How mad do you think Obama was after Trumps masterful speech last night?

How mad do you think Obama was after Trumps masterful speech last night?

He was probably high off walnut sauce, let's stop pretending.

Obama either has no idea what he's doing or he knows exactly what he's doing.

>felt the heat
>placed another $50,000 order for hot dogs

He laughed at the drain the swamp bit I'm sure, considering who is in Trumps cabinet.

You will never live in the city.

You will never meet diverse people.

You will never experience mind-opening and meaningful friendships.

You will never live life the way it was meant to be lived or discover new things.

You will never produce anything of value.

You will never understand why people voted for Hillary.

You will never learn anything interesting.

You will never be respected by any relevant people.

You will always be a rural and suburban retard.

post trumps speech please.

You will always be a worthless leaf.



>we'll repeal obamacare and replace it with something even better
>we'll make health insurance more accessible by giving tax credit, so if you make a lot of money it will be easier for you to get insured. if you don't make a lot of money you'll just have to make more if you don't want to die from common cold.


Lot of assumptions, you're wrong on all of them faggot

>the bar is so low that americans will praise their president for simply not sounding like a lunatic


why are leaf posters so hateful of anyone not living in their 3 cities? I see it a lot. Is it bc they're not smart enough to buy a 3 million dollar one bedroom apartment in one of the world's largest countries?

how the fuck are you from two countries? What happens in them both?

Given that our flags are not currently at half-mast, not mad enough.

He could care less because he just got a 60 million dollar donation for a book with his wife. -and I'm calling it a donation because who the fuck gives it all up front without seeing the first month or two profits?

On all counts you're wrong sir. There's plenty of ex-liberals and rich people here who have done all of those and still ended up conservative.

You ask if people here know why people voted for Hillary, but from the looks of it you can't say the same for yourself about Trump voters.

A fool and their money are soon parted.

The Obama's will never have the power and influence that the Clintons had.

>Implying Obama gives a fuck about what we do to this shithole of a country anymore.

obama probably doesnt give a fuck




When trump said he would repeal and replace Obamacare i just pictured obama screaming at his television, "NOOOOOOOOO! My legacy!"

Who specifically?

Fucking beyond rage. Trump fucked his shit up so hard it was beautiful to see.

"We're going to be smart, and tough, and honest, and courageous, not like the past 8 years."

You will always be a chink.

Obama is busy chewing soap.

It's not only in the US. Money and jobs are in cities, and rural people feel that their way of lives are being threatened. They don't know who to blame, so Trump offered them the answer. Immigrants and foreigners. It's not unique, but it was very effective.


I didn't even know that Obama roasted Trump at a WHCD until after the election, kek

Hopefully, but given the dynamics of the deems empty bench in upcoming elections. They will definitely need a figure head to fundraise and tow the party line.

And who better than the nigger who pisses them off the most (the real reason they voted for him)

Did you guys ever stop to think that he might be happy?

One-line writing prompt one-posts are an attempt to turn us into Faceberg. Instead of forming opinions with substantive discussion, an attention span destroying stream of brainless nudges will seek to be "liked."

Why would be be happy having his entire legacy dismantled?

But their way of life is being threatened. What else do you call a 20% reduction in your demographic percentage over the course of 40 years? Spics, niggers, chinks, poo's, and arabs can fuck off.


>You will never live in the city.

Why would I want to? Have you seen the violent crime ridden shit holes our cities have become? I moved out of the city for this very reason!

>You will never meet diverse people.

If your definition of diversity is violent niggers, I don't want to meet any. I have an immigrant wife and that's diverse enough for me.

>You will never experience mind-opening and meaningful friendships.

not if my mind is so open that my brain falls out!

>You will never live life the way it was meant to be lived or discover new things.

My life is interesting enough.

>You will never produce anything of value.

I have a job therefore I produce. Welfare breeders only produce more welfare breeders and increased vilent crime.

>You will never understand why people voted for Hillary.

I'll also never understand why Jimmy the retard picks his nose and eats it.

>You will never learn anything interesting.

I have 5 years of post secondary education under my belt.

>You will never be respected by any relevant people.

As in relevant, are you referring to ghetto dregs and idiotic snow flakes?

>You will always be a rural and suburban retard.

If you say so ...

Lets dispel the fiction that he doesnt know what hes doing