What the fuck is he doing?
What the fuck is he doing?
Blessing the attendants of the ceremony.
Kissing muslim on the lips and the ass
Wearing a silly hat
Homosexuality is the norm for catholicucks.
Destroying Catholicism. Benedict should have stayed, even if he looked like Palpatine
Doing his work for Satan
Being an anti-pope.
seeking reddit upvotes
Do any practicing catholics like that guy at this point? Seems like the only people who back this turdburglar are godless leftists who haven't darkened the eaves of a church since the home depot had a 1/2 sale on spray paint.
sedevacantist when?
He's the anti-christ.
He's driving a proud religion that the Crusaders followed into the ground by trying to associate it with liberal filth.
No, even my Parish priest has voiced his distaste.
Yet still God-less leftists hold him in such high esteem despite all he's done to repeal all the anti-paedophilia work of Benedict.
He is disgusting, and should be excommunicated along with all the paedophiles he's pardoned.
There's no such thing. Papal infallibility means that whatever he does is correct. Mud flooding the west is standard operating procedure for the Vatican. People worship dead Jew on a stick because the Roman Catholic church can inflict pain on you, and one of the ways they can punish is to compromise your secular government by promoting lawlessness. After all, you aren't man enough to kill back a wave of misbehaving Jesuits and priests, are you? Nope, you're just a pussy, and they know it.
I don't usually put much stock into conspiracy theories, but the whole "prophecy of the Popes" is starting to look disturbingly accurate. Not naming Francis as the final antichrist pope, but one of the intermediate "lesser popes" who only work to bring the church down after the last good pope Benedict, and before the final Peter the Roman.
We should sell u to France just like the other half of the island
>Papal infallibility means that whatever he does is correct.
I do not think that means what you think it means.
We've beaten you in war, faggot.
Of course, an army of unwashed women and faggots from Revolutionary France did the same, so maybe that is not saying much...
boipussy draught drove him insane
sometimes i wanna off this ride..
Fuck up Peter's church beyond recognition.
Everyone has beaten everyone in wars
>do u even history?
Antichrist thread? Antichrist thread!