I was driving into Saskatoon for work and the driver of our work truck got a bag of shit thrown into his window by natives . later that day I said hello to one of them like a dumb ass and the native got in my face wanting to fight me . I would of got my ass kicked cause I was a skinny 19 year old at the time but the guy who got the bag of shit thrown at him stepped in and said he would beat him to death if he touched me he was a huge 300 pound Sikh but born in Canada . later that day I was getting out of the truck to do another job and right before I did a brick got thrown down on our truck from a building above . why is the western native such a piece of shit I hate western Canada and I never even mentioned how bad Edmonton was when I was there this took place in 2009 is it still shit ?
Native Canadians
>pic related
>tf when you're made of tree
Should have had him pull out his dedicated Muslim killing sword, pretty sure it works just as well on natives
lol is that yours
Native Canadians are CANCER. They're just as bad as Australian Aboriginals.
[spoiler]It's as sharp as a bowling ball[/spoiler]
I like fucking squaws, other than that the native is useless.
nice man .
she is kind of cute don't know if I want metis kids though
I have a handful of reservations near me, it's always depressing as fuck but never had a problem with them.
I used to go there to buy cigarettes because there was no state tax, but my state made it illegal for non-natives to buy cigarettes there, so I have no reason to go back.
I thought you guys just carried ceremonial knives that takes it to a new level
I'm in Alaska, and we have the same damn problem. They're unruly pricks, and the welfare state makes them even worse
I bet it wasn't as bad in the 60s-70s but in the past 30 years they have been flooding into the place from their reserves
used to work at a call center
if the caller ID said they were calling in from a reserve, I usually had a rough call ahead of me
they are the same all over the place then
lol the fuck tell me more man
jesus christ that second vid is like concentrated Winnipeg
animorphs can real?
>internet support
>ID says 'whateverthefuck lake IR'
>oh great, a reserve call
>lady telling me her internet cuts out a lot
>in the middle of explaining the problem shes poorly covering the phone and cussing at someone who is evidently far away
>keeps coming back to me like "sorry, i'm not swearing at you"
>this call has taken 10 seconds so far and already she's exhibited an utter disregard for common decency, like perhaps not phoning for support in the middle of a screaming match
>do my best to run troubleshooting with her while she occasionally flips shit on someone else i cannot hear
>suddenly i hear a bang and a larger number of cussing and yelling voices
>"oh i will have to call back, someone shot my dog"
that's what i'd call an 'easy' reserve call. Most of them are 20 minutes of arguing in circles trying to explain to them that they live in a section of saskatchewan accessible only by plane and we cannot rush out a technician to fix the flickering light on their modem within an hour
northern minnesotan here and i hate canadian timber niggers more than any other race of people in the world
they would always come across the border to get gas/food and other shit because its cheaper and every one of them stank, stole, swore and looked awful
these people need to be genocided
well they would have a way easier time if white men didn't make their lives so hard leaf
dont worry they are dying off faster than japs and whites
no, they're all just congregating in manitoba
the western native is this way because of white people. lrn2history
I've never seen a cute squaw, but lots of butt ugly Inuit in Montreal, drunk, toothless and fat. Do hot squaws exist?
they're this way because their leaders have been selling out their tribes to the whites for personal gain since the first paleface set foot on this rock
If you knew anything about history you'd know nothing about it is single-variable
The current migrant crisis mirrors the plight of the natives perfectly. the chiefs all revel in the rewards and admiration while their people are forced to suffer the actual consequences
none that are pure native
half native half asian made for a good fuck though, goddamn
Buy a pack of travel-sized listerine bottles. The next time one of those fuckers get in your face, offer them a sip, and they'll be your best friend.
or, you know, residential schools.
white people have fucked up GENERATIONS of natives.
no, their IQ level is what fucked them up. they are warrior tribes when we got here and they have been doing nothing but leaching off us and drinking themselves to death ever since. they have nigger tier IQ
Where the fuck do you live where there are native-only schools?
