Have you ever been with a Muslim girl Sup Forums?

Have you ever been with a Muslim girl Sup Forums?

How did you reconcile your political views with her religion?

>your political views with her religion?
i did the respectful thing and waited until she was nine.

>How did you reconcile your political views with her religion?
This just in... Most men will look past anything for muh dik. Hell, most of Sup Forums would fuck an attractive black chick despite claiming to be super racist.


what's this chicks webcomic again? it's degenerate as fuck but kinda funny and not too bad when it comes to sjw shit

I'm currently bleaching an Arab Christian girl. She and her family are based as fuck, I get along with them more than the average Dutch cuck.


I have, she started joking about being pregnant 20 minutes after. Needless to say that was the last time I slept with her.
On the plus side she confirmed that they marry their first cousins to honour their family when I asked curiously.

Iraqi, Assyrian

kek approves of Christian Arab qt's

I used to be friends with one, but later I learned she was a complete asshole and never talked to her again

Nice tits. Would fuck and murder.

Still doesn't have much to do with OP's question, not a Muslim even if Arab, honestly Christian and Muslim Arabs are like a completely different species in my experience anyway.

yep, Moroccan. her family was moderate, diplomats.
she was free spirit, tattoos, piercings, wild and fun to be around.
tried living with her, but she turned out to be literally crazy, bipolar.
great fuck, good fun, but not for the long run.

You mean Honor kill her for being a slut?

it's called compartmentalization

Theres a few different non muslim Middle Eastern people here, and 99% of the ones I've met have been based. Zorastrians, Christians, Alawites might as well not be Muslims), all based, light skinned, some have light eyes, women hot as fuck.

Well yeah, imbreeding and child pregnancy frowned upon in non Muslim cultures.

id fuck a minority i aint gonna lie

Blowing your load in her mouth doesn't require fuck all.
t. vet

Yeah 3.
In each case She was the one comprising her values. I didn't have to reconcile anything.

Non-religious and hated sluts so I don't see the problem.

No but I've had literally dozens try and get at my dick
I don't know why and I've never asked either because I don't want to know
Kebab bitches are fucking weird about white guys in general. They're like our women if the nigger loving meme was real

The only ones I've been with were non religious.

Except for one Somali who was just horny.

Yes move to Toronto. You will eventually fuck a Somali woman.

You faggots would fuck anything in a dress

Also Christians need to be wiped off the face of the earth

Race traitor
You will hang even before the shitskins

I strongly agree
plese fuck me

I wouldn't be opposed to it depending on certain things

No. I get repulsed when I hear them speak. Most of them have THICK accents and talk like men, often in deep voices.

No need to reconcile anything. I spread her mountains and planted my mustard seed inside her. She's a Christian now.

>turning down all that pussy

What country is she from? Are your Asian?

yeah I had a thing with her until I learned how big a slut she was

She was okay with them and didn't bother her

I duno m8 the higher class ones can be pretty hot. Caucasian features with that nice chocolate skin mmmmm

mmmm chocolate....

ya know whhen most of us hear the word chocolate, we picture a bar, a box of bonbons, or a bunny. The verb that comes to mind is probably "eat," not "drink," and the most apt adjective would seem to be "sweet." But for about 90 percent of chocolate's long history, it was strictly a beverage, and sugar didn't have anything to do with it.

"I often call chocolate the best-known food that nobody knows anything about," said Alexandra Leaf, a self-described "chocolate educator" who runs a business called Chocolate Tours of New York City.

The terminology can be a little confusing, but most experts these days use the term "cacao" to refer to the plant or its beans before processing, while the term "chocolate" refers to anything made from the beans, she explained. "Cocoa" generally refers to chocolate in a powdered form, although it can also be a British form of "cacao."

Etymologists trace the origin of the word "chocolate" to the Aztec word "xocoatl," which referred to a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, means "food of the gods."

Many modern historians have estimated that chocolate has been around for about 2000 years, but recent research suggests that it may be even older.

hope you enjoy

They all fuck their first cousins. They don't mingle with infidels, R Tard.


