im going to GDC (game dev conference) tomorrow.
any good ideas i should do in the name of kek? i will also be interviewing like a dozen famous tech pricks
im going to GDC (game dev conference) tomorrow.
any good ideas i should do in the name of kek? i will also be interviewing like a dozen famous tech pricks
You could fucking kill yourself. If digits do it for the lulz
The focus on VR and body receptors to render your physical form in the cyber realm and to be able to manipulate parameters such as pain through haptics. I believe this is the future of Gaming.
>Bonnie Ruberg
there's your explanation
that place is SJW central. suggest that the sims should have an option whereby you can report that your sim was raped even if the sex was consensual and get your partner arrested
As a game dev, this pretty much negates the point to even going to GDC
I'm not there to learn fucking pronouns, I'm there to talk to people in the industry and check out what people are working on. If I wanted this horseshit I would've taken a liberal arts major in college.
How the flying fuck are these people even being let into GDC to begin with
Ask them point blank if they would discriminate whites if it meant making the videogame industry more inclusive.
Is that Anita Sarkofagissian on the left?
doubt it
>Hands up, Don't Play! -New EA intro
>How the flying fuck are these people even being let into GDC to begin with
consider, (((how)))
Kikes took over the gaming industry and ruined like everything else.
>that nose
Holy fuck, how could it not be more obvious?
Ask them why horizon zero dawn sucked dick
>dat photoshop
Wtf are people lime you serious, why do you blame every fucking thing on Jews? You must be retarded
The rule of the intolerant minority. Nobody speaks against them moving in with there agenda everywhere so it doesn't stop spreading. The people that go to university and study social justice only get jobs in HR or PR spreading social justice.
>Ok William Shillner
>Quads of Truth Checked
good luck
hope you get the job you are looking for
shut up nog bong
She looks like a retard using that meme
How about we go in set up our own conference, call it 'Triumphant Videogame Conference.' Showcase the work of /ourguys/ and shit all over the cultural marxists. I'd even organize a burn the communist manifesto event.
> if niggers never played then the cops wouldn't make them raise their hands.
They will not Conquer Gaming.
at least 50% of that hashtag are people calling them out on their feefee bullshit.