What are you even trying to say?
sounds like you're not very bright either, bro.
holy shit you don't even know basic history.
Yep, them natives really like starting fights, the only people I got into fights with were drunk natives on the train.
Provide some actual fucking information and maybe we can have a dialogue but if you're just going to hurl insults as soon as I ask for some goddamn elaboration, I'm not fucking interested.
I was born 25 years ago and I've watched many natives be useless for 25 years despite having similar upbringings as me. Anything before that is irrelevant and I have no responsibility for.
Six Nations reservation has native only schools.
That's a poor example unless you're expressing that natives have a hard time in school when the school is run by natives
There inability to handle alcohol really fucked them.
you've really never heard of residential schools?
Do you know what the Truth and Reconciliation is?
They were literally stone age tribes who raped and killed each other for 10,000 years when your people came and started giving them free stuff. Don't act surprised that they are as savage and moronic as ever.
Native Canadians are shit because you fuckers sucked at disciplining them
ours are mostly conservatives with a few exceptions (pipeline is the exception)
I live in a city close to six nations (brantford) and my highschool was 45% native, at least when i was there.
They have over a 50% drop out rate, cause 90% of the fight, vandalism, thefts, ect.. They also were just plain old dumb.
These natives were paid for every day they showed up, they had buses that would come directly to their mud hut to pick them up, and were constantly harassed by the police when they skipped school. Yet with all of that , they still fucked up.
Provide an argument, not a pop quiz.
In fact, I'm closing this tab because you've already failed to do what I asked of you in my last post. If you want to pretend like knowing a lot about the injustices of the past makes you the victor by default, you can do that without my participation.
I mean, we they also took 1 in 3 native kids from their family, and brought them to a Christian school to be taught to be white. Violence and sexual abuse was pretty rampant, with 1 in 25 kids dying.
You really have conflict with them still? Wtf?
I'm half native and I'm always rolling my eyes when people, who clearly haven't lived around natives, try to talk about how rich native culture is and how we're 'good people'. White liberals are the worst.
Ok cool man. Sorry simple history triggers you so much.
wasn't sure whether to say we or they.
omg man
well, the residential school thing is a blight on our country. it is "our" responsibility in the exact same way some Sup Forums people think white culture is theirs because they are white.
Northern NB natives can be pretty cute, at least the ones that leave the reserve
There are some really hot native chicks but they seem really racist probably why theyre so inbred/pure.
your illiterate
sure man.
I feel your pain my man
>tfw Hamilton
when I was in Edmonton I was trying to be a nice guy to one that lived in the same builing as me . I made the mistake of asking him what tribe he was from and I never felt more uncomfortable in my life he just didn't respond he just stared at me . back when I was 19 I was one of those dumb liberals we all hate so much here . the story of what happened in Saskatoon and what happened in Edmonton at my apartment complex changed me I was only trying to be nice to them but they hated me for it .
I've fucked a couple dozen squaws at least, lost my virginity to one back in the 90s but other than their slut women they are wastes of skin totally worthless
Proves that you can't teach people to be white. Civilization is genetic.
It's why I hate dealing with liberals, and why so many don't know what to say when I don't conform to the 'I hate the White Man' stereotype. They're just as racist as everyone else but in a different, insidious way. It's also incredibly condescending how they look on you like some kind of 'example', like your life was just so soul crushingly hard that you must be a saint since liberals equate suffering with goodness. My life sucked, sure, it still sucks, but I'm hardly an example for anyone other than having an immense amount of patience and trying to put my race behind me.
A lot of natives are also pieces of shit. Totally racist, drunks, addicts, welfare queens, and I didn't even live on a reserve. I lived in a town that has a good amount of Whites and other races in it, despite it being so far north. I pity anyone who has to live near them, as some can be pretty cool but a lot aren't worth the snow they're pissing on. There's a good reason why people hate natives, liberals just refuse to see anything beyond their own racist image of the 'noble savage'.
