Why are most blacks so dumb?

Why are most blacks so dumb?

Is it because most are poor and don't have access to decent education?Are they poor because they have been historically marginalized?

Or are they actually just inferior as a race and that's the reason for it all?


They evolved to have lower cognitive abilities because Africa was a less challenging environment than eurasia(especially during ice age)

lost the geographic lottory, basically
nigs were cut off by rain forests and deserts from most major agricultural civilizations throughout a good deal of their existence, so they had to rely more on hunting and gathering to sustain themselves.
it's also the reason they never experienced a bronze age and kept on using neolithic tools while the greeks and (ironically, given the WAZ thing) egyptians used metal weapons to expand and improve living standards to larger groups of people, almost none of which were black. granted there were SOME african fairly advanced trading civs, mostly around coasts, but they were not even close to spanning the whole continent like mediterranean and mesopotamiam ones

point is that the only people with good deal of offsprings in most sub saharan african regions were the better hunters, specifically fast runners, and rarely if ever philosophers, craftsmen, merchants or statemen
even agricultural laborers who need some brainpower to plan out his crops and irrigation were uncommon. as a result niggers seem to be wired for thinking in the immediate but typically have poor planning skills and inhibition control because they had very little use for understanding consequenes in a daily routine of "run, kill, eat" for simply too many generations. and only the best of those brain dead but effective eaters managed to start a new generation of niggers at all

Because having a good father is like the most important thing in a kids life. It's the same a redneck whites

>100k + years of mass produced matriarchal cultures that achieved literally nothing

Kek. Yea, it was marginalization and education. And oh, btw goy, there was no reason for that marginalization. You're very bad for that. They are totally equal to you now I mean us forever.

IQ not accurate measure of success user.
>measuring "intelligence" in current year

idk, maybe it has something to do with the 245 years of dehumanizing torture and slavery

naa that's not it

Have you ever talked to a yoruba family? They're more redpilled than the average American.

The way I see that afro-Americans in the states have bad values and a broken family system that perpetuates them. 90% of niggatry comes from people raised by their mothers, or worse yet, grandmothers, with negligent attitudes in areas that don't respect legal authority. Immigrants rarely if ever have these problems because they maintain tight family networks and play by the house rules to succeed as quickly as possible.

It's actually right-wing people who are most dumb. The poorly educated and those susceptible to conspiracy theories. It's exactly people such as OP who represent the most retarded elements of our society.

Genetics. Funny fact btw, black men and women (especially) have narrower hips than people of other races since their head size isn't as large at birth on average so they don't need as wide a birth canal for delivery. It's part of why in shape black women can have hips that 'pop' more compared to their waists and seem skinnier and yet curvier than most other women.

They're being forcefully suppressed and the blame is put on whites, when it's shit-eating politicians.

>getting upset about racism on Sup Forums

>90% of niggatry comes from people raised by their mothers, or worse yet, grandmothers, with negligent attitudes in areas that don't respect legal authority

This was basically the story of sub-Saharan Africa until colonialism. You know that, right? Except there was no legal authority, because there was no legal system. It was tribes n sheeit.

its because they arent human

That doesn't say anything about different races having different IQs though lmao, look into that.

Just being amused by retardation, like going to the zoo to watch monkeys fling shit at each other. Endlessly entertaining.

What is a race anyway? It's just a fuzzy 19th C. idea that is as outdated as phrenology, right?

Their culture praises ignorance.

All of the above

Social and cultural factors trump genetics as a root cause.
Being low IQ doesn't help but the family infrastructure is decimated in the poor communities of both blacks and whites alike.

Suck a crumpet!

Every people on earth were slaves at some point...or they were too isolated to be slaved.

Brits, you were salves to the Romans for 375 years...
The people's around Rome were slave to Rome.
People around Sparta were slaves to the Spartans.
Most of Central Asia, the Levant and parts of Africa were enslaved by Persians, Bzyantines, Ottomans...

All those Chinese slaves used to build... everything

Slavs... the freaking word slave comes from it... Some were enslaved until after ww2

Millions of European slaves taken by Barbary Pirates and other North African Slave traders...

The Jews were slaves to the Pharoahs

Eastern bloc people under communist regimes were essentially slaves...

Yep, Slavery really holds you down... those people ever went on to do jack shit.

Does myopathy run in your family?

>60,000 years of evolution

While we were farming and learning to survive in the winter they were dancing around fires and spearing hyenas and shit. They've evolved for their environment and we've evolved for ours. In conclusion, multiculturalism is shit.

It's because liberals enable their ignorance, racism, and nigger culture in order to keep them dumb enough to believe that welfare and living in the projects is their only destiny.

that implies the american blacks even have any culture to begin with. Count ghetto/post slave culture then they can be included

>Is it because most are poor and don't have access to decent education?

Basically all education is free here in Germany and the few niggers you might see are still dumb as a rock... same goes with the turks/muslims. Like 90% of muslims reach high school level and that's it.

Only intelligent "black" person I have ever met is a friend currently doing his phd in physics. He is mixed with German mother (of course these whores) with Indian father.

Egypt was in the Helenistic sphere of influence and recieved quite a lot of migrants from there.

yes, but the hellenistic era itself only started in the 4th cenutry BC, which was literal millenia after the egyptian civilization and dynasties were advanced and intricate enough to construct pyramids