The 4th Reich

Real talk /pol. If we were going to install the Nazi Regime again how would we do it and starting with what country?


we arent

Some random uninhabited island in the Pacific. Be realistic.

No major western country would go full nazi.

My country desperatly needs National Socialism

I do think if Marine loses and things escalate (which they will) we are looking down the barrell of Hitler 2. Same goes for Germany.

Ya think..

We have the only nazi eagle in the world

we should just annex a god-forsaken piece of land somewhere


Not Germany. You American have no clue how deep the indoctrination runs in Germany especially. They're voting for spd en masse for god's sake

Germany is not America where being an outsider politically is cool

nice, good on you

so basically Syria

the way it started last time, Beer halls


don't reply to me again

Honestly bro if le pen or whatever her name is doesn't win you might at well move to the USA with your family.


Take this Sup Forums tier shit to Sup Forums you absolute monkey.

So Sweden?


no, like this one

ok sorry

That's not a bad idea actually. It would make a great start.

>Real talk /pol. If we were going to install the Nazi Regime again how would we do it and starting with what country?

has to be either america or russia, simply because those are the only two that are sufficiently resilient to outside interference.

if you have any other country go natsoc in the current political climate, america and russia will both rally against it and force a regime change - either by diplomatic and economic pressure, or by straight up invasion.
so the only real options are either russia or america. and both are extremely unlikely.

Do people on here seriously think that national socialism will ever be implemented in a country again?

So what went wrong? All animals are naturally NatSoc but not humans?

The USA is the the best choice


The 4th reich is already in place with the pope

Step 1: Be Norway or Finland
Step 2: You don't create the 4th Reich

Step one: Totally abandon all connections with Germany in WW2 and before. Most of you idiots don't even know what Danzig is or have even read 500 words from Hitler and none of you speak German.

The Nazi movement isn't entirely what you think, you are running off the stereotypes.

Since you aren't interested in half the Nazi demands, how about not alienating everyone by willingly associating with their failed symbolism. Just pick something new and far right.

For starters, fuck socialism and totalitarian regimes. I want a strong future for whites and a better economy but I don't need that other shit.

If you come out of the gate as actual Nazis you will lose no matter what. Focus on achieving your goals and ignoring other aspects of modern life that don't matter.

>user doesn't understand historical patterns
Oh, it's coming. The rise is already happening, all over. Why do you think the Zionist Jews are all losing their minds right now?

Yeah, while the Reich will come again. It won't be called that, due to the massive PR damage the Zionist Jews did to our image for 75 years.

Hitler's socialism worked though. If it weren't for the Zionist bankers, it would have continued to work.
He eradicated poverty.
Hitler's socialism was considerably different than the commonly known Marxist Zionist interpretation of Socialism.

>For starters, fuck socialism and totalitarian regimes. I want a strong future for whites and a better economy but I don't need that other shit.

National Socialism isn't actually Socialism if you had the slightest idea on their economic policies. I swear 90% of all the retard libertarians on this board always try this argument and fail spectacularly.

(((Democacy))) muh freedom to fuck dogs and race mix. People need a totalitarian nationalistic state otherwise they will degenerate and Jews will just infiltrate the system again

If Germany had won WW2 they could have ruled as a confederation of nations like the warsaw pact nations of Russia. Russias communist system was obviously bad which restrained their 'empire' from ever achieving economic success, but at least Russia gave autonomy to the nations it controlled. Germany instead tried to break down and exterminate many of the countries it controlled that it considered 'undesirable', so they ruined their chance of winning WW2 because everyone knew they would be wiped out

>People need a totalitarian nationalistic state otherwise they will degenerate and Jews will just infiltrate the system again
This, Libertarianism is baby's first poltical ideology.

Exuding that three quarters of Europe already had large Fascist parties or were already aligned with Germany. If you truly believe Germany wanted to destroy France,England etc your a brainwashed fool.

Le kill all non blonde hair blue eyes people meme

The first western country that falls.

It would probably have to be Ukraine if you're going for full blown open National Socialism.

This. If it started anywhere but America, we would undoubtedly come to fuck it up. Sorry in advance.

>sorry in advance
You already did it user.

His whole "socialist" plan was racking up massive debt. Mefo bills were warbonds and they would have to be paid back eventually. Look up the Stasserists of you want an idea of what NatSoc economic principles looks like.

Looks like swedens taking one for the team afterall.