I mostly just spit at her when I walked by her on the street


> he thinks muslim bitches even dare mention their goatfuck religion in my presence

top kekkeronis, get laid

Turkroach high school friend used to like sitting on my face and sticking her finger up my butt and she gave me a femdom fetish

Swore I'd only ever lurk here but fuck it, my time to shine. Dated a Bangladeshi girl from a muslim family for a year and a half in undergrad. Sex was fucking phenomenal thb. She liked it rough, swallowed, and at least gave anal a shot. She was pretty westernized which was surprising considering her parents (or at least her dad) was very much a traditional ist. To the point that he installed security cameras in the place he rented for her when she went off to college to make sure that she wasnt doing anything untoward. That was before I met her though. She straight up rebelled left school for a year and dated a black guy for a while until she met me (he was actually a super cool guy though, not a dindu). Anyway, her dad was always polite but distant while her mom fucking loved me. I think she was just happy I wasnt black. I honestly wouldn't have even have mentioned this if it wasn't for a single instance that she showed how deeply islam gets you. She had a Quran on her bookshelf and one day I was bored and wanted to see what it was all about and picked it up. She caught me reading it and slapped that shit out of my hand so violently that you'd have thought that she had caught me reading instructions on how to murder her family. Her explanation was that I was muslim so I couldn't touch it. This girl ate bacon, drank, and fucked kafir but for some reason it was blasphemy that I touched her gay little book.

> dated a bangladeshi girl

stopped reading


Pic is Syriac Orthodox Archbishop

On holiday once

muslim girls love white boys

Ask an Assyrian Orthodox anything.

I live in NYC.

I fucked a muslim girl at the st marks mosque. The imam caught us fucking we run while my dick was still cumming all over his podium. Thank god she was veiled or she would've gotten in deep shit with her parents. Last I heard she went to egypt to get married.

When I was young (18 or so) there was a cute Lebanese girl in my class. Literally had the word allah in her surname. Too much of a loser to seal the deal but even then I was iffy.

Now I will not fuck anything that isn't white or Asian. Call me a race traitor you've never had pussy til you've had asian pussy.

There isn't anything to reconcile!

When a man fucks a woman he's conquering her.

He isn't having to compromise his values or workd view.
He isn't joining her tribe.

When a man fucks an attractive woman he gains pleasure and status for himself and kudos for his race, while the woman loses status and her race loses standing.

So if you're white and you want to fuck hot non-White chicks, you should do it! As long as you have white babies it's ok to conquer lots of non-White girls with your dick.

Hnnnnnnnnggggggg maybe I am a moor after all

Shit taste

I'm from Dearborn (pic file name related).

If you find the Muslim grills who want to rebel against their parents (this goes well into their twenties)... God Damn, they are fucking awesome in bed and it's real cheap to get them drunk.

However, I prefer Chaldean womens.

I kind of miss being in high school.


Are you white or Assyrian?

I always wonder what kind of Sup Forumslock watches enough Memri to find all of these quotes

I guarantee you that literally no one here has. Dating in Islam is strictly forbidden.

This is the true redpill. Women are worthless outside of sex and when a man beds a bitch he is making her his property. A man with a lot of women on his dick is alpha, a woman fucked by a lot of men is a valueless whore.

Society recognizes this so much that a radical branch of feminism had to be created to combat it.

Pretty good post user

I'm from Finland, so neither.


>fuck a rebellious muslim girl
>her parents find out
>next day
>get surrounded by her dad and brothers on your way to school

i fucked one mussy 3 weeks ago
she said nothing about her religion and i said nothing about my political views

I had a thing with a Muslim girl, we made out (never anything more though) and spent a lot of time together but she would never date me because of her parents. When I was younger it offended me but now that I'm older I understand where her parents were coming from and actually respect that they realized the importance of cultural preservation.

She was fucking cute though.


Hell no. I wish though.

