Affordable Care Act

Can somebody redpill me on Obamacare and why it was a disaster?

Made people buy healthcare as well as paying for the healthcare of others, even when there was only a single provider in a region basically allowing them free reign over premium prices and premiums going up because you pay for other people's healthcare too. It was socialism.

It robs the strong to feed the weak.

My Blue Cross insurance that I was buying for my family jumped from $460 a month to nearly $1000 and worse coverage. Oh yeah, I also had to pay a $4000 fine for dropping my Blue Cross after I CHOSE AS A ADULT IN A FREE COUNTRY not to have insurance


Government collusion with health care insurance companies to force people to buy their products, subsidizing the poor with tax dollars and literally charging people to not buy a product they don't want a fee/penalty.

Socialized medicine fails everywhere for one simple reason. When you're not paying the bills, you don't care how high the bills are.

Yes, that is actually a real thing, brat bro. Just for groups of people under situations, not personally.

Hey, on the bright side, they paid some hospital $4,000 to treat illegal aliens for the sniffles. So good for you!

Shit care and way too fucking expensive

True dat, sucks

>dont have insurance

>get shot

>skip out in medical fees

>everyone does this

>all hospitals go bankrupt

Use of aggression to buy government monopolized healthcare.

Wow. God-tier level Kraut detected. Sure you don't want to emigrate?

Literally no reason to buy health insurance. Negotiate with PCP for cash only discount for check-ups. Unexpected terminal disease requiring surgery is self-insured with ~$20k - Oklahoma surgical center.

If I have an emergency (car accident), or need to stay in a hospital for weeks/months (very very very unlikely), then I'll go bankrupt.

I have no idea why people ever bought into it. Black market/medical tourism/bankruptcy (marry a bitch with good credit) far more affordable.

They operate in all countries with "guaranteed' health care. Not providing a service at all is the best way to lower the costs of said service.

Good Healthcare was being debated on. It cost too much, so Reps cut a lot from it. Wouldn't budge to tax the rich to pay for it, but that's another story.

ACA gets rolled out, forces health insurance to play by new rules. They do so, but just the bare minimum. As a result, ACA becomes the better alternative, when its main intent was to get insurance companies to stop being whores.

Premiums were meant to be subsidized by states. You didn't want New York maintaining people in Montana, like they do for most other things (like disaster relief). In most states, mainly Red states where people needed it the most, it was not subsidized by the government.

What was supposed to be a "its better than nothing" became a "This is your only option."

That's how healthcare works in normal countries

Because it was a shitty product from the beginning.
>it's basically a Tax, join or pay a fine
>a $380/month insurance with a $75k franchise is not a insurance
>a lot of places have zero competition so there's no market
>force everyone including those that where covered by medicaid/medicare including chronically ill into the public market at a low mandated premium
they kept their special protection low fee (aka paid and negotiated by the state) yet the general market has to cover for them instead of the state
>hospitals gaming the system, where a $40 x-ray get's billed at $3000 to the insurance etc
>the government failed to top the costs and regulate max premiums and max franchises

Other places have similar system but done right. See it like that, I get better and cheaper travel health insurance with a 70€ per case co payment then your best ACA plans for 154€/5 weeks...

Because it is based upon the delusion that if NO ONE can afford to pay their medical bills out of pocket, somehow a sufficient level of forced contributions will result in EVERYONE being able to afford it, and it will be free.

Affordable Care Act is not affordable at all

Why do you think we all hate "free" healthcare?

No idea. Why?

Poor people already had free/cheap healthcare with Medicaid. Even when signing up for Obamacare, the poor would be sent to Medicaid. Obamacare is a tax on the middle class to fund a failing system.

Most people already have healthcare coverage through their employers and have no need for Obamacare. Most of the remaining people have healthcare coverage through Medicare or Medicaid. Nearly all of the people who enrolled into Obamacare were people who already had Medicare or Medicaid and we're not paying into the Obamacare program.

Obamacare will inevitably collapse under its own weight because so few people pay into it while so many people withdraw from it, or Obamacare would end up skyrocketing healthcare costs in the form of an ever increasing Obamacare tax on the American people. Most people already pay into the healthcare program provided to them by their employer, and now Obamacare is compelling those workers to pay an additional tax to cover the healthcare expenses of people who aren't known to them. Obamacare doesn't work and doesn't feel morally right. It was a terribly crafted law in the first place and the Democrats knew it which is why Nancy Pelosi famously said that we would have to pass the Obamacare bill into law to find out what is in it.

Doubled my premiums, neutered my coverage, lost my preferred plan and couldn't get it back, got my hours cut to sub 30, working two jobs now to survive, still have no healthcare at all, I'd rather pay the penalty because it's cheaper.

It was a policy designed for the very poor. Blue collar workers and white collar workers all saw increases in their health care.

my coverage ended up dropping to 80%

so i have to cover 20% of any insane bill they throw

We have endless waitlists that kill us before we ever get help and we have to pay for people who should never receive healthcare in the first place.

People get fined for not being able to afford it, and still have to pay the fee for it afterwards.

Depending on the level, it also affects how often you can see a doctor and how good they are. Poor people could only see a Doctor once every 4~8 months depending on where they live.

I have a few friends who couldn't make the payment in time and got fucked over badly by it. I never knew how bad it was until they complained about it.

I had a left leaning friend who praised ACA as a gift from God. And when I brought up how bad it could be, they got mad and didn't speak to me for weeks. They couldn't form an argument other than "it has helped a few people".
