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The memes are real



Where are all the white people?



He should've recorded himself getting beaten up by a mob in front of those cuck cops.

Now that would have been some headline journalism.

What is this cuck 'could've happened' scenario everyone is getting riled up about. Gay shit.


We need someone like Simon this nigger would do anything for a fucking story.

it's just a vlog and he said he wasn't really prepared. He'll probably do it more serious next time.


Simon from vice would run in almost but naked with a potato at Russian tanks. He is just a coward.

I want the sequel to the 60 minutes video. But I'm having serious doubts that it will happen.

His excuse is literally that HE would be INSTIGATING those mudslimes into attacking him. He already said it in this video he just posted.

Yeah, so comment in the video (like he asks) and say you want him to go back and investigate more. Perhaps he won't pussy out the next time, and get some actual material.

Nah senpai I can see the future it will happen like I said it will.


>that fucking beard
Chang, för helvete.

Also, wasn't he going to go night crawling with Chang? What happened to that video?

He totally fucking pussed out.

"We weren't prepared" is a bullshit excuse.

Western civilization is at stake and we have a massive man vagina investigating. God damn. God damn. Someone Pay Simon from vice something he would be in side a Muslims ass right now looking for explosives.

swedish state controlled media is already on the case giga-fucking damagecontrolling

these goddamn fucking cucks


But but the Swedish government said there are no no-go zones

I assume they went nightcrawling and just was a slow night.

Criminals heard that they would be out that night and were on their best behavior.

B-but there are no no-go zones! The police said so!


This guy should be focusing on the real questions, like: Does Finland really exist?


if i was a swedish man i would kill myself out of pure shame for what you allowed to happen to your country

at least the USA has hope of recovery, its pure over in sweden, welcome to fucking africa europa enjoy the rape and hijabs

Why is he interviewing that jew Chang Frick? You americans seems to always pick immigrants and not swedes.

>"He wasn't escorted out"
>Look at vid, police van following them out of the area, for several minutes, to the parking lot
>"No, he wasn't escorted out by police! That's made up!"
Sweden is so far gone, it's incredible...

Perhaps the other european countries should do Sweden a favor and put at least half of their newest migrants on ferries to Sweden. They seem to like to close their eyes towards migration issues anyway. Win-Win for everyone.

Is this a (((journalist))) with an agenda or are there really no go zones in Sweden?

Rinkeby in 1992 :)

It's the politicians dumbfuck!

What's even more infuriating is that they know everyone knows what's going on but still keep up the pretense that everything is okay there

>A zone where police supposedly don't go
>Getting police escort out of zone

Plz explain this to me.

What's he saying in the first vid?

The police are essentially acting as border patrol for the no go zone. It really isn't that hard to understand you fucking sperg.

(((they))) don't want Americans to see it.

A literaly invasion of Sweden.


God I love it what is happening in Sweden. I hope every Swedish woman gets raped by a muslim because thats what those colonialist fascists deserve.

how is this a "no go zone"
no go zone where you can film shit with expensive cameras and where police patrol ?

press + police + people shopping in a shitty suburban area

>few muz
>no go zone

all i see is a muslim neighborhood with some kebab big deal

immigration problems at best
if no go zone are area where police need to be carefull then every western country have them

Wan't he kidnapped, slapped around and thrown into a windowless cell for like three days or some shit?

>"Paul Joseph Watson, this right wing Trump supporter...."

>Translated: Hoyrekstremist (literally Rightwing Extremist)


Yeah. France knows a REAL no-go zone when they see one, and over there, it's usually the fucking sidewalk, apparently.

Yes, he is the best. ;_;

I saw lots of white people..whats the big deal?

What happened in that video isn't normal. That's shit you see in Somalian warlord videos where a journalist interviews someone for 5 minutes then gets told a crowd is forming they have to leave or die. This shit does not fucking happen in the West.

Doesn't pretty much everyone in Sweden speak English anyway? How can they get away with it?

