I've read the ashakic records

I've read the ashakic records
Ask me literally anything


get out

Ww3 ?

When does Soros die? Do his sons take over effectively?

What am I thinking right now?

Why do you keep posting, t*rk?

>ashakic records
Which is?


Think reading from the library of god, if I understand it correctly.

>ashakic records
what the fuck are the ashakic records

What will you do once you are banned for off-topic shitposting?

Very important here: Where do we find the elder scroll to banish commie posters from Sup Forums? Are they in the records? Can you provide?

I can. But give a man a fish..

Why do they worship the sun

Me too. Ask me anything.

>ashkenazic records

(((ashakic))) records. If it looks Jewish and sounds Jewish...its Jewish.

is pic related real?

Who are the nine unknown men?

How are you sure you are not reading the past possible database instead of the past actualized database.

Protip: You can't be


KEK wills it!

No, pic related got it wrong. In a way we are the aliens, humanity is basically automated robots of the whole to create and destroy existence once times comes to.

tell me about pythagoras

He was a humble man.

What are the stocks I could buy now and sell a week from now which would generate the most return?

hey this is interesting, whwre did you learn that humans are automymous harbringers of the Whole's destruction from?

Did you meet the recordkeepers?

see flag ages


Basically the full life records of every person. Peering into the record of someone that is still living or hasn't been dead long enough is apparently a bad idea, though.

tell me about antarctica, whats going on there?

also how to