Do school shootings actually happen outside the US? Or is it just an American thing?
Do school shootings actually happen outside the US? Or is it just an American thing?
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This may surprise you but school shootings are an anomaly that does even matter statistic wise.
We had our polytechnique that they will NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT. Russia had Beslan.
How the fuck does this picture exist (assuming it's real) and all other shootings never have pictures released (VTech, Newtown, etc.)? Was it because this was back in '99?
there were multiple ones in germany, one big in finnland
there was big panic about all this, just in the time when I was in "highschool" and simultaniously being the "stranger"
great right?
School shootings are statistically a nigger thing
These guys are awesome, fan of them.
this dude killed some kids here in Huezil some years ago
Also when will the hacker known as Sup Forums finally release the basement tapes?
Does he look white, pol?
the tapes have been destroyed
they're a cia false flag thing
None of the 10 deadliest school massacres of modern times actually took place in the US, which was a surprising fact when I looked into it.
Two in Finland actually
As white as any argentine.
Most people seem to think they exist, but they're under the gubbament's control
Delete this right now bro very disrespectful to their families
cool. police knocked on my door too. had to visit the school psychiatrist.
me on the left
I think the last time here was in 2003
because it was the only one that wasn't a false flag
Eks dee
Because the others were fakes. (((They))) saw how fear stricken everybody was after Columbine.
Delete this right now.
Do people think VT was a false flag? I know the arguments for Newtown and some of them make sense but I never heard anything about VT being one.
For you
Happened to me every time a shooting happened here. Suddenly everyone is my best friend and all the bullying and shit they put me through never happened.
If not they should
It's VT, Virginia Tech or VPI
We had this guy in Germany. Killed 15.
>Russia had Beslan.
Beslan was an islamic terrorist attack.
Finland had some.
>what is google
They DO happen outside the US, but mostly in shitty third-world countries or BRIC countries.
Moreover, the motive is different:
>in shit-tier countries, school shootings are usually gang stuff
>in the US, on top of the gang stuff, you also get those motives that relate to the anomic condition of teenagers
Stop pretending schools in your homeland don't get shot up all the time you paki fuck.
>too young to remember Dunblane
Literally the Sandy Hoax shooting was scripted off of this one
Really? That is surprising. I need to know who has the top score now.
and yet they ban the scurry AK47 and make AR15 RESTRICTED when it was a FUCKING MINI14 that did it. (which i can go pick up same day)
Yeah, it's great, isn't it? I think that's the single reason I was never bullied.
Nobody is gonna cry "think of the children" when some autistic asian chos for the high score.
So you're saying it was legit?
One definitely did. Some dude in the 30's blew up an entire school. Virginia Tech is also up there.
I'm not big on the false flag thing but Port Arthur was definitely one.
Please post that mexican webm.
School shootings in the US only happen at public schools. Enough said.
>Do school shootings actually happen outside the US? Or is it just an American thing?
We've had at least one here in living memory m8. It's why they banned handguns.
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
not sure, but almost all of these shootings were committed by angsty white people.
really makes you think.
Every feminist from Canada seems to worship the anniversary of that attack. I swear they're happy it happened.
So? They still killed more people then an the average (((school shooter))).
Fuck I used to believe in this meme.
Yes, I personally believe it was legit. I have also been obsessed with columbine long enough to pick up on inconsistencies, which is why I made my original statement. I guess I cast too wide a net
Germany had some the last 15 years.
Yes, they happen everywhere. Ever heard of Pekka Eric Auvinen?
Before WWII is before "modern times." The Bath, Michigan school bombing was actually from 1927, which means it was before even the Great Depression.
VTech killed 33 students, which is less than the top 10. From what I recall, the top 10 biggest recent school massacres included Beslan in Russia, the military school massacre in Peshawar, Pakistan, the Garissa massacre in Kenya, a bombing in Aleppo, a couple massacres in Iraq, several by Boko Haram in Nigeria, and a couple others.
There was one in Germany/Winnenden in 2009.
BTW, if you think of it, the bloodiest school shooting ever would be Russia/Beslan 2004 with 331 killed, if you categorize it as such
I don't know much about VT, never heard anything here about it being faked so I never thought twice about it.
What's your opinion on Newtown? That one is the most interesting in my opinion
Mainly an American thing. I don't think we've ever had a mass shooting in a school by a student.
Only one involving a school was similar to Sandy Hook, in Dunblane, Sctoland.
Why not just look it up first instead of coming here where everyone is going to call you a stupid faggot?
literally gassed with a fentanyl analouge
I always felt like the 2014 Pakistan school shooting was strange. Noah Pozner dead kid from sandy hook picture was all over that story. What was the point
What is Africa
Mass murders in schools happen outside the US, they just get covered up because its shitskins doing the killing.