Only think more insulting would be if they said he was part of the American main stream media.


shops + people shopping + restaurants + video crew filming with expensive cameras + police

>no go zone
>fox news meme

every fucking western country have violent areas full of criminals because of labour immigration and ghettoïsation

>it's usually the fucking sidewalk, apparently.
Jesus mein sides.

Dude what the fuck are you even talking about. Police vans will slowly patrol set routes. Obviously these guys are just travelling down the exact same path that the cops take on their usual patrols.

>stormfags btfo

more like we know this is bs because there is no fucking no go zones
i dare you name a single area in france where police can't go or where sharriah law is enforced

you can't because it's foxnews bs for retards
every country have troubled neighborhood of some ethnies with high criminality

calling them no go zone implying the police don't go there is nonsense
french police go everywhere even in the worst area even if they struggle they still go and law is enforced

im not saying it's normal just that it's only look like a shitty neighborhood
i dont see any "somalian warlord" there
i see people shopping police etc
more like "immigration consequence"
but where is the no go zone ?

The myth is the only Jews can tell lies like that. Swedes can too but not as cleverly as Jews.

Swedes can be freaky levels of stubborn, to the point that you'd want to fight them but that might not go too well. So you instead try taunting them from a distance and begin to wonder if they really are some strange evolutionary dead end from outer space planted here by aliens to tantalize and interbreed with the human population.

There are always going to be police around, the level at which you excersize caution is the determination at this point. This isn't fucking Robocop where there is complete anarchy in the streets. The U.S. has 'zones' as well, usually these zones determine proper procedure. Here's an example of the escalation.
1 cop can pull over a person and issue a ticket/detain.
1 cop can pull over a person, backup should arrive immediately in order to provide support.
2 cops must be in each cruiser at any given time.
2 cops must be in each cruiser at any given time and backup should arrive immediately when issueing a ticket or detaining.
Each unit must carry basic riot gear.
It's entirely possible that these cops still patrol to make their presence known but know that in a 'shit hits the fan' situation, they need to just bail and cut their losses. Ask yourself this question, if it had been a group of 'refugees' roaming around together would the cops have said anything or just been on their way? Let me re-iterate. It is entirely possible that the police are acting solely as 'security' at this point rather than actively policing the area. Malls have mall cops but do they actually do anything?

The part where the cop said people are getting ready to attack you for just being there? I live in NYC with some extremely shitty nigger filled areas never has a cop came up to me and said you better get outta here or you'll die or whatever.

everybody here is laughing at your mainstream medias "no go zone" meme burger
even our mainstream media are making jokes about your informations channels being full of errors and propaganda
we even had special tv shows and web comedy pointing out the insane amount of incorrect and false informations about France in US news broadcast

The truth about no go zones

stop it amerifags

What else do we get wrong besides no go zones?

we seen the videos user your not fooling anyone

God youre retarded. Scandinavia used to be the most safe place on the planet. The definition of a no-go zone over there is different from your crime ridden shithole.

nice fake news you got there baguette

Apparently reality as a whole. There are photos and videos out there of how out of hand this shit is.

2 shekels have been deposited in your account wang lu you can shut off the proxy and get back to your ramen now.

pizza shop in background, near no go for trafficking convenience?

fucking facist scum

Looks a lot like the place that 60 Minutes crew got assaulted.

the sharria law zone and supposed islamic invasion
>pure bullshit

the actual truth :
some suburbs around Paris and other important cities have high criminality
that's it

They're for the more part immigrant from africa (north and south africa so arabs and blacks)

They're here as economical slaves to do the dirty jobs white people don't want like everywhere else in the western world
like what the brits do with the paki or the germans with the turkish

Everything is fine
they lie to you

The lefty hipster king!

Hail Simon!

it is:

yeah sure mate show me french no go zone im very curious also tell me where i can't walk in Paris at any time of the day with my girlfriend im also waiting

Guess I should start getting my news from John Oliver too, lul.

>pic related
It's you in a nutshell right now.

the muslim with the white chick living with him is lying to us?


Im currently in a rich area of Paris wich is the best looking city of all and the number 1 touristic destination worldwide for that reason

Where is the crime please ?

