked up home lives and are not willing to improve yourselves. That is what you antifa cunts are, weakling thugs, and you always will be. Fuck you.
This. Antifa are a legitimately dangerous terrorist organization.
Sure, they aren't at the level of ISIS or the IRA...yet.
It's crucial that the U.S. takes the lead on an international effort to nip this potentially disastrous situation in the bud before it flourishes.
The DHS should co-operate with international law enforcement agencies to to arrest, disrupt and dismantle these international terrorist networks before the situation becomes too dire.
Just like the So-Called Islamic State, the So-Called Anti-Fascists have hijacked an otherwise peaceful ideology for Dark purposes.
Cry more fascist, your day will come when the war begins and all of you scum with will die by the hands of Antifa.
Be prepared you bitches
>more powerful
>past few years
Decades in Australia and Europe.
Lots of state funding and protection to.
It's why they will never get proscribed in the U.K.