Why is your writing so bad?
Get used to it. Native is the fastest growing demographic in Saskatchewan.
Will be native majority in the future.
The idea of a "ceremonial" blade is part of bringing a feudal warrior culture into modernity. The orginal edics say battle sharpened blade that no shorter than 9 inches in length. It gets scarier when you read the scripts instructing Sikhs that sword, guns and projectile weapsons are the foundation of their faith and to keep them as close as the limbs of their body
Canada has a serious drinking problem. I don't know who voted for Weedman because when I was there it was basically cold Australia, full of fat shirtless goons who liked morning drinking and bad haircuts.
Didn't see many natives but the one thing they had differently to regular Canadians is that they weren't as fat and less mullets. Honestly everyone looked like a truck driver.
I have always found that the love white liberals have for minorities is similar to the old white mans burden . always making excuses for black crime for example saying they always need a leg up and so on the best example of this is vid related its a strange type of condescending coddling
>england accusing canada of having a drinking problem
Sihk are based as fuck imo, every one I have met have been polite, smart and surprisingly as right wing as I am
I am from Northern Ireland
You probably visited Newfoundland or Nova Scotia, where everybody's a drunk backwards redneck madman like the Australians.
Pretty much what I mean. They think that the poor, dumb brown people can't do anything by themselves. The funny thing is that one person tried to call me out for being racist against natives but didn't know I'm native and giving her an account from an insider. Naturally she didn't know what to say, since she thought that natives can't be racist, especially against their 'own kind'.
Aka one of england's colonies
>They think that the poor, dumb brown people can't do anything by themselves
god I wish there were more non white people that could see this . I think 90% of all non whites would unite with conservatives and republicans if they would only understand this .
that is strangely comforting of all non white people I feel the most at ease with Sikhs honorary whites to me man
Its something that helps them, like the race card for black people, it will never be given up voluntarily
don't mix with Natives, look how that turned out in Latin America.
I'm status native and we are the worst fucking people in Canada.
Don't like the European way of life? Go back to living a tent and shut the fuck up. I've cut half of my family out of my life because I just can't stand to listen to them bitch all the time about trivial things that haven't mattered in 100 years.
They're 10000 years of development behind the rest of the world, even niggers.
It's amazing they're as contained as they are and not robbing people on the streets of Toronto 24/7
Disgusting exiled Irish and Scottish trash bring their criminal degenerate life style to canada, and ruin the natives tribes
>fucking drunk squaw
STFU white trash manlet
They lived fine till your sorry white asses showed up.
You white canadians were 100 years behind USA and Europe in technology and civilization.
You had government run native kid rape factories called "residential schools" until the 1980s
I'd fist fight any of you loud mouth fucks in person.
Shut your mouth white trash boy.
You leafs are an insult to the white race.
Natives are based as fuck.
Not like you criminal drug addict white trash.
Fucking scum of the whites
>I'm status native and we are the worst fucking people in Canada.
As if any of us needed a redass to confirm that for us
How bad does your life have to suck that you carry around a bag of shit in case a leaf drives by.
I don't deal with a lot of my family because most of the racism I've experienced in my life was from natives and my own family. Basically the way things work is that I'm native when they like me, White when they don't.
And then there's this guy. Residential schools were a bad thing, but I certainly hope you're not the kind of White person who, despite having nothing to do with it, will apologize any chance you get to alleviate your White Guilt.
> Basically the way things work is that I'm native when they like me, White when they don't.
This also. I hope a little piece of them dies every time I pay for a hunting or fishing licence instead of using my "Native Rights".
Fuck these white trash canadians
They are janky fucked up looking trash people.
Like I see canadians and think "white trash"
They're fucking losers.
Who are they to talk shit about anyone?
I'm sick of it.
Fuck these loud mouth ugly stupid cunt leafs.
Fucking white trash. White. Trash.
