You love bombing shit don't you?

you love bombing shit don't you?

The price of freedom





what'cha gonna do about it faggot?

Where's Germany and Japan? We had the most fun bombing them.

Well we have to do something with them.

You messed with us, Canada? Team AMERICA here! USA! USA! USA!

Ya you really freed Libya. Under Gaddafi, the people were so oppressed.

it says since the end of the second world faggot

>implying libya or any other country on this list has a right to exist, let alone not be our target practice

Fuck libya and the barbary pirates.

Shut your fucking leaf mouth or I'll bomb the shit out of you

To many year gaps, we where slacking

A real shame canada isnt anywhere on that list

They should bring back carpet bombing entire regions to shock their enemies into defeat and surrender.

Lol sandniggers aren't people you stupid fucking leaf, go back to blowing your dog

I really hope Canada and Mexico will be on that list soon.

If all the cities are flattened 98% of the liberals and foreigners would die. Sounds good to me when does the bombing begin?

pls Sweden.

t. Finland Second

here's a joke, the holocaust

No point having the damn things if you don't use em.

talk shit get hit