White European Civilization Thread

Hail be to our glorious forefathers of ivory skin, bringing death and civilization to the wild niggers of the deserts and forests.

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What am I looking at?



palazzo valguarnera gangi in palermo, italy

She's beautiful.





If you guys can, please post these at least once a day.

europ thread?
europa thred?




Yes brother.


Another one of Hohenzollern. Just beautiful.

Incredible. Much appreciation.



If you're European and EVRRRRRRROOOOPA doesn't get you emotional and in love, you're sick!



Imagine walking these halls, knowing they're more than 2000 years old

I have nothing to contribute, but I am enjoying this thread.




Just beautiful. Look at that craftsmanship.





Demographic poll

From Athens, Moscow, Madrid Europe has developed itself and defended itself from all invaders, the land itself rose up in self preservation against the Mongolian invasions and it will rise again.



Also here

The Rhodos colossus must have been an incredible site.







we need more comfy threads like this

I have. Twice. A good feeling to be honest.

The photograph

Wonder how many men died building that thing.


Newport, RI has some pretty god tier mansions desu. New England was a bastion for carrying over some of the grandeur of European architecture when we came here. Then Jews took over and we have plastic mcmansions


And the 700 year old painting.

Nice. Walking the pantheon is definitely on my bucket list.

European luxury is best luxury.


I love this thread.




I hope to make at least one of these everyday.

It's too much WE WUZ KANGZ for my taste right now.

Whites need to remember their greatness.

Personal shitty Xperia Z pic. The place is just wonderful too. Rome is a must see city imo.

We must save our nations and cultures, user. I'm in tears from this.

How should Europe be re-divided to fix its problems?


Yes, 3000 years ago we also lived out on Lake Constance.

Fuck water front.




I have German and French ancestry. I've never been to the homeland before, but I want to go badly. Before all the castles, architecture, art, and culture are lost to time and sand niggers.


Come home white man.


I've been to Rome in 92 but I was 6 years old. Cannot remember too much except for the great stairs.

I saved that picture and intend to post it in coming threads. Thank you.

like this

recently fully embraced he glory of our motherland and catching up on what Ive missed.

doing gods work user

Thanks for making this. I wish I knew the names of these things, but I figure I can learn.

So would Hitler have supported the European Union?

Iron pill is best pill

In case you don't know AD stands for Anno Domini.

Here's some gothic German plate armor from the Holy Roman Empire.

you germanics just copied and paste everything from roman and greeks

you germanics pigs got some civ in 500 AD then full in 1500 AD

fuck you,pig, its not your civ


Love for detail and incredible concentration and craftsmanship.

Look at this one.

In these times, slaves and uneducated field Romans were so astounded by their detail and liveliness they had stories about the statues being people turned into Marble by magic.

A shame I lost that phone and Google only backed up a 2.4 mp copy. Original was 15.5... Shite man.

Is there a chronological compilation of them anywhere?




Ludwig Woltmann (born 18 February 1871 in Solingen; died 30 January 1907) was a German anthropologist, zoologist and Marxist theoretician.

Ludwig Woltmann falls in the spiritual and ideological history of the 20th century with the racial theorists Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, in particular in terms of his racial theoretical thought. His ideas were mainly published by the journal Political-Anthropological Review (1902-1907) and in the book Political Anthropology written in 1903.


1903: Are the Goths under assumed in Italy?
1905: The Germans and the Renaissance in Italy
1905: Marxism and race theory
1905: Recent literature on racial theory
1906 : For the German question in the Italian Renaissance[1]
1906: The Germans in Spain
1907: The Germans in France. A study on the influence of the Germanic race on the history and culture of France

Yes, but not the current European union controlled by unseen forces nor would there be any force against any European nation.

God bless you OP.


Roman architecture, Greek architecture

And look at what glory our white European forefathers left us.

I know. Doesn't change the fact that you posted an African Hut from ca 1100 ad and I posted german Pfahlbauten, from 1100bc

Pictures of buildings and sculpture are nice and all, but the history is much more interesting.