Vittuako sie siellä rapakon takana.
Iha vaa veljenpoikani puolesta kyselen.

>Muslim girl
No such thing, only mussul mans come here

Yeah but unless you don't raise the kids with the non-white woman and instead have kids in a relationship with a white woman you're wasting your genetic capital even if you're improving theirs. So unless you plan on going on colonizing sex sprees in Latin America/Africa it isn't worth it.

Swear at them in Arabic (I don't know how to spell it out but it translates to "Your mother is a goat fucker") then start throwing my Pocket Bacon at them. (All non-Muslims carry Pocket Back in Dearborn.)

Kiva tietää näin kolmelta aamuyöstä

I wish. We give each other looks constantly. It's driving me nuts. I want those big booty hijabi mislima arab qts.

Those deep, voids called eyes show no expression to me.

There's not much here. My father brought us here when I was a baby to work as a Finnish translator for one of the auto companies that made some military equipment that went to Finland.

It's only 1950 here.

Let's just say it all went downhill after I called the Quran a "retarded desert book"

Actually yes, I'm dating one. She's Somali, we've been together nearly a year. Friends for a few years before that.

Ask me anything.

>Putting your dick in a non-white
It's called having conviction

And this is why mexico exists. Unless you have the capability to keep the halfbreeds permanently enslaved then don't make them. Period.


I'm so sorry user

Fucking? yeah having a kid with her? Nope. not a fan of rassenschande


>being surrounded by habibtis

I actually had an affair with a Muslim mom. She had a giant Persian ass a cute face. Her husband worked 80 hour weeks and treated her like shit. I met her on a publishing forum and within a few weeks we were texting each other. She told me she was Muslim and married, then proceeded to ask me if I would skype her. Once I saw what she looked like, I immediately knew I was banging that. For weeks we would skype and she made a point of wearing revealing clothes. One day she finally told me to get naked. I said "you first".... and she did!

She lived in Ohio and I lived in Cali at the time. I had a shit load of frequent flier miles so I told her I'd meet her for lunch. She thought I was playing until I showed up at her doorstep. With the kids off at school and her husband chained to his desk, we had coffee and proceeded to fuck like bunnies on her bed. For a woman with two kids, her vagina was tight as a vice. After I got my strokes in, I went back home. She cyber stalked me for a solid six months after. I finally had to have "the talk" as she wasn't taking the hint.

Except the BBC meme is real and whites are just mad that blacks beat them in one thing

>Actually yes, I'm getting cucked by one. He's Somali, I've been prepping him to fuck my wife for nearly a year. He had an affair with her for a few years before that.

>Letting the memes consume you

Her big nigger lips feel great

I can hatefuck and/or defile anything with a vagina that has a decent face and BMI.


Hey, I've been in extra in "Detroiters" on several episodes, so I got that going for me...

I have a Muslim gf and for a while I really couldn't tolerate her family's customs until I sat down with her father and had a very civil discussion with him and now respect their beliefs a lot more, this is why the other day I had to pour acid on her face because we slept together premaritally.

And in the bar I am currently sitting in (Kelly's Irish Pub), I just heard a black girl and a white girl call an Asian girl a "Celestial."

that girl looks like she about the throw up

I wouldn't fuck a negro even if she were the last female on earth.

Don't worry user, they wouldn't fuck you either

Q: How do you fuck a white Canadian?

A: Trick him into voting Trudeau.

I think you guys are leaking people
t. Warren

I didn't even know white women had vaginas until I was 20 and even then it was never as fun or happened as often as with the Brown qts. I love Mexican and Filipina pussy but ended up married to a white woman and have a white son because I'm not a piece of shit

Lucky me, I don't vote.

Probably a Paki or a Southeast Asian chick though. Point is, it still stands, people just draw their lines for acceptability at different places. As much as people talk about purity on here I doubt they'd be able to turn down someone really attractive from another race.


i never claimed that tho

Well, the chick in your pock doesn't look like an ape.

Yup, Iraqis seem to like Warren better than Dearborn now.