It's currently 3am here and I can go for a walk in the entire city with my pockets full of money my smartphone and gf whenever and wherever i want

Honestly Vice was just mostly made up of hipsters with a death wish, guys running in with Trigger warning glasses and polo shorts. Trying to interrogate Russian special operations. It was one of the best things on the internet and pol for a while. Then you would have a bunch of Russians shilling they had no troops in Ukraine or a troll just fucking with someone and you could up load a video of a hipster almost getting shot in the face.

Ahmed we all know you can go into your own zone, we're talking about white people.

Please just end yourself, cuck.

>Pizza & Kebab

Listen you brainwashed burger
not only this is true but it's mainstream media gentle kinda gay humor about it
nothing compared to all the fun and jokes we had online at the time about it

no go zone in Paris kek
Barbes or any area of the 18 is a no go zone
kek kek

Im not talking for the rest of europe
but in France we never had any kind of no go zone ever

Criminal suburbs with some heat and struggle for the police ? yes
no go zones ? shariah law ? no
inside Paris ? kek

It's a hilarious clip.

One of our crazy politicians (Birgit Friggebo) says that everyone should stand up and sing "We shall overcome". (There had been some riots in Rinkeby and the Swedish "president" Cuck Bildt and some other politicians went there.)

All the Achmed's deserve a neckshot tbqh. Always the gibs.

Things are not ok. Especially if we look 20-30 years ahead. Going to be like South Africa, but with muslims...

Somehow the jobs the natives did for years are now no longer able to be done? You don't actually believe that. You know damn well they just don't want to work for such terrible wages that have come with boatloads of gypsies and immigrants willing to work illegally for much less and supplement their income with government welfare and crimes.

These places aren't "Muslim zones" or "sharia zones" but they're consistently filled with people of a unique background that have segregated themselves from the rest of the local area and impose their social beliefs onto others. You get any fundamentals in large numbers and they're going to end up being violent against those they see as imposters. These people consider the nationals of the country they're in to be the enemy.

What was mentioned in the video is how police can't arrest one because there will be 50 in an instant. This is the same thing for many violent placed around the world where the police can't police because crowds of dangerous people who want to hurt them form. It was a problem in the US before but because of media sensationalism every time police do anything to minorities they get crowded. If police shoot someone they need riot squads to disperse the crowds of "protesters". The police aren't able to handle these situations and it leads to the "no go zone".


im not saying we are doing great or everything is ok
im saying there is no "no go zone in France"
and there is no sharriah law areas even in the worst suburbs

dude I've seen your women stand trying to stand up to no go zone in france and get chased out

your women are more manly than you

>im saying there is no "no go zone in France"
>and there is no sharriah law areas even in the worst suburbs

i live in the wealthiest area of the center of Paris
the square metter in my building is between 13 000€ and 17 000€
and im white
try again

Still not a black pill.

Election 2018 could go well and if SD doesn't fuck up or cuck out we could demuzziefy over time. The momentum is behind us but things are very dark right now.

im just giving you the facts
if you want to keep believing in your medias i really don't give a fuck

Just know that from here it really sounds like you are insecure and actually want to convince yourself about fake shit so much... it's embarassing for you

My sides.
My sides.

Jag minns sverige som det var förr, även som en fattig "blatte blanding" som föddes i norrköpings "ghetto" 1989.

Sverige kommer aldrig bli sig självt igen.

¿you see the entire video?, the guy was in the frontier. not inside the area balls deep. he cant even reach 500m.

I'm not even getting it from US news it was straight from your women

I had a cop tell that to my friend and I in Memphis. In 1997 we were there for the Liberty Bowl. Wemhad been down Beale Street and started looking for a convenience store. We got turned around and a couple of cops drove up on us. They told us to go back to the hotel because the next street over was basically a DMZ and they only go in with backup.

>Everything is fine

you literally just meme'd your whole shitty statement into invalidation

nice work

>Getting BTFO by Sweden
Damn man, pic related.

Neger som dig har förstört landet. Enda lösningen är att gå full 1488.

I don't think you are being honest.