
Why do high IQ outcasts end up being radicalized in places like this?

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hey phoebe, whatsup

Holy hell.

Quick rundown on phoebe?

Once you wake up, its hard to go back to sheep

Because this place is the only place where these people can speak fascist truth unlike the uninformed emotionally appealled pozzed masses

1) Why do you think we're "radicalised"? Yeah most of us support Trump, but that's hardly radical.

2) Sup Forums has always attracted a crowd of mainly college-educated, mainly pretty intelligent, mainly white, mainly male people.

3) Straight white males are exactly the demographic that have been turning to Trump, because we're sick and tired of the constant war against straight white males in the media.

So yeah, hope that explains it.

>tfw no Leslie waif waking you up to lewds every morning

these are shopped, right?
not even Harambe is THAT ugly

We do it for the lulz.

Supporting fascism is only reactionaries. No one wants less freedoms.


>high IQ

Pick one.
I'm here because my gf cheated on me with a black guy because he was more alpha than me

Most blacks actually do not look like apes despite the jokes.



most people have a poor grasp of what the word "average" implies. most people tend to overestimate their qualities for personal gain, status, feeling of self-worth, or all three.
you are likely not as smart as you think you are.

>Why do high IQ outcasts end up being radicalized in places like this?
nobody here is high iq

Hehehehe isn't Italy the highest IQ European country?

She's Kellyanne Conway's age. What'ya want?

Freedom is a false god. Humans are naturally altruistic and good and therefore do not need freedom or democracy. We need fascism to clean the world of homomaniacs and toxoplasmatics

Pretty much this desu. Sorry your ancestors were slaves, but I didn't make them slaves. I don't blame black people for Hitler because they happen to have the same hair color. Don't blame me for all the other stupid shot because I happen to have the same skin color.

i'm not gonna lie, former fascist member here. this is fucking hilarious watching how natsocs crash and burn..but in all seriousness we can't let them get a hold of the degeneracy in our society

I also don't want faggoty leftists trying to take my freedoms. There can be a constitutional fascism.

>tfw to intellgnet too believe it's satires

This is true only for people who have experienced freedom.

Educated not radicalized. We learn about the side of the world we always knew was there but only now have the evidence of its corrupted existence.

Sup Forums doesn't support Trump.

Ever consider anonymous imageboards are just a place for venting about what the majority of white, educated, men think secretly?

To where? Sup Forums? Faggot.


>high IQ

O I am laffin

But we're dumb losers and savages.

But what about all of the JIDF posters? Jews must be pretty high IQ since they control everything and are the best lawyers.

It's pretty hard to deny that a majority of Sup Forums is on average smarter than most people their age. Don't know why so many are denying this.

Is that Mike Harris?

You knew something was wrong before you came to Sup Forums. Sup Forums just gave you the words to express what you already knew was true.


Ur welcome Sup Forumsturd

she looks like that memeball

You must be jerry, HEYYYYYYYYY

because convincing yourself that others are inferior is easier than convincing yourself that you are superior

there is a difference


Because the majority is catered too. We also face repercussion of negative feedback from the majority. Plus they lack anonymity and facts. I prefer not to post in fluff land, but the occasional red-pill is fun.

>tfw to intelligent to become radicalized

Post the black jobs matter pic.

Lots of people made their way to this place before trump even announced, you and the other newfags would do well to remember that.

>not submitting to leftist dogma means you are radicalized.

really make you think

maybe it is not us who are radicalized, but it is you who is. Radicalized average IQ tards you guys are lol.

the stupid posts are really dumb, which makes them noticeable. Also I unironically pretend that I'm retarded sometimes and I don't think I'm the only one doing that

Kek digits dont lie

no friends

>mainly pretty intelligent
not true

>high IQ outcasts
there's no such thing

Those are the dumb jews, though. They get sent to troll here as punishment.

Doze gumz tho



The tests are made to make them feel better.

Damn. The digits really stood up for that too, they really don't lie.

I'm quite surprised that this post has no replies by now, this guy is making an excellent point

foxtrot bravo india

tfw too intelligent to win

Because what is viewed as important here, what is good and what is wrong, is the only thing they know because it's the only sense of community they'd ever belong to.

praise kek


no one comes here and decides they want to go outside.

people don't become radicalized by Sup Forums they come here to find the truth that's been denied to them.

radical free speech is the crucible of ideas. liberals rarely do any sort of self examination or self reflection of their beliefs. when confronted with facts that refute their ideology they shout it down as racist and anybody who disagrees is a Nazi.

I know that Western Culture is the greatest culture ever known. that's something I could never say in public even though the evidence is overwhelming.