God I hate white trash.
reads like youre not the brightest bulb either hombre
Eastern natives aren't as bad for some reason.
It's also why if I do have kids I never want to have them with a native woman. Rather be with a White woman and not talk about my heritage unless they ask.
Tell him you saw Dances with Wolves 20 times..!
And that squaws make the best whores. They can do more tricks than a squirrel in 300 feet of Pine..
>Lived in Manitoba for a year
>Got in more fights that year than the rest of my life so far
I actually liked living in Manitoba (outside of Winnipeg) despite that.
Yea they are based and want best for the country they live in, I give them that.
They voted brexit as much native brits (per capita) - its good to know who has your back with all the race baiting that goes on in the media.
In Canada right now, can confirm this. There are so many weird depressed drunks here, it's a strange vibe. I feel like I'm an extra in some sort of sad movie about a lad growing up in a shit household where everyone drinks and cries a lot and nothing good ever happens.
>Look what the white man has done.
brought them clothes and a good time?
>i didn't do nothing wrong!
>yes you did. you woke up this morning!
>brought them clothes and a good time?
Natives weren't like the nig nogs, they were NICE. They taught Cartier's party how to cure scurvy. What did blacks ever do for whites or anybody?
That said, I have met a lot of screwed up native, but in this case, they were screwed up, by the residential system, and it might be too late to put them back together again.
kek, 'residential schools' are only about 10% of the natives' problems mate. But it's so convenient an excuse that 'traumatized natives' pass on their trauma to their children and grandchildren through shit parenting so we can stretch it long after the original victims died of old age. Whatever.
Main problems of the native:
1: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
2: Deeply attached to animist social values that are useless and irrelevant in a secular welfare state
3: Hereditary chieftains who lack any sort of governing skills that supplement their gib-income with Indian Affairs graft and corruption
4: Appalachian methhead levels of rural poverty
The economy is complete shit, we get nothing from our natural resources because we give the shit away for free for (((globalism))). Nestle pays $3.79 or some shit for 1 million litres of fresh water then sells it to California for $40M USD. Canada gets literally 4 nothingbux. We have no real refining capacity, so we have to sell our heavy crude for almost nothing, have it refined into gas/diesel/jet fuel in Texas, then sold back to us because we're such cucks.
A report came out that Canada will run deficits until 2051-2052. Fucking deficits. The total debt will go from $1.5T to $2-3T like Japan.
We import 600-700k 3rd world shitskins a year for a population of 35m, 10m+ of which are non-white.
You can now legally rape animals in Canada.
If you don't address someone by their preferred pronouns you can get sued for all your assets and go to jail.
Kids are getting gender reassignment surgery at age 5.
Ontario's elementary school curriculum was written by a convicted pedophile and teaches kindergartners that anal sex is fun.
Pedophiles usually don't get jail sentences and most people believe pedophilia is a sexual preference and not a mental illness.
If someone breaks into your house and rapes your wife, and you kill him, you go to jail for life. You have to call the police and let the rapist finish.
A White Doctor set up a scholarship for straight Caucasions. An Ontario judge ruled no, anyone can apply and minorities should be given preference. White Doctor's will had poison pill in it and cancelled the scholarship if modified.
Our prime minister is a drama teacher / snowboarding instructor.
Our tax-payer funded SJW national broadcaster openly advocates for White, Heterosexual genocide: youtube.com
We have the largest housing bubble in the history of the world (with the exception of Japan in the 80s). A $100k bungalow now costs $600k-$3M.
Yea, Ive looked into Sikhism in depth and can confirm they defo are not a threat to western civilisation.
The core of their tradition is based on good values.
Natives were better than niggers, no doubt, but they still had nothing going on in terms of progress. The natives today are arguably living better than they ever did in the past, given Canada's health care and educational system. Before white people, they died in their 40s and lived shitty lives. Shocking to hear, but they're better off drunk with white people than sober and facing an early grave because their nigger asses never even figured out germ theory.