Niggers in america

I came to Baltimore yesterday. What the fuck? I read americans saying all the time how other countries are black, yet more than 50% of the people I see here are black.

I'm from Brazil, and even there we don't have this many niggers. Have I been lied to all this time? Is this why Trump won; because this is getting out of control?

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Trump won because of a good campaign and a shitty dem campaign. Not much to do with how many black people their are in Baltimore


You are in an area with a high density of blacks.

Thats like me going to the most remote unexplored jungle in Brazil and asking if all Brazilians are like Kuruminha

70% of Baltimore's population is black.

Also, what idiot chooses Baltimore as the foundation of their first trip to America?


Most Americans are some kind of shitskin.

>Is this why Trump won; because this is getting out of control?
yes, basically everywhere is like that now


Why would you go there? Most major cities will be black OP. Blacks don't own homes and live in Government housing which is mostly in cities.

Not even black people like Baltimore. That city is all kinds of fucked up. Any black person who can gets out of there. Too many niggers.

Never go to a city you idiot, but if you have to, use google to see which parts of the city has the least amount of niggers


Must be trolling. Nobody goes to Baltimore for a vacation. Confirmed Bullshit

t. Sadiq Kahn

We're a massive country. If we didn't give out gibs to worthless niggers we wouldn't be at any loss having them. They came here in the first place to be cheap labor, not a liability.

Heres an example, if you dont want to die in Chicago never step out of your vehicle in blue and yellow areas

>going to Baltimore

Are Hispanics really as bad and hard to reason with as blacks? Hard to believe when you only know true Spaniards.

you know how in rio if you enter in the 'wrong street' you ended up in a "favela"? this is the same in usa, but in certain cities like baltimore is even worse

Probably not as bad but still way too bad. They form many gangs and do as much illegal shit as the niggers. Theyre involved in drug trafficking a lot. In LA for examole theres rival Mexican and Black gangs that are trying to ethnically cleanse each other.

Depends on the beaner. There are varieties. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are jungle savages and will stab you for looking at them the wrong way. Central Americans (like Salvadorans) are the worst of the worst. We're talking apocalypto tear your beating heart out tier. Colombians and Peruvians are alright. Mexicans are pretty shit but at least they work hard. I don't live in Mexifornia so my experience with them is limited. You gotta give credit where credit is due though because they're infamous for their hatred of niggers. Literally chased them out of entire neighborhoods.

Welcome to Baltimore user, our niggers are a special kind of stupid and violent, stay south of Pratt St and avoid Fed Hill after dark. Niggers hunt in packs

Redpilled Black who lives in MD

Everyone fuck off

Baltimore can be fun. The Inner Harbor is nice when there aren't any riots. Ft. McHenry is historic. Fells Point has nice bars.

That's a funny way to spell purple.

No. Most are hard working, loyal people. The ones you are thinking about are chicanos aka hispanic niggers.

>Go to nigger ville
>See niggers
>Woow what the fuck
Are you DSP's Brazilian cousin?

there are 36 Million black people in america, out of a total of 350Million people.

so yeah, they are everywhere

All cities are overrun with niggers because of proximity to gimmie dats.

Real Red Pilled Blacks go back to Africa

Baltimore is a very black city. It's not the average.


hes shilling

this thread is bait

The only places I have been in the US were baltimore and detroit. Since then I always assume all american posters are niggers.

Isn't that the shithole from the wire? did you see McNulty? or the guy with the duck?

Lonely night, JIDF?

D&C doesn't work anymore.

If you're referring to mexians, (hispanic is not an ethnicity) then no, but they still need to go back. They're still considerably less intelligent and over half I've met are drug dealers or gangbangers.

Stefan Molyneux admits to being jewish

Stefan Molyneux runs a cult where he convinces vulnerable people who had a decent childhood that they were abused by their parents

Here's what happens when you give Stefan Molyneux money but not as much money as he wants

Stefan Molyneux Claims 'No War from 1815-1914 in Western Europe'

Stefan Molyneux and defoo, defined (ignore the libertarian claptrap)

Stefan debates Stefan on whether or not concepts exist and contradicts himself left and right

Stefan Molyneux: "Fuck physics, make iPhones."

Stefan Molyneux: "Nothing I say is original"

Stefan Molyneux tells followers to cut off all family that disagrees with his ideology

Stefan Molyneux believes the world needs his show for its survival

forgives his mother by not killing her
caims he doesn't think about his mother any more

initiates force, proving all of his moral arguments invalid

Lied To You About DeFOO!

A lot of people in my head are desperate for me to fail

I'll deport you last :^)

>Goes to majority black city

Gee, I didn't know all Brazilians were this retarded, but now, I do!

>Be Brazilian
>Go to shittiest US cities possible

I know that you're on a budget, you monkeyfuckers, but come on now....

my grandmother calls your pic related a "grilled cheese sandwich"
>a nigger with dyed blonde hair

im from new jersey, lived around niggers all my life. moved to md recently.

baltimore is a special kind of nigger. laziest motherfuckers ive ever seen in my damn life

anyone know the story behind this

>I came to Baltimore yesterday
go to Maine for a day or two and tell me what you see