>mainly pretty intelligent
Nah, we're all pretty retarded

But why user

>Sup Forums
>high IQ

Why is Sup Forums so self deprecating?

Yea, pol is 90% retarded autists post-wise, and every once and a while you find an intelligent non-main stream opinion.
I read pol for that 10%, and I like the sense of humor.
I don't think people are radicalized by pol, but Sup Forums in general is one of those few places where people can be themselves without repercussion, and usually the only change is that they get more comfortable with pols satirical humor which at face value is vitriolic cancer. Radicals generally become so beforehand as a result of PC social norms, and while they take refuge here, that doesn't mean everyone agrees with them. The only people getting irl hyped by "red pill" bullshit are usually pretty stupid to begin with in my observation.
That being said, you get out what you put in, if you make a good argument you'll get the usual troll faggots posting unfunny trash, a few clever trolls, and one or two of those "high IQ" folks who take the time to really try and convey an intelligible opinion, which is way more than you'd get most other places. If you post trash, you'll just get more trash.
I heavily reject the notion though that pol is any way a bastion of intellectualism, but Sup Forums is in general autism central where faggots come to inflate their sense of self importance and make comparisons of "IQ" when in reality many are just petty contrarians of average intelligence

I am comfortable in guessing that the average IQ here is higher than the general population

That's just a corollary of the fact that most people here are either college educated or attending college (check the advertising page for a demographics breakdown)


Doesn't matter what it was, matters what it is

Yes it does; you're in the minority

Self awareness and shame which allows for honest reflection and the ability to better yourself. Only in a society this degenerate would that be considered deprecating. Dont think. Swipe right. Consume.

A better question is why do the democrats target low IQ people for radicalisation?
It's predatory and they do it because their arguments failed in the 50s when the horrors of leftism were exposed

Sup Forums is the place where smart people go to act stupid.
Reddit is the place where stupid people go to act smart.

When this is all said and done, there will be nowhere on the planet you can hide from us.


nope youre not i do it all the time



Name a single terrorist attack directly inspired by Sup Forums.

This isn't high IQ, the people on here who are (myself included) aren't particularly radical.

David Sonboli read some Sup Forums threads on cripple chan and was in our steam group. Can't think of more desu

I wonder how many people here actually have a PhD.


Most people that post here are maybe a little bit right of center. I know that's TOTALLY RADICAL NAZI in Europe and all but it's just reasonable.

ever wonder why people like Brianna Wu manage to remain something resembling "relevant", despite there being any real reason, when you break it down?

when human beings connect socially, this forms a bond. before the Internet, and the other forms of mass media before it, people mostly only knew people in their tribes and villages and so forth. kings would have influence over their subjects, and generals would have influence over the soldiers in their armies, but aside from that, you didn't see much mass propagation of ideas (memes).

as time went on, more forms of mass media granted more people the power over even more people. Hollywood stars only wield the power they do because they have "affected" the lives of so many through their roles in films and television. television news anchors only have the power they do because they reach millions daily.

before the Internet and places like Sup Forums, anyone who had high IQ but lacked social skills and/or had opinions that were too controversial for normies had no way of connecting with one another. they would often die sad and lonely existences. humans NEED these social connections to others in order to survive; as many here will admit, before they found Sup Forums, they were sad loners. maybe they would go to work, not socialize with anyone, then come home and play video games or something.

but now, we have centralized communication hubs like Sup Forums, which allow us autists and radicals to congregate and share ideas (again: memes). these ideas are processed and filtered through our collective intellect, and only the strongest survive. memes that lack substance die out; memes that resound with us survive.

thus, every time a fucking Brianna Wu thread gets created, she is literally fed a little bit more memetic power. every time her name comes up (and I apologize for bringing her up here, but I had to use someone as an example), somebody "cares" about her more, even if that "caring" is "hatred".

meme magic is real.


>High iq
Anyone unironically on Sup Forums is a fucking idiot.

>Sup Forums
>high IQ

Pick none.

There's only dumb white trash here


This this this

>Being on Sup Forums ironically

No u

>Judging IQ.

Pick one and only one

Thats a huge bitch


>a Brazilian is lecturing ME on the merits of not being a drug addicted subhuman who lives in a hovel
Go back to the jungle, monkey.


I swear, it's always who says the stupidest shit and five others start to repeat it. There's always your retards, especially in this thread.

>Why do high IQ outcasts end up being radicalized in places like this?

It must be the casual calls of genocide with an image of woman's cleavage and Kek, the God of memes.

There was even a scientific study somewhere.